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1、初三英语考前辅导 一、听力:试卷一到手,迅速浏览听力测试题,看准题型与要求,带着问题去听录音,听录音时要特别注意数字、时间、年代等。听对话与短文时要做简短的记录(关键词)。听清、听全整个对话或短文,注意干扰项。例:When will the football match star? (C)A. After supper. B. Right now. C. At 2:00 next morning.W: Shall we go out for a walk after supper, Daddy?M: Sorry, Susan! Ill sleep right now and then watc

2、h a wonderful World Cup football match at 2:00 next morning.听力题解题技巧以平稳的心态去做听力题。先在卷面上用的形式选出正确答案,待全部听完再正确无误地将答案涂到答题卡上。(1)稳定情绪,边听边记。把 听到的要点用简单的符号记下,不必记全、有时记一二个字母即可。(2)放过枝节,抓住要点。听对话或短文时,遇到听不懂的地方要跳过去,听时要注意获取与选项目有关的信息,或影响文章理解的人名、地名、时间、数据等内容,全面了解短文或对话,抓住其要点。 (3) 关注变化,破解难关。对没有直接告知答案的题日需推理判断。要重视过程的变化,特别是转折连词

3、but连接的上下文。要留意首句(段)或结尾句(段),冈为它们往往是文章内容的中心体现。 二、选择填空单项选择内容涉及语法、词法、惯用法、句型、口语交际等诸多方面,题目比较灵活,覆盖面广。单项选择题解题技巧。(1) 题目要看准看全;(2)全面分析题干,冷静思考选项;(3)找准题目的考点,反复比较。可用直接法、排除法、推理法、常识法、反证法解题。但多数题目都源于课本, 一改过去只考查语法知识的传统。分析起来主要有以下一些特点:1题目重视语境的创设,解答必须首先吃透语境,把握题干的全部信息,进行合埋的推断,作深层的理解,并从词法、语法和惯用法、搭配等角度全方位考虑。如: 例1:-Would you

4、like some tea? -Yes, I prefer tea _ sugar. Ato Bwith Cthan Dfrom2强调在情景对话场合中考查语言知识,许多题目是由对话构成题材,使语言知识的考查更灵活、更生活化。如: 例2:-When shall we meet again? -Make it _ day you like;its all the same to me. Aone Banother C. some Dany解析 选D。这里make it是用来约定时间,从下文智its all the same to me (这对我来说都一样来看,只能选择D any(任何;任意)。 3

5、题目命题时注重干扰和迷惑,通过各种手段考查综合运用语言的能力。如: 例3 The schools in China are different from _. AAmerica schools Bthat of America C. America Dthose in America 解析 选D。考查比较级要在同类事物之间进行比较”和“替代”(the schools用those来代替)。做题时容易受汉语的习惯思维定势的影响误选C,题目的迷惑性很大。4题目的综合性增强,同时考查两个或两个以上的知识点;有些题目设计了两个或两个以上的空格;有些题目虽然只有一个空格,但涉及多个考点。如: 例4:I d

6、ont know if it _ tomorrow. If it _, I wont go. Awill rain;rains Bwill rain;will rain Crams;rains Drains;will rain 解析 选A。这里考查了if引导宾语从句和条件状语从句两种不同的用法。前面一句中的if引导的是宾语从句,由于主句的时态是现在时态,因此宾语从句根据需要用一般将来时,而后一句if引导的条件是状语从句,因主句是一般将来时,从句只能用一般现在时。所以做题时要看清题干,注意常用的语法现象,语言环境和习惯用语,常采用择优法,排除法、比较法、运用逻辑推理法、固定结构判断法。在做题的过

7、程中,务必看清句子的干扰项。1冠词:字母(单词)里以元音开头的,如表示一个(件、只)则用“an” an “f (l,m,n,s,x,a,e,i,o,r,h)” an hour an orange an honest boy an eight-year-old boy an eleven-metre-wide rivera second time (再/又一次) a third chance (又一次机会)字母(单词)中以辅音开头的,如表示一个(件)则用a “u”a useful book a university an unusual day a one-eyed cat2名词: the Gr

8、een family=the Greens (注意谓语动词)classthe elderly/young/old/rich/poor/police/audience e.g. His family are having supper in the dining room now.The Green family has moved to Paris.two months/years 20 dollars (表示、数学运算、重量、金钱、距离、时间、数目等复数名 10 meters 词或短语做主语看作一整体,注意谓语动词用单数)e.g. Two Months has passed since he

9、 came here.the number of a number of (使用谓语动词的区别) 几分之几的 百分之几的most of (谓语动词取决于它们后面所跟的主体名词或代词)e.g. Three fifths of the money is mine.89%students are from cities.About two thirds of the earth is covered with water.A lot of work has been done by her since yesterday.Many a boy enjoys playing football in o

10、ur playground.主语为单数,且后面跟有with, together with, along with, besides, except, like等,谓语动词用单数e.g. The manager, along with his secretary, is going to the meeting room.The worker and writer and所连接的指的是同一个人或事物谓语动词用单数 The worker and the writer and连接的两个单数名词谓语动词用复数名词所有格:Jims two months (two-month) holiday someo

11、ne elses Tom and Jacks room each others others Toms and Jacks rooms Its 15 minutes walk. Spend a two-week holiday Its 15-minute walk. Spend two weeks holiday Its 15 minutes on foot.in a few years (days months weeks) time3代词:注意人称代词的主、宾格、形、名词性物主代词以及不定代词。a) one the other(two three) some othersanotherb)

12、 some, any little, a little few, a few something, nothing anything (可用于肯定句,作“任何东西/人”讲)somebody, nobody, anybody both, all each, none neither, either(注:形容词修饰不定代词位置后置,else修饰疑问代、副词,不定代词位置后置)c) on both sides of the street/river on either side of on every side /all sides of the lake/playground/island/cla

13、ssroomon each side of on the other side of not only but alsod) neithernor eitheror (谓语动词用就近的原则)there be bothand (谓语动词用复数) 4数词:a) 数词的读法 1, 000, 000, 000 billion million thousand一万 ten thousand 一亿 one hundred million 10亿 1 billion b)数词的表达法 概数hundreds of many thousands of 确数 three million several hundr

14、ed(s) of two thousand of the workers c) 分数的表达法:分子用基数,分母用序数,分子大于1,分母的序数词加s,分数后跟名词,谓语动词依据名词形式而定。 d)two and a half days=two days and a halfone or two hours 5动词 a)同义词辨析 take borrowlook forhear hope bring lendfind listen wish (肯、否) mustseebe made of (from in by) have tolookbe used for (by, in, as) sayarrive in/atsteal sth searc



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