教师常规用语 (2).doc

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1、教师常规用语Expressions During Class1、 打招呼 Greetings 开始上课时,可以用这些话向全班问好,或进行适当的寒暄。1) Good morning / afternoon, class. 同学们,早上/下午好。2) Good morning / afternoon, everybody. 大家早上/下午好。3) Good morning, boys and girls. 同学们,上午好。4) Good afternoon, children. 孩子们,下午好。5) How are you all today? 你们今天都好吗?6) Are you all wel

2、l this morning? 今天早上大家都好吗? 打过招呼之后,可以再聊两句。7) Well, did you have a good weekend? 周末过得愉快吗?8) Well, did you enjoy the holiday? 节日愉快吗?9) Well, what did you do yesterday evening? 昨天晚上你怎么过的?10)Tell me what you did at the weekend? 告诉我周末过的怎么样? 谈谈学生的衣着发型。11)Oh, youve got a new dress on. Its very nice. 哦,你穿了件新

3、衣服,真漂亮。12)Oh, youve got a new hair style. 哦,你做了个新发型。 2、考勤 Checking attendance点名 Calling the roll正式上课之前,教师要对全班同学进行点名。13)Right! Im going to call the roll. 好,我现在点名。14)OK! Listen while I call your names. 好,点名。15)Quite now, please. Listen while I see if youre all here. Li Hai. 请安静,现在点名。李海。16)Here! 到!17)N

4、ow! Ill take the register. 好,现在我把注册表拿走。18)Whos on duty today? / Whos helping this morning / today? 今天谁值日?19)Try to be on time. 请尽量准时。20)Dont be late next time. 下次别迟到了。21)Go back to your seat, please. 请回到座位上。问缺席情况 Asking about absence 如果教师想要知道学生是否全部到齐,可以用下列句子进行询问。22)Now! Lets see whos absent. 现在让我们看看

5、谁缺席了。23)Right! Lets see if anyones away. 好的,让我们瞧瞧是否有人离开了。24)Is anybody absent? 有人缺席吗?25)Is anyone / anybody away? 有人缺席吗?26)Whos absent / away? 谁缺席了?27)Is everybody here? 所有人都在这儿吗?/ 全到齐了吗?谈缺勤原因 Talking about absent 学生不在教室,教师应该知道原因,并需要知道学生何时能返校。28)Wheres Wang Hai? 王海在哪儿?29)Does anyone know where Li is

6、? 有人知道李在哪儿了?30)Can anyone tell me where Liu has gone? 谁能告诉我刘去哪儿了?31)Who knows when he will be back? 谁知道他什么时候回来?32)Han Mei is ill today, isnt she? 韩梅今天生病了,是吗? 关照病愈者 Looking after patients学生病了,老师要表示同情,并尽可能在学业上对学生进行帮助。33)You were absent for three lessons last week. 上个星期你缺了三节课。34)Did you catch a cold? 你

7、是感冒了吗?35)Oh, Im sorry. 哦,真遗憾。36)Youll catch up, wont you? 你会赶上来的,对对?37)Dont worry. 别担心。38)Youve been absent for days, havent you? 你已经缺了几天的课,是吗?39)You were away last lesson, werent you? 上节课你没来,是吗?40)What was the matter? 出了什么事?41)Why were you away? 你为什么离开?42)Are you a little better? 你好一点了吗?43)How are

8、you feeling now? 现在感觉如何?44)Do you feel better? 感觉好点了吗?45)Well ,Jane, ask your friends to help you. 简,让你的朋友老帮你。46)OK, youd better ask your neighbor to tell you what weve done. 你最好问问你的同桌我们已经做了什么。47)Come and see me after the lesson, OK? 课后到我这儿来一下,好吗?3、关照新生 Looking after new students 新生刚进入你班或你校,教师应多给一份关

9、爱,以便新生能尽快适应新的环境。48)Oh, are you new? 哦,你是新来的吗?49)OK, are you a pupil? 哦, 你是小学生吗?50)You have just come to this class / school, havent you? 你刚来到这个班 / 学校, 是吗?51)Where do you come from? 你从哪儿来?52)Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?53) Do you like this school? 你喜欢这个学校吗?54)Welcome to our class. 欢迎你到我们班上来。4、上课开始 Class

10、beginning上课开始,学生起立,坐下,并翻到所要复习的内容或新的内容。55)Stand up. 起立!56)Sit down. 坐下!57)Now lets begin. 现在开始上课。58)Its time for class. 该上课了。59)Open your books. Turn to page five. 打开书,翻到低五页。60) Turn to the next page. 翻到下一页。61)Now turn back to page five. 现在翻回第五页。62)No talking, please. 请不要说话了。63)Be quiet. / Silent, pl

11、ease. 请安静。64)Listen carefully. 注意听。5、在课堂上 During the class 在课堂上,老师可以用以下的句子进行指挥指导或解释说明学生也可以提出一些问题或要求。65)Read after me. (请)跟我读。66)Look at your books. (请) 看书。67)Look at the blackboard. (请)看黑板。68)Do you understand? 懂了吗?69)Is that clear? 明白了吗?70)Read slowly / clearly. 念慢/ 清楚些。71)Louder please. / Speak lo

12、uder. 大声点。72)Answer my questions. 请回答我的问题。73)All right. / Thats right. 行 / 对74) Good. 好。75)Very good. 很好。76)What does it mean? 这是什么意思?77)Look at the picture and say something about it./ Now lets talk about this picture. 请看图说话。78)Say it in English. 用英语说。79)Who will answer this question? 谁来回答这个问题?80)W

13、ill you try? 你来试试好吗?81)Just try. 试试看。82)Come to the blackboard. 到黑板前面来。83)Go back to your seat. 回到你的座位上去吧。84)Get ready for dictation. 准备听写。85)Now lets have dictation. 现在听写。86)Put down your pens. 把笔放下。87)Hand in your exercise books. 把练习本交上来。88)Lets have a break. 休息一会儿。89)Stop laughing. 别笑了。90)Take ou

14、t your textbooks. 请把课本拿出来。91)Close your books. 把书合上。92)Put your hand (hands) up. 请举手。93)This way, please. 请走这边。94)Here you are. 给你。95)Whos on duty today? 今天谁值日?96)OK. 好 / 可以 / 不错。97) Read the new words. 读生词。98)Read after me, please. 请跟我读。99)Listen to me, please. 请跟我读。100) Spell he word “student”. 请拼

15、出student这个词。101)Is it correct? 对吗?102)Say it again. 再说一遍。103)Read the first paragraph. 读第一段。104)Stop here. 在这儿停下。105)What is the English for “革命”? “革命”用英语怎么说?106)Think it over. 考虑一下。107)May I ask a question? 我可以提个问题吗?108)Yes, certainly. 当然可以。109)Answer my question, please. 请回答我的问题。110)Who can answer this question? 谁能回答这个问题?111)Let me try. 让我试试。


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