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1、关于这场演讲11岁的 Birke Baehr 讲述我们食物的主要来源来自遥远及并非风景如画的工业化农场。他认为,工业化农场远离我们视线,从而营造了一个梦幻般的、不真实的巨型农业美景,他则是描绘了支持绿色及当地食物产品的例子。关于Birke BaehrBirke Baehr希望我们知道我们的食物如何制造、来自何方以及其中含有什么成分。11岁的他,对自己的职业生涯规划是成为一位有机农民。9岁时,Birke Baehr与家人出游并接受“途中机会教育”后,开始研究永续性及有机农业的实施方法,如堆肥、蚯蚓养殖,罐头和食品的保存。不久后,他发现自己的另一项热爱:教育他人特别是他的同侪关于工业化粮食系统及食

2、品改造的破坏性。他于2010年在TEDxNextGenerationAsheville发表演讲。中文讲稿:Birke Baehr 谈我们的粮食系统出了什么问题大家好,我的名字是Birke Baehr,现在11岁。我今天来到这里,讲述我们的粮食系统究竟出了什么问题。首先,我想说,我相当惊讶于孩子们多么容易受到出现在电视上、公立学校,和你触目所及任何地方的营销和广告所引导,而深信不疑。我认为,食品公司似乎总是试图让像我一样的孩子们,要父母买一些确实对我们或环境来说都不好的东西给我们,尤其是小孩子总是被彩色包装和塑料玩具所吸引。我必须承认,我曾经是其中之一。我也曾经想象,我们所有的食物都来自于这些幸



5、变这些?如何才能改变这些事?这是我的发现,我发现有一个更好的行动方法。不久前,我想成为一位NFL(美式足球联盟)的运动员,现在我决定我更想成为一位有机农民。(掌声)谢谢,这样我可以对世界产生更大的影响力。这个人叫做Joel Salatin,人们叫他疯狂农夫,因为他种植作物的方式与系统反其道而行。因为我在家自学,有天我去听他谈话,这个人,这个疯狂农夫不使用任何杀虫剂、除草剂或基因改造的种子,因为这一点,采用这个系统的人们称他为疯子。我想让你们知道,每个人都可以造成一些改变,藉由做不同的选择,藉由直接向当地农民,或我们从小就认识的邻居购买食物。有些人说,有机食品或当地食品比较昂贵,但这是真的吗?以

6、这些日子我对食物系统的学习所知,我认为这些钱若不是付给农民,就得付给医院。(掌声)现在我很肯定的知道我会选择哪一个。我想让你们知道,那里有一些农场,像是田纳西州Sequachie Cove农场的Bill Keener,他的牛确实吃牧草,他的猪确实在泥中打滚,如同我想象中的一样。有时我会去Bill的农场做义工,因此我可以仔细观察,并亲眼见到我吃的肉是从那里来的。我希望你们知道,我相信孩子们会选择吃新鲜蔬菜和良好的食物,如果他们更了解它以及它真正来源的话。我希望你们知道,每个小区都有农夫市场兴起。我希望你们知道,我和我兄弟姊妹确实喜欢吃甘蓝烤脆片,我试着不管到哪里都与他人分享。不久前,我叔叔说他把

7、谷物脆片给我六岁的表弟,他问他想要有机的Toasted脆片,还是有糖霜的玉米片,你知道,就是包装上有一个身上有大条纹的卡通人物那种。我小表弟对他爸爸说,他宁愿要有机的Toasted O脆片,因为Birke说他不该吃闪闪发光的谷物脆片。各位,这就是我们逐步改变孩子观念的方法。所以下次你们光顾杂货店时,请考虑购买当地食材,选择有机食物,并试着了解你的农夫和你的食物。谢谢。英文原文2 w5 u! v; T8 N2 F. e. j6 F# _( C/ G; A* H* g0 aHello. My name is Birke Baehr, and Im 11 years old. I came here

8、 today to talk about whats wrong with our food system. First of all, I would like to say that Im really amazed at how easily kids are led to believe all the marketing and advertising on TV, at public schools and pretty much everywhere else you look. It seems to me like corporations are always trying

9、 to get kids like me to get their parents to buy stuff that really isnt good for us or the planet. Little kids, especially, are attracted by colorful packaging and plastic toys. I must admit, I used to be one of them. I also used to think that all of our food came from these happy, little farms wher

10、e pigs rolled in mud and cows grazed on grass all day.What I discovered was this is not true. I began to look into this stuff on the internet, in books and in documentary films, in my travels with my family. I discovered the dark side of the industrialized food system. First theres genetically engin

11、eered seeds and organisms. That is when a seed is manipulated in a laboratory to do something not intended by nature - like taking the DNA of a fish and putting it into the DNA of a tomato - yuck. Dont get me wrong, I like fish and tomatoes, but this is just creepy. (Laughter) The seeds are then pla

12、nted, then grow. The food they produce have been proven to cause cancer and other problems in lab animals. And people have been eating food produced this way since the 1990s. And most folks dont even know they exist. Did you know rats that ate genetically engineered corn had developed signs of liver

13、 and kidney toxicity? These include kidney inflammation and lesions and increased kidney weight. Yet almost all the corn we eat is altered genetically in some way. And let me tell you, corn is in everything. And dont even get me started on the confined animal feeding operations. called CAFOS.Convent

14、ional farmers use chemical fertilizers made from fossil fuels that they mix with the dirt to make plants grow. They do this because theyve stripped the soil of all nutrients from growing the same crop over and over again. Next, more harmful chemicals are sprayed on fruits and vegetables, like pestic

15、ides and herbicides, to kill weeds and bugs. When it rains, these chemicals seep into the ground, or run off into our waterways, poisoning our water too. Then they irradiate our food, trying to make it last longer, so it can travel thousands of miles from where its grown to the supermarkets.( Y: v8

16、v$ 9 k9 So I ask myself, how can I change? How can I change these things? This is what I found out. I discovered that theres a movement for a better way. Now a while back, I wanted to be an NFL football player. I decided that Id rather be an organic farmer instead. (Applause) Thank you. And that way I can have a greater impact on the world. This man, Joel Salatin, they call him a lunatic farmer because he grows against th


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