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1、四,Text.1,Do you like coffee?-Yes,I do.陈述句:I like 一般疑问句Do you like ? 回答:Yes,I do. No,I dont.因为like是个实义动词,因此变疑问句时不能直接将它提前,而要借一个助动词do前置,答语中do代指like. 特殊疑问句:What do you like? 2,Do you want a cup?Yes,please.表示接受。Do you want any sugar?Yes,please.表示接受。Do you want any milk?No,thank you.表示拒绝。陈述句:I want 一般疑问句:

2、Do you want.? 回答:Yes, I do. No,I dont. cup是可数名词,sugar和milk是不可数名词,在疑问句中要用any表示一些。3,I dont like milk in my coffee.含有实义动词变否定句时,要先借一个助动词,然后在其后加not,即do not,可换成dont. 4,black coffee是不加牛奶或咖啡伴侣的咖啡,加牛奶的咖啡叫white coffee. 5,Do you like biscuits?这 里biscuits用了复数,泛指饼干(可数)。Do you want one?这里的one=a biscuit Lesson49 A

3、t the butchers Lesson50 He likes. but he doesnt like. 一,教学重点。1,句法:第三人称单数做主语含实义动词,助动词does,疑问句和否定句。2,句型:Do you like / want.? Yes,I do. / No,I dont. 二,Warm up. Todays story is also about food,especially meat. What does Mr.Bird like? What can we get in the butchers? 三,精讲课文。1,Do you want any meat today?

4、助动词do的用法。2,Do you want beef or lamb? Beef,please. 选择疑问句,前升后降,选择一个答案来作答。eg:Do you like apples or bananas? Bananas,please. 3.I like lamb, but my husband doesnt(like lamb). 第三人称单数(He/ She / It)时,助动词要用does(doesnt=does not),然后动词要还原。 She likes red. She doesnt like red. Does she like red? Yes,she does. No,

5、she doesnt. He wants beef. He doesnt want beef. Does he want beef? Yes,he does. No,he doesnt. 4.what about=how about 5. This is a nice piece(of steak). 一块,一片 a piece of. 6.Give me that piece.=Give that piece to me. 祈使句,双宾语(send, give, show, take) 7, either 也(否定句),too 也(肯定句) eg: He likes steak, and I

6、 like it,too. He does not like beef, and she does not like it, either. Lesson51 A pleasant climate Lesson52 What nationality are they? Where do they come from? 一,教学重点: 1,让学生学会问对方是哪里的人。a.Where do/ does +人名+come from? b.Where is/ are + 人名 +from? 回答a.人名+come(s) from + 地点名词。 b.人名+ be from +地点名词。 2,一般疑问句

7、:Do/ Does +人名+come from+地点名词? Be +人名+ from+ 地点名词? 3, 否定形式。 4, What is . like?用于询问事物的状况,例如天气、气候,或询问人物和事物的外观及特征等。 eg: Whats the weather like in your country? Whats your brother like? 二,Warm up. 今天我们来学习一些国家以及这些国家的天气和气候是怎么样的。Lets see it together. Listen to me and then answer the question: Does it ever s

8、now in Greece? 三,New words: 1,pleasant pleznt a,令人愉快的,可喜的,宜人的 b.友好的,和善的 2, climate klaimit n.气候,一般指长期的,大范围的气候(如适宜的,温和的)。 3, weather n.天气,短期内天气状况的变化。(多云的,多风的) 4, wind windy, snow snowy, rain rainy, sun sunny, cloud cloudy, fog foggy 名词变形容词(风,雪,雨,晴,云,雾) 5, 在某个季节用 in, in summer/ autumn/ winter/ spring

9、6, 在某个月份一般也用介词 in, in May, in June, July 7, Whats the climate like in your country? 句中like是介词,不是动词,意思是如何,怎样。 Lesson53 An interesting climate Lesson54 What nationality are they? Where do they come from? 一,roll-call. 二,warm up. (自然现象方面的新闻) 印尼大海哮、北美大暴雪、汶川大地震登。由此引出天气的话题。 三,New expressions. 1. 频度副词:用来表示动

10、作的频率,但程度上有别 always usually often sometimes never 2, Which seasons do you like best? which season, which days, which month 3. 寻找课文中的反义词,如long short, early late, hot cold, warm cool, wet dry, rise set, days nights, east west, north south 4, 让学生来播报天气预报 It is cold in the north. It is windy in the south

11、. 四,小结 复习第三人称句型间的转换练习,助动词用does,在否定句和疑问句中使用。 Lesson55 The SAWYER family Lesson56 What do they usually do? 一,roll-call 二,warm up 谈一谈你们早上通常喝什么 talk about what you usually drink in the morning. 三,review: 询问对方来自哪里 四,key points 1, the Sawyers 索耶一家人 the+姓(s) 表示某家人 the Greens, the Blacks, the Whites 谓语动词不是三

12、单 The Greens live at 66 King Street. 2, go to work, go to school, go to bed, go home, arrive home, come home, home是地点副词,前边不加介词(in at) 3, take sb. to. 把某人带到. I take her to Beijing. I take him to the cinema. 4. stay at home 呆在家 I always stay at home at the weekends. 5, do the homework, do the housework 6, from 来自 come home from school, come home from work I come from China. 7. at 在. (商店、机场等小地方) 场所 in 在.(城市、国家等大地方)地区 live in, live at arrive in, arrive at Lesson 57 An unusual day Lesson 58 What is the time? 一,roll-call 二,review (带.去. 放学回家 下班回家 在早上 在晚上 在中午) 三,warm up 不寻常



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