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1、教学案例教学内容: 三年级上册Unit 1 lesson 1一、教学目标能够在本单元设计的情景下感知并理解,听懂、会说、认读并会写与学校生活有关的单词school/ classroom.学习使用句型Nice too see you. Glad to see you.打招呼。学习灵活运用本课重点句型Lets go to school.学唱儿歌“Nice too see you again.”,并通过表演儿歌巩固本课教学内容。通过创设新学期开始,学生在校门口打招呼的真实情景,使学生见景生情,在感知、模仿、学习、体验的基础上逐步达到自然交流与真实运用语言的目的学生能够通过唱歌、交流体会语言运用的乐趣

2、。整个课堂中不断创设真实的情景为学生提供良好的语言环境。教师应充分调动学生的积极性,鼓励全体学生开口说英语,多给学生口语交际的练习时间,学习如何运用语言进行交际。在课堂活动中培养学生相互友爱,懂礼貌等积极的情感态度。二、 教学重难点1. 教学重点:学生能够在情境下听懂老师的指令,听懂、会说、认读、会写单词school/ classroom.能够听懂、会说、认读见面打招呼会话,学习本课重点句型Lets go to school.2.教学难点:使学生体会字母l在不同位置的发音。灵活运用Lets go to school.三、教学准备 PPT课件,录音机,磁带四、教学过程Teaching cours

3、e: (一)Organization. 1.Greetings. T:class begin. Good morning, boys and girls. Ss:Good morning, Miss XXX.T: Welcome to our new term. Nice to meet you again.(Repeat) Hello, xxx, nice to meet you again. / Hello, xxx, glad to meet you again.Have several students practice.2. Warming upT: First of all let

4、s listen a song“Lets go to school.”Please listen carefully,Who is saying Nice too see you. to his friends. 【设计意图】:课前播放本课歌曲“Lets go to school.”,渲染课堂学习的活跃气氛。引出本课的会话情景和新学句型。学生在上学期接触过Nice too meet you.的句子,先请学生复习这个句型,从而引出本课新授句型,降低学习新知的难度。为本课的学习做铺垫。并使学生体会外国文化。(二) Presentation.1.Just readLearn new words.T:

5、We just listen a song called Lets go to school. So we will learn Unit 1 “Lets go to school.” Follow me “Lets go to school.”教师板书“Lets go to school.”.Have the students read the title .Ss: Lets go to school.T: school, school. S: school, school.T: Look here. This is our school. Follow me school, school.

6、(Show PPT)S: school, school.T: Lets spell and write it.How to spell it?S: s-c-h-o-o-l, school.T: The whole class.s-c-h-o-o-l, school, school.Pay attention to the pronunciation of letter“ch”. Compare to “chicken”.Give me your hands.s-c-h-o-o-l, school, school. Who can spell and read.Have the students

7、 read and spell it one by one.S: s-c-h-o-o-l, school, school. 学校Write the word down. Have the students read and spell the word several times.T:And look we often meet outside the school door and say “Lets go to school.” Follow me “Lets go to school.” S: Lets go to school.T: Then we will go to our cla

8、ssroom.(Show PPT)Pay attention to the pronunciation of the letter “ch”.Pay attention to the pronunciation of letter “l”. Compare to “school”.Learn the word “classroom” in the same way.【设计意图】:利用真实的学校图片引出本节课的新单词。在学习新单词过程中,教师应培养学生拼读单词的良好习惯,并在拼读过程中渗透字母发音,教师应注重语音难点,即字母“ch”、“oo”、“l”的发音。使学生潜移默化的习得字母发音的规律。2

9、. Just speakT: Gao Wei and Kate are meeting at the school door. Can you make a guess? What are they talking about?S: Hello, How are you./ Nice to meet you./ Lets go to school.(T: Can you say it again. (强调again)T: Now lets listen what are they saying. (students listen)Ok please open your book, point

10、to the sentence and listen again.(students listen)Teacher explain the sentence “Lets go to school.” Compare to “Lets fly a kite.” “Lets go by bus.” Pay attention to “again”. Have the students make sentences by using “lets”.T: Now lets listen and read twice. Have the students follow to the teacher on

11、ce. Play the role and read the dialogue in group. Then show up in the class. Have 4-5 groups practice.【设计意图】:这个环节主要是完成书中Just speak这个学习任务。学生对“Nice to meet you.”打招呼的方式非常熟悉,因此教师可以加快此环节速度,但应着重讲解“again”这个词。“Lets go to school”可通过旧知带新知的方式突破。通过创设在校门口相遇的情景,以学生模仿说,自己说,小组会话的递进方式练习并掌口语交际。培养学生用英语交流的意识。3.Read fol

12、low the tape模仿录音跟读单词,要求学生用手指着单词来认读,力求做到“眼到、手到、口到、心到”。【设计意图】:学习新单词,新句型以听录音跟读入手,遵循学生的认知习惯。巩固所学单词和句子。4.Lets singT: Lets listen to the song “Lets go to school.”again.Now Lets listen to the tape and point to each word.Play the first part of the song several time, encourage the children to join in by sing

13、ing, humming, or clapping.Play the last lines of the song. Ask the children to sing these lines using their own English names. Follow the teacher and do actions.Sing the song in pairs. And then show up to the class.【设计意图】:回顾课前的歌曲,由浅入深学习歌曲,从听、跟唱、打拍子跟唱、做手势跟唱、小组练习及班级展示,使学生逐步掌握歌曲,能够跟随录音模仿唱出来,表演出来,通过歌曲的形

14、式,学生在欢快的氛围中学会了知识,并能在真实情境中运用语言。(三) Practice.1. Pronunciation game Pick up letter “r”and “l” in the words and read it like this.glue leg ballon rice rabbit red orange doll pencil apple milk noodles 【设计意图】:通过挑字母读单词的游戏,使学生在朗读中找寻字母发音的规律,教师应注重纠正学生的错误发音,使学生在潜移默化的过程中掌握字母发音规律。2. Can you make the letter into

15、a words?c-o-s-l-o-h r-m-l-s-c-o-a-o-s【设计意图】:通过给打乱的字母排序,组合成所学单词的游戏复习新学单词的拼读。3. Can you make the words into a sentence?Write down the right sentence in your exercise book.Teacher give the right answer to students.“Nice to see you again.” “Lets go to school.”【设计意图】:通过给打乱的单词排序组成一句话的游戏,使学生练习句子的读写。五、板书设计Unit 1 Lets go to school. Lesson 1Nice to see you again. school classroom六、 作业设计1.复习第一课。听磁带跟读;读、背课文;抄写、背默单词。2.预习第二课。听磁带跟读。3.早上遇到同学与他们打招呼问好。七、 教学反思我们在课堂上的重点是面向全体学生,避免开学初学生就出现畏难情绪,要帮他们树立学好英语的信心。这是学生的本学期的第一节英语课,学生有一定的学习基础,热情很高,教师应注重字母在不同单词中的发音对比,使学生潜移默化的掌握发音规


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