五年级上册英语一课一练Unit 1 1.Story time_译林版(三起).doc

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1、译林小学英语五年级上册课时练习 Unit 1 Goldilocks and three bearsStory time一.看图写单词。 1._ 2. _ 3._4._ 5._ 6._二、根据课文故事内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。( )1. There is not a beautiful house in the forest.( )2. Goldilocks is hungry, but not thirsty.( )3. There are three bowls of soup.( )4. There are three bears in front of Goldilocks.( )5

2、. Goldilocks is afraid.三、 翻译。1.一座美丽的房子 2.在森林里 3.刚刚好 4.一张软床 5.一些热汤 6.在餐桌上 7.在房间里 8.又饿又渴 四、用is或are填空: There _ some soup on the table. There_ a house in the forest. There _ a lot of birds in the forest.五、选择。( )1. The bears are _ her. A. in front B. in front of C. in the front of( )2. There is _ orange

3、coat on the bed. A. a B. the C. an( )3. I _ see any books on the desk. A. can B. cant C. arent( )4. - _ are the jeans? -They are on the bed. A. Where B. What C. How( )5. There _ three toy cars on the sofa. A. is B. are C. isnt六、看图完成句子。1. There is a _ in the forest.2. There is some _ on the table. 3.

4、 There are three _ in the bedroom.来参考答案及解析一、afraid hard soft in front of between beside解析:1. 图片内容是一个小女孩很害怕的在边喊边跑,害怕用单词 afraid.2. 图片上木板是硬的,硬的用单词hard.3. 图片上枕头是软的,软的用单词soft.4. 图片上箭头指着的熊在另一只熊的前面,在.前面用词组in front of.5. 图片上箭头指着的熊在另两只熊的中间,在.中间用单词between.6. 图片上箭头指着的熊在另一只熊的旁边,在.旁边用单词beside.二、F F T T T解析:1. 由课

5、文故事内容可知,森林里有一座漂亮的房子,故答案为F。2. 由课文故事内容可知,金发姑娘又饿又渴,故答案为F.3. 由课文故事内容可知,桌上放着三碗汤,故答案为T。4. 由课文故事内容可知,金发女孩的前面有三只熊,故答案为T。5. 由课文故事内容可知,金发姑娘是害怕的,故答案为T.三、a beautiful house , in the forest , just right , a soft bedsome hot soup , on the table , in the room, hungry and thirsty解析:1. 一座美丽的房子翻译成英文为 a beautiful house

6、2. 在森林里翻译成英文为in the forest3. 刚刚好翻译成英文为just now4. 一张软床翻译成英文为 a soft bed5. 一些热汤翻译成英文为some hot soup6. 在餐桌上翻译成英文为on the table7. 在房间里翻译成英文为 in the room8. 又饿又渴翻译成英文为hungry and thirsty四、is is are解析:1. some soup指一些汤,汤是不可数名词,作单数理解,故用is2. a house指一座房子,是单数,故用is3. a lot of birds指许多鸟,是复数,故用are五、 B C B A B解析:1. 在.前面是固定词组in front of ,故选B.2. There is 后面用单数或不可数名词,一件橙色的外套是单数,橙色orange前面用an,故选C。3. any 用于一般疑问句或否定句,此句标点为句号,故为否定句,故选B。4. 由上下两句可知问的是牛仔裤在哪里,在哪里用Where,故选A.5. Three toy cars意为三辆玩具汽车,是复数,用are,故选B。六、 house , soup, bears解析:1. 房子的英文是house,此句is是单数,故填house.第 页



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