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1、Unit 6 知识点解析及练习一、 重点词汇及短语1. wonder1) I wonder if it is big enough. (v. 想知道)2) Do you know the Seven Wonders of the world? (n.奇迹)3) Your answer is wonderful. (adj.奇妙的,极好的)2. bright(adj.)brightly(adv.)brightness (n.)3. be interested in sth. / show interest in sth./ in doing sth.对(做)某事感兴趣4. bleed to de

2、ath (vi.) bleed bled bled blood (n.)5. the evidence of a struggle (n.) 搏斗迹象struggle with sb. (v.) =fight with sb. 打斗6. obvious obviously7. put up a good fight 进行(抵抗、斗争等)put up your hands 举起put up a drawing of the suspect 张贴8murder sb.(v.) murderer/murderess(n.)杀人犯/女杀人犯10.charge sb. with 控告某人罪 be cha

3、rged with 被指控11. be guilty of 有罪12. so far = up to the present 到目前为止。 一般与现在完成时连用13. breath (n.) breathe (v.) breathe heavily15. complain (v.) complaint (n.)complain to sb. about sth. 向某人抱怨某事a complaint letter 16. get along (on) with 与相处17. as a result 词组,“因此,作为结果”。 先交代原因,再用as a result连接结果(so),可放在句尾,

4、也可放在句子中间。Its raining hard, and as a result we cant go out. 雨下的很大,因此我们不能出去。as a result of 因为 ,由于 We cant go out as a result of the heavy rain. 18. seem to do / be; it seems that He seemed a nice man = He seemed to be a nice man = It seemed that he was a nice man. 他看起来像好人。19. be under arrest for 因而被拘捕

5、20. 与犯罪有关的易混淆词汇犯罪类型Noun.犯罪分子或人Noun.犯罪行为Verb.抢劫robberyrobberrob入店行窃shopliftingshopliftershoplift谋杀murdermurderermurder偷窃theftthief / thievessteal绑架kidnappingkidnapperkidnap二、词语辨析1.sometimes / sometime / some times / sometimesometimes, “有时候”,强调的是某种频率= at times / from time to timesometime, “在某一时间”,表示某个

6、不确定的时候,强调的是某个时间点或者段 The boss will see you sometime this afternoon. 老板今天下午某个时候要见你。some times,“几倍;几次”,Please write these words some times. 请把这些单词写几遍。some time, “一些时间”,表示一段时间。spend some time exercising They have been friends for some time. 他们交朋友有一段时间了2. besides与exceptbesides的意思是“除之外(还)”,通常表示包括在内;而excep

7、t是“除之外”表示不包括在内。 四、将下列直接引语改为间接引语1. “We will try our best to study hard,” said the twins. 2. “Im afraid of snakes,” said Sandy. 3. “Where is Tom,” asked Peter.4. “Do you know the murderer?” the policeman asked me. 5. “Why did you move to Shanghai?” Sandy asked Millie. 6. “Did the man use a knife?” ask

8、ed the interviewer. 7. She asked us , “ Have you seen the film before?” 8. He said to Rose, “ Where did you buy this watch ?”9. He said , “ Do you like the film, Mary?”10. The teacher asked , “ How did you repair it?”11. Mother said , “ Wash your hands before meals.”12. He said to Dr. Bethune , “ Do

9、nt go on operating any more.”13. The policeman said to the children , “ Dont play in the street.”四、将下列直接引语改为间接引语1.The twins said that they would try their best to study hard.2.Sandy said that she was afraid of snakes.3.Peter asked where Tom was.4.The policeman asked me if I knew the murderer.5.Sandy

10、 asked Millie why she had moved to Shanghai.6.The interviewer asked if / whether the man had used a knife.7.She asked us if / whether we had seen the film before.8.He asked Rose where she had bought that watch9.He asked Mary if she liked the film10.The teacher asked how I had repaired it11.Mother asked / told me to wash my hands before meals12.He asked Dr. Bethune not to go on operating any more13.The policeman told / asked the children not to play in the street4


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