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1、1. 补充It is strongly suggested that we_2. 事实上as_ _ _ _, in _whisper3. take up _, bring up _, make up _, pick up_4. 东西方的不同在于_ _从句5. More than a student_, many a boy _6. One hour and a half hours _, 7. get /have /make sb_, get /have / make sth_8. I found the door _/_开着的,关着的9. All of them are not-= _of

2、them are(部分否定10. The agreement will be signed by the managers_.11. When_(reach) sp , we felt excited.12. stop , mean, try, regret, remember, cant help _/_13. It is (not) long _the USA recovers from the crisis.prevent _, forbid_,保护免于被袭击_14. It was in country _he studied _he loved her. 15. It was in c

3、ountry _he visited_he fall in love16. 被空运到某地_17. see sb _/_, see sth _18. have been to sp _/have gone to sp_19. Think_you know _in fact you dont know was-20. They reached _they thought was the right place21. _difficulty we met with, 无论什么样的困难22. The opportunity is _valuable (such , that)23. panic _(过

4、去),optimistic _(adv)24. read some _简化 English stories25. 是可获得的 be _/_26. 方便的_, n _, 假如你方便的话_27. wore much _珠宝, Old English_ of 包含28. The college is an _organized school 官方的29. have difficulty in _区分 one from the other30. 忙于某事_, 忙于做_31. different_途径,with midterm exam_, 32. You must always _ _ _the tr

5、affic 当心33. _ _ _to take care of your health 有道理的34. 相反_ _ _, 重视某事_(_)_ _sth35. 完型,Nobody seemed to care about his _状况36. p 96, He often _ _ in his book 埋头苦读37. volcano _/_ _yesterday sent lots of ash38. The police caught me _(destroy) sth39. If you -, you will _your future (destroy, ruin 40. remain

6、 _/_/It_/剩下的_41. The noise can _you _,驱使你发疯的42. feed sth_喂给, sheep _ _ grass43. concern sb _, concerning _,词性_44. our parents _ _ _our health1. _about his health, we felt nervous (concerning, ed2. many people are on _board (a, the ,/ )3. He _his loyalty忠诚 to the party 宣告4. 对某人道歉_ _sb 名 _5. become /f

7、eel _熟悉的 with sb or sth6. 相同于_, 相似于_, 不同于_7. A and B are different /similar /the same _方面8. P91, One third of computers / equipment_/_9. Either your parents or your sister _10. John , together with his three classmates , _11. together with =_/_以及,放后面12. Five dollars _, 10 hours _. 100 tons _13. It i

8、s you who _(be)-/ Nobody but 14. be to blame for sth_15. Three fourths of the homework _16. Every hour and every minute _17. What you said _ right18. what you need _some workers19. He is one of the students who _20. He is the only one of the students who_21. Collecting stamps _my favourite hobby22.

9、纪念, in_(a , the , / ) memory of 23. p 88 Every means _/ All means _24. furniture _, equipment_, savings _ the surroungs _, the gas works_,the committee_, the public_25. Not only I but also David and Iris_26. p81, we looked forward to _(come) back27. The date we looked forward to _(come)28. The small

10、 path_ _sp was covered with snow通29. tobacco was first grown in _is now part of sp30. The fuller use you make _time (in ,on, of )31. make great contributions _sb or sth32. By next Saturday, he _(go) a month without smo33. He_have finished sth, otherwise, enjoy,不可能34. How much did they _for that (pay

11、, charge)35. who is _ _ _the accident 对负责36. if you _ _me his address yesterday, I _ _him now 假如已经告诉,现在我将/能在37. He would rather that you _(return) now38. _ _ _ _, he doesnt do it 尽管他是聪明的39. Not until -要注意什么_40. It was not until -_41. p76, have great influence _children (for ,on ,to )42. the _car (ru

12、ined, remained, destroyed, damaged)1. he _the meeting came to an end (announced, declared )2. He give us food but asked for nothing_(做回报)3. had _ _占领south-east Asia4. the plan should _ _ _immediately执行5. on December 25th_the birth of Christ, _many events will be held 为了纪念6. in memory of _ / in honou

13、r of _7. the old _8. We found many villagers _(坐着的) on ground9. whom do you want to have _(写) the article10. Could I have a look at the munuu for a few more time? Sure, _(,enjoy yourself, take your time, its my pleasure, never mind )11. The pen _好写12. p71, put everything _ _在恰当的地方13. Hangzhou is famous _West Lake14. The game will be broadcast_. 15. Helen was kinder to her sister, _,of course这件事16. Mary looks hot. So_you if you had a fever17. You forgot your


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