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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2009北大清华考博英语写作背诵文本 一、无形社会问题 1、国内无形社会问题Interpret its meaning:Obviously, the meaning conveyed by the picture not only show that , but, what is more important, that this social problem/phenomenon/issue, which the drawing point out, is simply one of various social problem to have become ord

2、inary and already attracted broad attention in China/in the world in recent years. Over the past quarter of a century, China has firmly enforced the policy of reform and opening up to the outside world, which has won rapid economic growth, sustained social progress and continuous improvement of peop

3、les living standard, while China has been confronting a great number of social problems, such as energy crisis, environmental pollution and so forth, and the collapse of the invaluable traditional virtue and culture as well. In a word, there is undoubtedly the reality that Commercialism and westerni

4、zation erode spiritual values, and degenerate the cultural fabrics of a society.such as fraud and deceit, the low credit, fraternal scarcity, social indifference, ill manners, ill breeding, official corruption, AIDS, energy crisis, environmental pollution, a widening gap between rich and poor, money

5、 talking, the losing of affection, the spiritual void, young suicide, and so forth.(酌情删减)全球化/Internet问题meaning:This is the indication that with the rapid increase of globalization/Internet, our world becomes more and more like a small village, people in global village have much more communication an

6、d cooperation by various means than all of the past time and peoples need to understand each other more eagerly than the past.Possible reason for this phenomenon:The reasons for this problem, if the possible ones are enumerated one after another, may be innumerable. Nevertheless, I contend that the

7、main reasons are due to the social and economic circumstances given. Over the past quarter of a century, Give your comments:1)中西文明现象或问题:Now with economic globalization, the Western civilization, especially the American culture, holding the strong position, is exerting its impact on every part of the

8、 world, including China. what kind of cultural awareness should we have in copying the Western culture? We daringly take in those that should be taken in and decisively discard those that should be discarded, namely we should extract the essence and abandon the dross from the Western culture. What k

9、ind of culture awareness should we have in facing our traditional culture? The traditional Chinese culture, namely Confucianism or the mixture of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and other traditional thinking in ancient China, is a gigantic culture system, which has lasted for over two thousand years

10、. So we should inherit and prosper it.(酌情删减)2)其他社会现象(如家庭教育过于严格、大学生在校打工或创业、考研热、出国热等):The comment to this question, in my opinion, may be not absolute, no right or wrong, and depends on different people. Advantage and disadvantage are two sides of the same coin. we should see one side of the advantage

11、 while looking at another side of the disadvantage. On the one hand, the biggest disadvantage/advantage is that Nevertheless, on the other hand, in the long run, the biggest disadvantage/advantage is that So we have to acknowledge that . is half-and-half of the advantage and the disadvantage.3)其他无形社

12、会问题COMMENT同有形社会问题SUGGESTION。二、有形社会问题Interpret its meaning /reason : 同无形社会问题Give your suggestions /solutions : I have some suggestions about this problem. Firstly, China should learn from many developed countries to deal with this social problem, including other social problems moral and non-moral, b

13、y means of state legislation, social policy and other relative regulations, especially because China has become a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001 and taken place the 29th Olympic Games in 2008 as well as. Secondly, our government should clearly stipulate the responsibilities and

14、 obligations of the relative departments for the fulfillment. Thirdly, in the long run, we should set up a special education organization or other non-governmental organizations to promote and strengthen citizens awareness of environmental protection(变量), and hence improve their values/ideas/notions

15、 of consumption and morality(变量). In addition, I recommend that children should start some education of Chinese traditional virtue as early as possible, such as thrift, honesty, affection, filial piety, courtesy, loyalty, humaneness and so on. 国际社会问题SUGGESTION:Besides, international cooperation in e

16、nergy field are also another important channels to alleviate this problem. The relevant international communities should increase financial input and information sharing and step up cooperation in research, development and innovation of technology. We also call on other countries to join hands in dealing with climate change(变量) and promoting harmonious, clean and sustainable development in the world.(酌情删减)相关关键词:少数民族文化(the ethnic groups、the ethn


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