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1、2019年长沙市初中学业水平考试模拟试卷英语(七)II.知识运用(两部分,共20小题,计20分)第一节语法填空从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(共10小题,计10分)21. HowwasyourstudytourinBeijing?Oh,itwasreaIIymeaningfuIexperiencethatIshaIIneverforgetwhatIIearnfromit.A.soB.suchC.sucha22. HaveyouwatchedthemovieTheWanderingEarth!Ofcourse.It1sa-ninaswpieringscientificmoviemade

2、inChinaanditmadeourChinesereaIIyA. pr ide23. How soon wi I IB.you be back,proud Dad?C.proud IyA.24.A.25.A.26.I be back must; wi I I finishas soon asB. my work, honey!can 1t; finishC.I findimportant to be honest whatever you do anditYou can do everyth i ng; unI ess8. it Swe I IC.shaI I; finish wherev

3、er you go. thatyou st i ck to your dream and keep I earn i ng.B.About 10 million teachersnoth i ng; unI essC. noth i ng; i fand students i n Ch i na to study on I i ne th i s year.Yes! Our government i s try i ngto spread on Ii ne learning acrossA. encourageB.wi I I encourageC. wi I I27. It 1 respor

4、ted that a desert has been changed into a forestpI anted every year there.unbeI ievabIe work Chi na has made!the nat i on.be encouragedi n Chi na becausemany trees areA. What an 28.MoreThat sA. who 29. - Kids,and moregood.WeyouOK, Mr. White.1 dWeB. How peopIe take the i rC. Whatparents to go on vaca

5、tion now!need to Iove and take good care of thoseove us.B. whatC. wh i chbetter junk food and try to eat out I ess.know what you and our parents to Id us: heaI thy eat i ng i s important!1 . don 11 eat30. Can you te I I me8 . note at9C. eatWell,Ithinkthethoughtcounts!Nomatterwhatyouprepare,youmother

6、wiIIbehappy!A.B.C.whatshouIdIbuyformymomhowIshouIdceIebratemymomwhatIshouIdbuyformymom第二节词语填空通读下面的短文,sbirthday1sbirthdaysbirthday掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中par-ttime job.选出最佳答案。(共10小题,计10分)LastschooIhoIiday,myfriendsisteraskedthoughtitwouIdbea(n)31metobabysither4-year-oldsonforanight.ISoIagreed.ThechiI

7、d,Jason,wastoonaughty!Atfirst,hewantedtopIay32jj33U I tI m veryheIpthetrainsettogether.ButafterashortwhiIefhegotyou uju_s_t_35hungry,himabowlof34.Jasonlookedatitandsaidhewasnothungry.Sa i d you were! ” I sa i d. I Wantan egg San dwi ch, “ LaterJaS On36I had to give him a“no , Cr i ed aga i n and wan

8、ISaidIhadtogivehima37,butheSaidSarhadtoCarryhimtothebathroom.Intheend,IWaSas38tedhisashewas.Whatahardday!I独用於那钳笳牌喇做eq淞.WaSasnaughtyasJaSon.feltashamed 羞愧的).I th i nk We shou I d n ever“never “ to anyth i ng.C. hardC. bicycleC. boredC. WaterC. BeCallSeC. laUghedC. bathC. busyC. babysitC. a I ways31.

9、A.boring32. A.train33. A.excited34. A.POrridge35. A.And36. A.Cried37. A.talk38. A.Wet39. A.work40. A.SOmetimeSB.easyB.ShiPB.reIaxedB.SandwichesB.BUtB.ShOUtedB.callB.happyB.pIayB.neverA、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答III.阅读技能(四部分,共24小题,计48分)第一节图表理解阅读下列图表,从每题所给的问题或完成句子。(共5小题,计10分)MAiCE 45 BETIER-fid E*ft ISILIItBtl

10、ll *bfrU | BLLrF 川”Wpd-EifdXy.JUlyL7ib6: JOp.mr-S00Pn.IllfllticAu%ocitiIDH4-37WIrVIn.gPtrkIlotdA.LEXEHHLAHARENACdIry%0i|ft-4wI*g%ntvWWViBferlijr.OF|41.IfyouWanttojointherecycIeactivity,youshouldcomeA. after8:00p.m.onJuIy17thB. at6:30p.m.oneveryWednesdayC. at6:30p.m.onJuIy17th42. FromthePOSter海才报)abo

11、ve,WeCanknowthatA. theeventwiIIbeheldon4783W.ParkRoadB. theeventistocaIIonmorepeopIetotakePartinrecycIingC. youCangetmoreinformationaboutitonIyontheWebSiteuWhaSinaname?ThatWhiChWecallarosebyanyOthernamewouIdsmeIIassweet.COuntryCUStOmArgentiTherearentmanyc-eat,namingtraditionsinArgentinanoWadays.Inth




15、onourfamiIymembers.Thereisnoreason,butitisdoneWithrespect.43. ACCOrdingtothechart,inWhiChCOUntrypeopIePayattentiontodistinCtiVenessWhentheychooseanameforababy?A.Canada.B.Turkey.C.Argentina.44. WomenmayChangetheirnameaftertheygotmarriedin.A.ArgentinaB.BraZiIC.TUrkey45. InCanada,Whentheychooseanameforababy.A. theymustnametheChiId


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