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1、Unit 8 Culture Shapes UsLesson 44 Popular Sayings TitleLesson 44 Popular Sayings Teaching aimsKnowledge 1. To know the characters about sayings.2. To learn some sayings.3. To use some sayings.Ability 1. To learn about how to use sayings properly and correctly.Emotion To realize the encouragement and

2、 energy from the sayings.Project Content Aims Teaching proceduresStep 1 Preparation1.Ss have a brain storm.Think about the questions, “Do you know any English and Chinese sayings ? Do you how to use the sayings properly and correctly? ”2. Pre-readingRead the passage and answer the question “What are

3、 sayings?”The Ss to think about the importance of sayings.Step 2 PresentationShow pictures , read the passage and present new words “society, generation, penny, pound, foolish, human”and etc.Step 3 Practice1.Practice new words in pairs and read the sentences.Then the Ss play a word game;2.Read three

4、 paragraphs and answer what each paragraph is mainly about.Step 4 ProductionWhile - reading 1. Read the text three times and each time finish one task.Task 1 Finish “Lets Do It” Ex1爱屋及乌Love me, love my dog.眼见为实Seeing is believing.十年河东,十年河西Every dog has his day.行动重于言辞Actions speak louder than words.千

5、里之行,始于足下A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.众人拾柴火焰高Many hands make light work.不要小事聪明,大事糊涂Dont be penny wise and pound foolish.有志者事竟成Where there is a will, there is a way.Task 2 Finish“Lets Do It”Ex2Answers:Well begun is half done.Many hands make light work.Actions speak louder th

6、an words.Where there is a will, there is a way.Task 3 PairworkWork in pairs. Discuss the meanings of the following saying. Can you find the matching Chinese sayings? Then make sentences with the sayings you have learned.Get to know more about the content and key information about the sayings.Student

7、s can understand better through reading and doing the exercises.Step5 Sayings Show Read these sayings and guess the Chinese meanings.1. A penny saved is a penny earned. 省下的就是赚了的。2. A watched pot never boils. 心急喝不了热粥。3. Good things come in small packages. 浓缩的是精华。4. Dont count your chickens before the

8、yre hatched. 不要过早乐观。By doing this ,the Ss can understand the sayings better. Step 6 ProgressExercise.Fill in the blanks.1. The flood _. (那场水灾是从那个多雨的夏季开始的。) (begin)2. Theres _. (nothing) (这里除了一张桌子外,没别的东西。) 3. My parents _. (父母经常鼓励我赶上别人。) (encourage)4.The president _ (那位总统受到了各界人士的欢迎。) (walk)5. _, hell

9、 arrive here on time. (无论是驾车还是坐火车, 他将准时到达这里!) (whether)Summarizethe definition of the sayings. Through using the sayings in sentences, the Ss can understand the sayings better.Practice using the sayings in sentences.Home-workHomework Share an English saying with your parents and explain why you havechosen this saying and what part of Chinese culture it represents.Blackboard Design Unit 8 Culture Shapes UsLesson 44 Popular SayingsTeamwork Sayings New wordsGroup1 Seeing is believing. society generation penny pound foolishGroup2 Well begun is half done. whether human .



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