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1、 九年级英语九月月考题(共100分)一. 单项选择 (15分) ( )1.- _do you improve your listening? -I improve it_listening to tapes. A. How; with B: What; with C: How; by D. What; by( )2.If you dont know how to spell a new word, youd better_ . A. look up a dictionary B. look up an dictionary C. look it up in a dictionary D. lo

2、ok it up in an dictionary ( )3. Jane is so shy that she is afraid of _in front of a group. A. speak B. speaks C. spoke D. speaking ( )4. What did you do on April Fools Day? I played a trick_ my brother. A. on B. toC. withD. at ( )5. We will have two family parties this autumn. One is at Halloween an

3、d_is at Thanksgiving. A. other B. the otherC. anotherD. the others( )6. Have you found the poor dog yet? Yes. But he was _when we found him. The bad weather killed him. A. dying B. died C. deadD. die ( )7. Its dangerous to swim in this river. Yes, you are right. The government has warned people _in

4、it. A. not swim B. not to swim C. not swimming D. to swim( )8. After working her way around the world, Annie ended up_ English as a foreign language. A. teach B. Taught C. teaching D. to teach( )9.After a 3-week winter vacation, students usually_some weight when they return to school. A. put away B.

5、 put up C. put in D. put on ( )10. The Dragon Boat races are so exciting, but our boat is still behind. Dont worry. I am sure_ our team will win! A. if B. that C. whetherD. why ( )11. He asks me _ my parents will come home for the Spring Festival this year. A. where B. that C. if D. till( )12. Will

6、we have dinner at the Hope Restaurant? Maybe. Well go there if the show _before 6:00. But I dont know if there_any free tables then.A. will end; were B. will end; will be C. ends; were D. ends; will be( )13. Can you spare time to come to our Thanksgiving party? Well, I dont know_. A. that I can fini

7、sh my work by thenB. if can I finish the work by thenC. whether I can finish the work by thenD. that can I finish the work by then ( ) 14. - I watched the NBA game last night . -_ amazing game it was ! A.What an B. How an C. What D.How( )15. _ nice the ice cream looks! I cant wait to taste it A. How

8、 a B. How C.What a D. What二完形填空(10分) Qingming, meaning clear and bright, is the most important festival in spring. It is also called Tomb Sweeping Festival.(扫墓节). It comes _16_ early April. On that day, people visit tombs(墓) to honor(纪念) the dead. They always _17_ some time cleaning the tombs area.

9、They usually plant some trees near the tombs and decorate (装饰) them with fresh _18_. But it is not just a day for honoring the _19_. It is also a good time to celebrate the _20_ of spring. With the coming of spring ,nature_21_, dressing the world in green. All is new, clean and fresh. Birds begin to

10、 _22_ houses for their babies. In forests and fields, many animals have babies at this time of year. Days begin to get _23_ and the weather gets warmer,_24_ Qingming is also a happy time for people to enjoy the outdoor activities, _25_ flying kites, swinging and hiking. This is why this festival has

11、 been very popular for thousands of years. ( )16. A.on B. at C. in D. by ( )17. A. spend B. pay C.cost D. take ( )18. A. air B. food C.flowers D.water ( )19. A. die B. dead C.died D. death ( )20. A. going B. changing C. setting D. coming ( )21. A. comes down B. wakes up C. rises up D. falls off ( )2

12、2. A. put B. build C. climb D. fly ( )23. A. higher B. shorter C. cooler D. longer ( )24 A. but B. when C. so D. if ( )25. A. such B. as if C. for example D. look like 三阅读理解(40分) A Billy Dengler, a 14-year-old boy, is in the eighth grade. A month after he was born, Billys mother, Terri, noticed that

13、 his eyes werent quite as big as a normal babys. She took Billy to the hospital, and the doctor said Billy would never be able to see. Although Billy cant see, he has never let that hold him back or make him different. Billy began teaching himself computer programming by using a screen reader when h

14、e was just seven years old. He is a certified Google developer (谷歌认证开发者) now. Google even tried to offer him a job last year when he discovered a problem in one of its systems, but Billy wasnt old enough.Billys dream school would be Stanford University or MIT, where he could get a very good education in computer science. Af


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