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1、 女生英语心情签名【三篇】 【篇一】 记住,劳资活着不是为了取悦任何人。 remember, labor isn”t about living to please anyone. 现在,时不时收到你信息就满意了。 now, from time to time to receive your information to meet. 你有新欢了,我连旧爱都不是。 you have love, i am not even an old one. 末世流年,是否只是沧海桑田。 last time, is just now. 女人,必需要有不行一世的傲慢。 a woman must have the

2、arrogant pride. 没有什么过不去,只是再也回不去。 nothing can”t get through, just can”t go back. 缄默不说谎话,不是退让。 silence will not lie, not to give way. 天苍苍,野茫茫,作文纸上现四行。 gray days, the vast field, the composition of paper is four. 仔细你就输了,彻底输了。 seriously you lost, completely lost. 失去了你,什么才是生活。 lost you, what is life. 是我太

3、仔细,你没当真。 i”m too serious, you don”t take it seriously. 跟着你的脚步,走遍天际海角。 follow the steps you through the remotest corners of the globe. 姐是巴黎欧莱雅,值得你拥有。 sister is paris l”oreal, you deserve. 我不是没脾气,只是不轻易发脾气。 i am not without temper, just don”t lose temper easily. 我要稳稳的幸福,能用生命作长度。 i want happiness, can b

4、e used as the length of life. 一世守候,只为博君倾城一笑。 i wait, only bo jun smile. 退一步安稳,进一步黯然。 step back safely, without further. 我总以为只是我努力,你终会观察我。 i always thought i was trying, you will see me. 幸福不是得你所想,而是想你所得。 happiness is not what you think, but what you get. 爱人不必太完善,是你便足以! love doesn”t have to be perfect

5、, it”s you! 【篇二】 钱不是问题,问题是没钱! money is not a problem, the problem is no money! 我想被你牵着手,永久只为我带路。 i want to be holding your hand, i just never. 有些事你不必问,有些人你不必等。 some things you don”t have to ask, some people you don”t have to wait. 女人抽烟不好,再好看也有风尘味。 a woman smoking is not good, then there are good dust

6、 flavor. 天真岁月不忍欺,青春荒唐不负你。 naive years can not bear to deceive, youth absurd does not bear you. 其实深拥,比什么都暖和。 in fact, deep embrace, than anything warm. 我不在乎你穷,我心里只有你。 i don”t care if you”re poor. 那啥,就给我个经济适用坟好了。 then what, give me a good economic grave. 你若不离,我永相随。 if you don”t leave me forever. 诺言在美,

7、终究敌不过时间的转变。 promise in the united states, after all, but the enemy of time change. 曾经的美妙回忆,再也回不来了。 once the good memories, never come back. 得不到的付出,要懂得适可而止。 not to pay, to know not overdo sth. 不能退缩,越退缩魔鬼越有机可乘。 can not retreat, retreat to the devil more. 女人的泪水,一颗长不大的玻璃心。 woman”s tears, a long glass he

8、art. 情人眼里出西施,仇人眼里出僵尸。 the eye of the beholder, the eyes of the zombie enemies. 你有没有很想,和谁重新熟悉一次。 do you really want to, and who know again. 逝去的东西,不念,不见。 passing things, best not to read, best not see. 缄默,是一个女人的哭声。 silence is a woman”s greatest cry. 【篇三】 我认定的男人,谁敢抢,姐毙了她。 i found the man who dare to ro

9、b, kill her sister. 我要消逝,让任何人都找不到我。 i want to disappear, so that no one can find me. 亲爱旳,咱一起走过起起落落。 dear, i go through the ups and downs. 一句我不回来了,打碎了我的心。 i don”t come back, break my heart. 你不必压抑,我的笑她无法代替。 you don”t have to suppress, my smile she can”t replace. 由于,看清了所以,看轻了。 because, see, therefore,

10、underestimate. 我不懂浪漫,但我懂什么叫对你好。 i don”t know romantic, but i know what is good to you. 我拿真心做赌注,那个赢字我在乎。 i take the heart bet, the word wins i care. 最痛旳痛是原谅,最黑旳黑是背叛。 the most pain pain is forgiving, most black black is betrayal. 泪流不止的,我还剩下什么。 tears flow, i have nothing left. 铁塔很高,但高不过你空虚的誓言。 tower hi

11、gh, but high but your empty oath. 我爱你不长,一分钟就六十秒而已。 i love you not long, a minute on sixty seconds. 远处的是风景,近处的才是人生。 the distance is the scenery, near is the life. 面具戴的太久,就再也摘不下来了。 mask wear too long, can no longer pick down. 投入太多,眼泪是的收获。 too much investment, tears are the only harvest. 人家有的是背景,而我有的是背

12、影。 others have the background, and i have the back. 我爱的遍体鳞伤,你玩的孜孜不倦。 i love you play diligently covered all over with cuts and bruises. 我是该有多幸运,才能够熟悉了你。 how lucky i was to know you. 我成认闭上眼睛,这样真的很安详。 i admit closing my eyes, it”s really peaceful. 用生者不朽的爱,祭死者不朽的名。 with the living immortal love, offering the immortal name. 和爱的人吵架,和生疏人说心里话。 and love of people quarrel, and the strangers say the truth. 就这样陪着你,愿明天幸福依旧在。 so accompany you, may tomorrow happiness still in.



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