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1、让你看起来更年轻的八种食物让你看起来更年轻的八种食物 8 Foods Thatll Make You Look Younger让你看起来更年轻的八种食物Kicking nicotine and avoiding excessive sunlight will help, but the secret to healthy-looking skin is the food you eat. The wrong choices cause inflammation down to the cellular level, says dermatologist Nicholas Perricone,

2、the author of Forever Young, a book about how eating right can keep you looking younger than your years. And while you cant see it, that inflammation leads directly to wrinkling, sagging, and premature aging. Here is what to eat to prevent that from happening. .戒烟、避免日晒都对保持肌肤健康有帮助,但是最有效的方法在我们吃的食物。皮肤科

3、医生Nicholas Perricone说:“错误的选择会导致细胞组织层的发炎。我们虽然看不到,但发炎会直接导致皮肤皱纹、松弛的产生和提前老化现象的出现”,他的书青春永驻(Forever Young)就是教人们如何选择正确的食物保持年轻。下面就是防止皮肤老化的食物。1. Sweet Potatoes1. 红薯(地瓜)Beta-carotene, which makes these tubers orange, balances your skins pH, helps combat dryness, and promotes cell turnover, all resulting in sm

4、oother skin.地瓜表皮的红色是由于含有叶红素,这种物质会保持皮肤的酸碱度,抗击干燥促进细胞更新,使肌肤光滑。2. Wild Salmon2. 野生鲑鱼The pigment that makes the fish pink, astaxanthin, is a powerful foe of free radicals, rogue molecules that damage cell membranes and DNA and cause skin to age. A study found that eating one serving every five days can p

5、revent actinic keratosesugly rough patches that are precancerous.由于含有虾青素鱼肉呈橘色。虾青素抗自由基,自由基是一种游离分子,破坏细胞膜和DNA导致皮肤老龄化现象。研究发现,每五天吃一次含虾青素的食物能够防止光化角化病,也就是皮肤癌的前期病症。3. Tomatoes3. 西红柿The fruits red pigment, lycopene, is a potent antioxidant that shields skin from sun damagelike sunscreen, but from the inside

6、out. To best absorb lycopene, eat tomatoes with olive oil.西红柿中的番茄红素具有很强的抗氧化功能,它会从身体内部保护皮肤免受阳光的伤害,就像防晒油。西红柿配橄榄油能使番茄红素被充分的吸收。4. Citrus Fruits4. 柑橘类水果Vitamin C is essential to building collagen, a vital component of young-looking skin, which starts breaking down in your twenties. Citrus also contains b

7、ioflavonoids, which protect skin from UV rays and help prevent cell death.人类从二十几岁开始,主要保持皮肤年轻的胶原蛋白开始流失,而柑橘类水果含有构成胶原所必需的维生素C。柑橘类水果还含有生物黄酮素,能够保护皮肤不受紫外线的伤害,并防止细胞坏死。5. Leafy Greens5. 绿叶蔬菜Spinach, kale, and other greens contain lutein, which protects skin from sun-induced inflammation and wrinkles.菠菜,甘蓝和其

8、他绿叶蔬菜含有叶黄素,能够保护皮肤免受日光引起的炎症和皱纹。6. Stay Away From White Foods6. 远离白色食物Need another reason to avoid white bread, pasta, rice, and other refined grain products? Theyre quickly broken down into the ultimate white food: sugar. Once in the bloodstream, sugar bonds with protein and creates advanced glycatio

9、n end products (aptly abbreviated AGEs), which cause collagen to become inflamed and stiff, leading to wrinkles.还需要什么原因避免白面包,意大利面,大米和其他精制谷物吗?那就是糖。糖分在白色食物中会被迅速的分解。一旦进入血液中,糖分就会与蛋白质融合产生糖基化终产物(缩写为AGEs)。AGEs导致胶原蛋白挥发变硬产生皱纹。7. Why Food Is Always Better Than a Pill7. 食物好过药丸的原因There are so many factors in fo

10、od that havent been studied. Its very likely that these unknowns work synergistically for a bigger benefit than what you can find in a supplement. Nicholas Perricone, dermatologist皮肤科医生Nicholas Perricone说:“食物中还有许许多多的元素尚未被研究。很有可能这些元素在人体内协同工作,其产生的益处要远远高过补品。”8. Red Wine and Beer8. 红酒和啤酒According to dermatologist Leslie Baumann, red wine contains skin-friendly grape-seed extract and resveratrol, two powerful antioxidants. Hops in beer, it turns out, may also offer antioxidant benefits.皮肤科医生Leslie Baumann表示,红酒含有对肌肤有益的葡萄籽提取物和白藜芦醇,两种物质都具有极高的抗氧化性。而啤酒也被证明,也会具有一定的抗氧化作用。



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