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1、PEP小学英语六上Unit1 第三课时B Lets learn 教学设计一教学内容: Part B Lets learn & Be a tour guide二教学目标: 1.能够正确听、说、读、写单词和词组: crossing,turn left,turn right,go straight。2.能听、说、认读单词:Italian, restaurant。3.能够听、说、认读句子: Where is the Italian restaurant?并作正确回答。4.会用英语进行问路和指路。三教学重难点:重点:能听、说、读、写单词和词组:crossing,turn left,turn right,

2、go straight,以及句型Where is the?的运用。能用英语进行问路和指路。难点:go straight 的发音和拼写以及Italian restaurant的发音。四教学准备:多媒体课件 教学卡片 点读机五教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1. 学生边唱边跳兔子舞,复习left,right,go,同时也活跃课堂气氛。2. 复习旧知多媒体播放机器人录音:Hello, boys and girls.T: Oh, who is talking? (PPT出现机器人,并向大家打招呼:Hello, boys and girls!)T: Wow, a talking (引导学生说

3、出robot,复习前面对话中出现的a talking robot)Ss: A talking robot!T: Lets say Hello! to our new friend.Ss: Hello, robot!T: Where is the robot from? Is he from Jiangshan cinema?Ss:T: Lets ask the robot, OK? Ss: Robot, Where are you from?R: Im from the science museum. Look, this is my home (PPT呈现博物馆图片) Welcome to

4、my home, welcome to the science museum!(录音)T: Wow, what a great?(引导学生说出:What a great museum!复习前面对话内容)Ss: What a great museum!Step 2 PresentationT: Where is the robot? Oh, look. He is in front of the restaurant.R: Yes.Its an Italian restaurant.PPT呈现,教学:Italian restaurantR: How can I get to the Italia

5、n restaurant? (录音)R: Turn right, here? (录音)教学:turn right呈现地图Ss: NO.引出turn left,教学turn left.Ss: No, turn left.T: Then go straight and turn right at the crossing.借助图标教学go straight, crossingR: OK, thank you!Step 3 Practice1. PPT呈现各种图标复习turn left, turn right, go straight, crossing.2. Play a game: I say

6、you do & I do you say.教师发各种指令:turn right, turn left, go straight, crossing.学生做动作或老师做动作,学生说指令。3. 让学生记住turn left,turn right ,go straight,crossing这几个指令对应的中文意思,选一名学生A,蒙住他的眼睛,再请另一名学生B,用“turn left,turn right,go straight,crossing”来指引他,从教室的某处走到指定的另一处,其他同学只能用“Yes!”或“No!”来帮忙判断。4. Be a tour guide for the robot.R: How can I get to the?学生看着图告诉robot怎么走。Step 4 ConsolidationHave a checkWhen you see the sign , you should ( ).Step 5 Homework1. 抄写turn left ,turn right,crossing,go straight.每个一行。 2. 预习书P6 Lets talk板书设计: Unit 1 How can I get there? turn left go straight turn right crossing


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