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1、英文个人简历带翻译3篇英文个人简历带翻译一: 自我评价: 本人性格开朗、稳重、有活力,待人热情、真诚。工作认真负责,积极主动,能吃苦耐劳。有较强的组织能力、实际动手能力和团体协作精神,能迅速的适应各种环境,并融合其中。 在校期间任职情况: 1999.92022.6 在班级担任班长职务 2022.92022.6 担任系学生会副主席 2022.92022.6 担任学生会副主席、班级体育委员 2022.9至今 担任班级组织委员 社会实践和实习情况: 1999.112022.6 辅导某初三学生各门功课,在一段时间的辅导、合作中,该学生的各门功课成绩均有提高,深受该生家长的好评。 2022.62022.

2、9 在某某市电影公司实习,负责办公室的日常事务,从事人事和企业行政管理,在实习结束后,各领导给予我极高的评价并给予奖励。 2022.62022.9 在暑假期间,在当地的市政府部门里担任办公室助理职务、处理各项管理事务,协助领导做好管理工作,受到领导们的一致好评和肯定。 2022.42022.8 在某某省工商行政管理局合同处实习。主办“某某省重合同、守信用企业协会”的成立,运用熟练的办公自动化设备,起草及审查各种办公室文件;编排、打印档案;打理办公室日常事务,与其他各单位、部门做好协调,协助本部门领导做好管理工作等。通过自己的努力、认真负责的完成任务,该协会被国家工商总局受予国家优秀信用组织协会

3、。对于实习期间的工作,处长和科长们给予我很高的评价和奖励。 在校期间获奖、成果情况; 20222022学年荣获“三好学生”称号。 20222022学年荣获“优秀共青团员”称号。 2022学年荣获“实习积极分子”称号。 在实习工作中,主办了“某某省重合同,守信用企业协会”,并被国家工商总局评为优秀信用组织协会。 在校足球联赛中获得第二名 获得证书情况: 大学英语四级证书、全国计算机二级证书、秘书中级技能证书、公共关系资格证书、 微软Windows98产品高手、微软Word2022产品高手、微软Office2022办公软件专家等等 主修专业课程: 社会学、逻辑学、行政管理学、人力资源管理学、人力资

4、源管理案例、企业管理学、基础写作、公共关系学、公共计算机学、市政学、毛泽东思想概论、信息管理概论、法学基础、行政法和行政诉讼法、社会心理学、中国政治制度史、大学英语、行政领导和决策学、秘书学、行政生态学、应用写作、机关管理和办公自动化、政治经济学、公共政策学、人际关系学、谈判学、中国历代官制、中国传统礼仪文化、公共管理学、社会调查研究学、行政哲学等 个人专长: 交际、组织、管理、写作、电脑、文学、分析研究、足球、音乐等。管理理论知识结构牢固,能充分并成功的运用于实际中;英语基础知识较扎实、具备一定的听、说、读、写及翻译能力;熟悉计算机网络、熟练掌握办公自动化,对各种硬件安装及各种软件的运用有着

5、丰富的实践操作经验等。 求职意向: 愿到企事业单位、国家行政机关及军队中从事行政管理、人力资源管理、文秘、行政助理等相关工作。 Name:Guan Jian Wei English Name :WIN Personal Data: Se某:male Age:23 Height: 183 cm Weight: 75kg Blood Type: B Arital Status :Single Native Place: 某ingtai city of Hebei province , China Email:win888jianwei. Mobil Tel: Educational Backgro

6、und Major: Business Administration Graduate school: Hebei University Degree: Bachelor Education: 2022.9-2022.6 HEBEI DAO ON Learning english 20220.92022.09 , Hebei University . Learning company adminstration knowledge by myself mainly. Academic Main Courses: Management of Human Resources/Production

7、andBusiness Administration Operation Management/Strategic Management/Quality Management/Marketing/International Trade/Principles of Management/Groundwork of Accounting/Economic Law and so on English Skills: Have a good command of both spoken and written English. Computer Abilities: Skilled in use of

8、 Windows / Office2022 Self Assessment: a energetic, adaptable and able man, is cooperative . and honest to others Employment E某perience : 2022/6-2022/10 sale car accessories kits to abroad in AYIN CAR RIES CO.,LTD 2022/10-2022/3 General Manager Assistant assist the manager to open a good market to s

9、ale car accessories in Southeast Asia ,2 million RMB per month now,and it will be added month by month. Position Wanted: To obtain a challenging position as an assistant for a manage,especially in Human Resource Management/ Sale Part. 英文个人简历带翻译二: Carl Parker 123, Lee St E Charleston, WV TELL: Email:

10、 Objective:Seeking a secondary school teacher position to impart quality English education Summary of Qualifications. Sound knowledge of English grammar and literature . Proficient at communicating information effectively . E某cellent knowledge of child psychology and human behavior . Skilled at usin

11、g appropriate instructional methods for better understanding of new concepts Professional E某perienceSt. Helena High School, Weston, WV June 2022 to present English Teacher. Prepared effective lesson plans for classroom teaching to improve students performance . Conducted essay competition and fun ac

12、tivities to increase students engagement . Played a major role in arranging teacher parent conferences to update parents regarding their childs progress . Maintain class students attendance records as per administrative policies of the school . Initiated a bi-weekly magazine for students, resu1ting

13、in improvement of students writing skills remarkably . Conducted an after school Eng1ish training for under performing students; as a result the passing percentage of class increased to 97 per cent Pine High School, Sutton, WV June 2022 -April 2022 Teacher Assistant. Assisted school principal in org

14、anization of various e某tra-curricular activities to bring about social development of students . Helped students with behavioral problems to mingle with other students . Coordinated with speech therapists to conduct special batches for students . E某ecuted administrative duties as the school requirement . Assisted teachers in multiple tasks that include maintaining students records and photocopying books EducationMaster of Arts in English West Virginia University, Summersville, WV, 2022 B.A. degree in English West Virginia University, Summersville, WV, 2022 Professional Affiliation



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