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1、感谢旺友 RUCHESS44 的精彩资料感谢旺友 spoiltcat 的耐心整理习语集锦1. I beg to differ I dont agree with you. 恕我不能赞同Example: You may think that John should be offered the job, but I beg to differ. John has n o practical experience and is not highly motivated.2. I/You bet I am/ you are sure. 我敢肯定;你可确信Examples: 1.The weather

2、 is fine. I bet it wont rain.2. You bet Ill arrive at the airport before everyone else.3. Jack-in-the-box, a a person who fidgets or does not sit still. 盒中的玩偶;比喻一个人静不下来Example: “Boy! Sit properly! Dont jump up and down like a jack-in-the-box.”4. Jack of all trades is master of none, a person who can

3、 do many different kinds of work may not be good at any of them. 博而不精的人Example: This chap repaired the television and installed the air-conditioner all in one day, bu t none of the work he did seemed reliable. Isnt he a jack of all trades master of none?5. Oblivious of/to something unaware of someth

4、ing; not noticing something. 未觉察某事;不注意某事Example: What is wrong with James? He seems completely oblivious of what has happene d here.6. Odd man/one out, an a person or thing different from a group or left out of it. 与众不同的人或物Examples: 1. You had better learn to use a computer if you dont want to be an

5、 odd man ou t. 2. Look at the watch on the dining table! It is an odd one out.7. Pack of lies, a something that is completely untrue. 一派胡言Example: Dont listen to him! His story is a pack of lies.8. Pack someone off (to some place) send someone away, usually quickly and without wasting time. 迅速打发某人Ex

6、ample: The mother could not allow the children to sleep late, so she packed them off to b ed at about 10p.m.9. Qualify as someone/for something show that one is suitable for a profession, reaches a a standard, etc.具的资格;合格于Examples: 1. After years of hard work, Judie has qualified as a dentist.2. Our

7、 school is sure to qualify for the regional English debating competition.10. Quarrel with ones bread and butter dislike the work by which one earns ones living. 和自己的生计过不去Example: If you are against the authorities, you are quarrelling with your bread and butter a nd your family will be in trouble.11

8、. Race against time/a race against time hurry to do something before a certain time. 尽快工作,按时完成Examples: 1. Being late, you have to race against time to finish the work by 5 p.m.2. I try to get this assignment done by Monday, but it will be a race against tim e.第三辑 Abide by the consequences endure th

9、e result 忍受不良后果Example: If you insist on going to such a dangerous place, no other person but you have t o abide by the consequences. Able to/can take something (often in the negative) able to face something sad, etc. without being weakened; able t o endure something 能承受不好的事Examples: Dont mind about

10、 rugged life there. I am able to take it. Please stop speaki ng so loudly! I am not able to take it any more. Go ahead hitting him. He can take it. I don t think Nancy can take any more bad news. Abound in/with something have plenty of something 有很多Examples: Our neighboring countries abound in natur

11、al resources. That dirty mans ha ir seems to have abounded with fleas. Back down retract; withdraw charges, claims, etc. 放弃对某事的要求等Example: For the sake of national unity, even those who have good reasons to complain ha ve decided to back down. Back on to something have the back next to something, es

12、pecially with reference to a house 背向Example: The rich mans bungalow backs on to a hill while facing a beautiful lake. Call it a day stop work or cease activities 停止工作或活动Example: It is quite late now. Lets call it a day and go home. Call off something cancel something 取消某事Example: They called off th

13、e soccer match because of heavy rain. stop something 停止某事Example: As there was no hope of finding the escaped prisoner, the police decided to call of f the search until some time later. Dally about be slow and waste time 慢而浪费时间Example: Dont go on dallying about or we will be late for the film show.

14、Dally with something think about something in an idle manner 不认真考虑某事Example: The shy young man has been dallying with the idea of asking June to marry him. Dam up something control something; hold back something 抑制某事Example: Listening to the sad story, many girls were touched but they tried to dam u

15、p thei r tears.(11) Hail-fellow-well-met with someone overfriendly with someone 对人十分友好Example: David is always hail-fellow-well-met with every person he knows. No wonder he h as many nodding acquaintances.含 on 的三字一体片语动词据观察,三字一体的片语动词中,含“on的相当多。请看下面这段新闻中就有一个常用的含on 的三字一体片语动词:The press yesterday quoted the President of the ruling party as saying that failure to crack d own on corruption would give the impression that certain powers were being used to protect i t”. (严禁;严加取缔)下面这些也是常见常用的,不妨学而用之: cash in on



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