【最新】【人教版】必修四:Unit 1 Period 2 Language Study 练习含答案

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1、最新教学资料人教版英语.完形填空Driving along a busy Houston road, my two little girls became hungry at noon. They 1 no time in letting me know, 2 “McDonald􀆳s, McDonald􀆳s.” So I began searching for the 3 McDonald􀆳s. Suddenly I realized that almost every intersection (十字路口) we passed throu

2、gh was4 by a beggar. If my two little girls were hungry, then all these beggars must be hungry, too.After finding a McDonald􀆳s and 5 two Happy Meals for my girls, I ordered a(n) 615 lunches and set out to7 them. Then, we stopped beside a beggar and gave him the lunch. After that, we8 our wa

3、y to the next intersection.9 we came to the end of our “route”, there was a10standing there, asking for change. We handed her our 11 lunch bag. “No one has 12done anything like this for me before,” she said with 13. I replied, “Well, I􀆳m glad that we were the 14.” Feeling uneasy, and wantin

4、g to move the conversation15, I asked, “So, when do you think you􀆳ll eat your lunch?” She looked at me with her16brown eyes and said, “I􀆳m not going to eat this lunch. I have a little girl of my own at home and she just17 McDonald􀆳s, but I can never buy it for her18I don&#

5、1049011;t have the money. But you know tonight she is going to have McDonald􀆳s!”So many times I had 19whether our acts of kindness were too small to make a difference. Yet at this moment, I recognized the20of Mother Teresa􀆳s words: “We cannot do great thingsonly small things with g

6、reat love.”【语篇解读】当一位乞讨的妇女向我表示感谢时,我才明白了特蕾莎修女所说的“怀大爱,做小事”的真谛。1.A.spentB.sparedC.wastedD.tried【答案与解析】C指她们抓紧时间(waste no time in)让我知道她们饿了,想吃麦当劳。2.A.whisperingB.shoutingC.cryingD.reading【答案与解析】B孩子向我大喊(shout),表明她们想吃麦当劳的迫切心情。3.A.cheapestB.largestC.nearestD.nicest【答案与解析】C因为孩子们很想吃麦当劳,所以我找了最近的(nearest)麦当劳店。4.A

7、.taken upB.taken overC.taken offD.taken on【答案与解析】A每过一个十字路口,我们就会看见有一个乞丐占据(take up)在那里。5.A.orderingB.receivingC.preparingD.calling【答案与解析】Aorder“点”。6.A.deliciousB.specialC.similarD.extra【答案与解析】D同时我点了额外的(extra)15份午餐,想送给(send)乞丐们。7.A.eatB.foldC.throwD.send【答案与解析】D见上题解析。8.A.continuedB.madeC.lostD.forced【答

8、案与解析】A然后我们继续(continue)往前走,去下一个路口。9.A.BeforeB.AsC.SinceD.So【答案与解析】Bas“当时候”。10.A.manB.boyC.womanD.girl 【答案与解析】C从下文的关键词“she”和“I have a little girl of my own”可知,我们把最后一份午饭送给了一位妇女。11.A.expensiveB.helpfulC.finalD.beautiful【答案与解析】C根据上文的“we came to the end of.”可知。12.A.everB.usuallyC.seldomD.sometimes【答案与解析】A


10、bersC.needsD.loves【答案与解析】D她的小女儿也爱吃(love)麦当劳,因此她决定把麦当劳给女儿留下。18.A.althoughB.ifC.forD.unless【答案与解析】Cfor表示原因。19.A.understoodB.questionedC.learnedD.insisted【答案与解析】B很多次我问(question)自己,我们的善行是不是太小而不能产生影响。20.A.skillB.problemC.storyD.truth【答案与解析】D这一刻,我明白了特蕾莎修女所说的“怀大爱,做小事”的真谛(truth)。.单项填空1.Do you consider it fo

11、r them to have made that experiment? Of course. After all, it has paid off.A.worthyB.worthC.worthlessD.worthwhile 【答案与解析】D考查形容词。it is worthwhile for sb to do sth“某人做某事是值得的”,是固定用法。句意:“你认为他们做那个试验值得吗?”“当然了。毕竟,他们得到了回报。”2.Mistakes don􀆳t just happen; they occur for a reason. Find out the reason,

12、and then making the mistake becomes .A.patient B.worldwideC.confident D.worthwhile【答案与解析】D考查形容词。句意:错误不是偶然发生的,它们的发生都是有原因的。如果能找出其中的原因,犯个错误也是值得的。worthwhile“值得的;有价值的”。3.It is said that the young man managed to.A.lead a happy lifeB.lead happy livesC.live happy lifeD.live happy lives【答案与解析】A考查固定短语。句意:据说那个

13、年轻人设法过上了幸福的生活。lead / live a happy life“过着幸福的生活”,其中冠词a不能省略,life此处不用复数形式。4.If you want to go to the party with me, you should .A.behave goodB.behave yourself goodC.behave wellD.behave you well【答案与解析】C考查固定短语。句意:如果你想和我去参加聚会的话,你就得举止得体。behave (oneself) well“规矩点;举止得体”。5.The girl􀆳s parents are both

14、 ill so she has to the large family by selling newspapers.A.liveB.leadC.makeD.support【答案与解析】D考查动词。句意:这个女孩子的父母都病了,所以她不得不通过卖报纸来支撑这个家庭。support“支撑;养活”。6.Tom and Jack are arguing their friend a math problem.A.with; overB.with; forC.about; overD.about; for【答案与解析】A考查固定短语。句意:汤姆和杰克就一个数学问题和他们的朋友在争论。argue with

15、 sb about / over sth“和某人辩论某事”。7.The conductor blew his whistle and the train slowly .A.moved offB.moved inC.moved awayD.move out【答案与解析】A考查动词短语。句意:列车员吹响了哨子,火车徐徐开动了。move off“出发;起程”,符合句意。move in“搬进”;move out“搬出”。8.He made an speech at the meeting and the audience stood up and gave him a long and warm applause.A.inspiring; inspiringB.inspiring; inspiredC.inspired; inspiringD.inspired; inspired【答案与解析】B考查形容词。句意:他在会议上作了一场鼓舞人心的演讲,所



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