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1、 Unit 4 Topic 1 Section C教学设计一、 教学内容本课是仁爱版英语九年级Unit 4 Topic 1 Section C的内容,课文讲述了计算机对人类的影响,重点讲述计算机在各领域的应用及它对人们的利与弊。本课是一节阅读课,教学过程主要运用图式理论指导学生进行阅读。二、教学目标:1、能用英文正确陈述课文内容。2、能在听完课文录音后,找出课文中的新、难单词,并根据课文内容猜出它们的意思,用这些单词能造句。能从课文中找出难理解的句子,在同学和老师的帮助下,解决问题。3、能跳读课文找出课文的关键句,并能根据课文内容回答有关问题。4、能略读课文,查找课文中的特定信息,完成填写相关

2、内容的图表任务。5、能根据图表填写的内容简单复述课文,并能就计算机的利与弊进行讨论,正确表述自己的观点。三、教学重难点1 学生在学习过程中对新单词的学习是英语学习的一个重要程序,指导学生猜测词义,培养他们收集词汇,以提高学生的自主学习能力。2、通过“一听、三读、一述,一论“的教学过程进行阅读文的学习,在阅读过程归纳课文要点。3、在学习过程中培养自主学习及探究学习的能力,及学习语言的综合运用能力。四、 学情分析1、学生已经具有一定的听、说、读、写能力和一定的词汇量。2、初三的学生对阅读文的学习没有一定的固定模式,这对各环节的进行有一定的难度,因此每个环节得给学生足够的时间准备,教师进行适当适时的

3、指导,从而引导学生养成良好的阅读习惯,掌握更好的阅读策略。五、教学过程Step 1:Pre-reading activitiesActivity 1: Greeting and everyday report from students. (5)T: Glad to see you on this lovely morning, boys and girls. I am really proud of being a Chinese. You know, China is getting stronger and stronger. I have told you to search for

4、some information about Change One Satellite yesterday. Now, could you please tell your classmates and me something about it with some simple sentences?S1: It is a satellite made in China.S2: It is used for collecting information of the Moon.S3: It has been successfully sent up into space.设计说明:每天给学生一

5、个话题,让学生学会从各种渠道收集相关信息,学生的语言组织能力还不是很强,在活动的初期允许学生用简单的语句来表述查到的信息,等学生能力提高后,鼓励学生更完整地归纳信息,一来培养学生合理利用信息的能力,扩大学生的知识面和阅读量,二来可以锻炼学生的口语表达。Activity 2: Lead in (5)1. Lead the students to study some pictures and talk about the places people use computers.T: Just now, you talked something about Change one satellite

6、. Could you please tell me what controls the satellite since no man drive the satellite?S1: Its controlled by computer.T: Good, so the scientist use computer to work. Now lets talk what we use computer for? First please study some pictures on the slider, what do they tell us?S1: The picture tells us

7、 we use computer in many ways.S2: Computer is very useful in our life.S3: Computer can do a lot of work faster and easier.S4: Computer is used in the factories.2. Get some students to predict what we will learn in this lesson.T: Well done. You told me a lot. Maybe one day we wont know what to do wit

8、hout computer. Today we will learn Section C, a text about computer. I know you have previewed the text. Could you please tell me what we will learn in this lesson?S1: We will learn something about computer.S2: We will learn something about advantages and disadvantages of the computer.设计说明: 问学生嫦蛾一号是

9、由什么控制的,导入计算机,上下环节自然过度。用幻灯片展示几张不同领域运用计算机的图片,根据图式理论, 学生将会联系这些图片和初二时学过有关Internet的信息,找出所有图片的共同点电脑,从而激活学生结合对计算机的认识进行讨论。在导入主题后,让学生预测在今天这节课将会学到什么,一检测学生的预习情况,二让学生更有目的的去学习。Step 2: listening, Reading. (27)Activity 3: listening. (7)1. Listen and learn the difficulties.T: Listen to the tape and underline the ne

10、w and difficult words and the sentences difficult to understand you find in the text. While you are listening, please pay attention to the pronunciation of the words you cant read.2. Get the students to study the words and the sentences which are difficult to understand. T: Now let us study your dif

11、ficulties together. I hope you can solve your problems all by yourselves. As for the words, you can try to guess their meaning. Of course, if you yourselves cant make it, I will give you a hand then.设计说明:对于初三的学生来说,这篇文章的篇幅比较长,有必要让他们先解决难词、难句问题,因此第一遍听课文时,让学生找出他们不理解的生词,难句,学生根据课文的语境,对这些词句进行互助学习,培养学生的互助习惯

12、和自己学会解决问题的习惯。Activity 4: Skimming (7)1. Skim the text quickly to find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.T: All right, I am sure you have found out all the topic sentences. Please share them with your classmates.S1: The first one is computers have become very important in many areas of work an

13、d play.S2: There is no doubt that computers are very useful in technology and business.S3: Since the Internet came into being, peoples lives at home have changed, too.S4: Computers have improved our lives, but they have brought problems, too.3. Answer some questions according to the text. a. What do

14、 people use computers for in space?b. What can computers and the Internet do in our daily life?c. Can we work on computers too long? Why?设计说明:经过活动三的语言问题的解决,学生开始略读课文,并找出课文的主题句,帮助学生了解课文的基本框架,然后让学生试着回答三个问题,目的在于引导学生进一步细读课文。Activity 5: Scanning (7)Find out more information about computers by filling the

15、chart.T: Since you have given me some information about computers after answering the questions, now lets learn the text in detail. Please fill in the chart with each others help.设计说明:让学生经过读这篇课文后,让学生填写图表信息,这样便于学生记忆重要信息, 有利于学生推导未明确表达的信息,为下一环节的课文复述打好基础,降低了学生的学习难度。Activity 6: Retell the text according

16、to the chart. (6)T: Computers are important and useful, arent they?Ss: Yes. They make our life easier and faster.T: I want to know whether you all have understood what the text tells us. So could you please retell the text with the help of the chart?设计说明:通过让学生复述课文来检测学生的学习情况,学生要将自己听到、看到或读到的语言信息输入大脑,经过认知、对比、分析、理解、记忆、推理、归纳等一系列的思维活动,对语言进行加工,然后


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