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1、Unit Four1. I want to be an actor. 我想成为一名演员。“Want to be + 职业”表示“想成为一名”如: I want to be a doctor. 我想成为一名医生。 He wants to be a teacher. 他想成为一名教师。学过的有关want的用法还有:1)want sth 2)want to do sth 3) want sb to do sth. 2. actor 男演员。 Actress 女演员。一位演员要用an而不用a。如:Hes an actor. 他是一位演员。3. report + er = reporter 记者。“动词

2、 + er = 发出动作的人”。这是一种构词法。如:teach 教书teacher教师 run runner writewriter作家 work worker 工人有少数两个是加or。如:actor visitor参观者4. policeman 男警察。其复数为policemen man 复数为men;woman 复数为women policewoman 复数为policewomen 如:There are two policemen on the street. 街上有两位警察。5. waiter 男侍者。 Waitress 女侍者6. NOW SHOWING 正在放映7. in hosp

3、ital 住院 in the /a hospital 在医院。如:He is ill in hospital. 他生病住院了。His father works in a hospital. 他父亲在一家医院工作。8. What does he do? 他是做什么的?1) what对“职业”提问。如:He is a teacher. What does he do?I am a doctor. What do you do?2) 转换同义句。What does he do?= What is he? =Whats his job? 又如:What do you do? = What are yo

4、u? = Whats your job?9. money 钱。 不可数名词。Much money 许多钱。Hard money 硬币 paper money 纸币Make money 赚钱 I want to make more money. 我想赚更多的钱。 Time is money. 时间就是金钱。Money is not everything. 金钱并非万能。Money makes the mare go. 有钱能使鬼推磨。10. People give me their money. 人们把钱交给我。1)give sth to sb表示“把某物给某人”。其中sth表某物,称直接宾语;

5、sb表某人,称间接宾语。两者合称“双宾语”。常见结构为: “动词+直接宾语+to/for+间接宾语” (动词buy, make, cook, get, draw, sing等常与for搭配;其余与to搭配)如:Please give some water to me. 请给我一点水。 He sings an English song for us. 他给我们唱了一首英语歌。 2)上面结构也可改写为: “动词+间接宾语+直接宾语”(即当间宾在前,直宾在后时,中间不加介词。)上面例句可改为:Please give me some water. He sings us an English song

6、. 3)当直宾和间宾都是代词时,只能用“give sth to sb”结构。如:只能说Thats my book. Please give it to me. 不能说Please give me it.11. get sth from从得到某物。如:He gets some money from his father every month. 每个月他都能从父亲那得到一些钱。12. wear 和put on 两者都相表“穿”。wear强调穿的状态,意为“穿着”。Put on强调穿的动作,意为“穿上”。如:He often wears a white coat. 他经常穿一件白外衣。Dale p

7、uts on a hat and goes out. 戴尔戴上帽子出去了12. sometimes 有时。可放句首、句末、句中。如:Sometimes I get up late. 有时我起床很晚。He sometimes watches TV at home. 他有时在家看电视。Linda is late for school sometimes. 琳达有时上学迟到。13. in the day 在白天。= during the day.14. dangerous 危险的。其名词为danger.In danger 处于危险中。15. thief 小偷。其复数为thieves. 16. tal

8、k to/with sb 与某人交谈。Talk about sb/sth 谈论某人或某事。如:The teacher is talking with a man. 老师正和一位人交谈。They are talking about a new movie. 他们正在谈论一部新电影。17. late 1)作形容词。“迟的、晚的”。常用:be late ( for ) (因)迟到。如:I am late. 我迟到了。She is late for class. 她上课迟到了。2)作副词,修饰动词,放动词后。如:Peter gets up late. 比尔起床迟了。He often works lat

9、e. 他以常工作到很晚。18. I am very busy. 我很忙。Be busy doing 忙于做某事。如:He is busy reading his book.他正忙于读他的书。Be busy with sth 忙于某事。如:Tom is busy with his homework. 汤姆忙于他的作业。这两个短语有时可互换。如:Ann is busy learning English. = Ann is busy with her English. 安忙于学英语。19. go out 出去。 Go out to dinner出去吃饭。20. an exciting job 一项激

10、动人心的工作。21. be interested in 对感兴趣。常用人做主语。如:We are interested in science. 我们对科学产生了兴趣。Interesting 有趣的。常用物做主语。指某物本身有趣。如:This book is interesting. I am interested it. 这本书很有趣,我对它产生了兴趣。22. newspaper. 报纸。可数名词。Two newspapers 两份报纸。23. work hard 努力工作/学习。如:We work hard all day. 我们整天都努力学习。24. work 与job work 工作、职

11、业。既可作动词,又可用名词。作名词时是不可数名词。Job 工作、职业。是一个可数名词。25. We have a job for you as a waiter. 我们可以为你提供一份作侍者的工作。1) for为某人。2) as 作为。又如:He works in the factory as a manager. 他在工厂当经理。26. story 故事。复数为:stories. 讲故事要用tell. 如:He often tells us stories in class. 他经常在课堂上给我们讲故事。27. Do you want to work for a magazine?你想为杂志

12、社工作吗?“work for +机构”为某机构工作。如:He works for a computer company. 他为一家电脑公司工作。28. young 年轻的。反义词为old。Younger 更年轻的。Younger brother. 弟弟29. need 需要。常用:1)need sth 需要某物。如:I need some help. 我需要一些帮助。2)need to do sth. 需要做某事。He needs to see you. 他需要见你。3) need doing sth 某物需要被。如:The house needs cleaning. 这房子需要清扫了。The

13、 TV needs repaired. 电视需要修理了。30. Evening Newspaper 晚报 Morning Newspaper 晨报31. in the newspaper 在报纸上。In the picture 在图上32. want ad 招聘广告33. news 消息。不可数名词。A piece of news 一则消息。34. child 孩子。其复数是children.35. an international school 一所国际性学校。36. coach 教练。复数为coaches. 37. teach sb sth. 教某人。其三人称单数为teaches.如:He teaches us English.Can you teach me a song? 你能教我一首歌吗?38. “one of + 复数名词”。中的一个。如:One of them has a bike. 他们中一位有自行车。I like one of these books. 我喜欢其中一本书。39. sir 先生。单独使用。不与姓连用。对应词为madam如: Yes, sir. 是的,先生。Yes, madam. 是的,夫人。


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