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1、1(2014银川、吴忠部分中学高三联考)There are many difficulties ahead._,I still keep on dreaming and long for a better future.AMoreoverBNeverthelessCOtherwise DInstead解析:选B。根据句意可知前后为转折关系,故选B,表示“然而,不过”。2(2014安徽马鞍山高三统考)I cant possibly take a holiday at the moment;Ive got _ too much on my plate.Aquite BfarCfairly Dpre

2、tty解析:选B。考查副词辨析。句意:我不可能现在休假,我有太多的事要处理。四个选项都 有“很,非常”的意思,但只有far可以修饰too(much)。3(2014江西两所名校考试)Would you like to go to the cinema with me now?Im sorry I wont,because it is too late now._,I would go with you.ABesides BHoweverCOtherwise DTherefore解析:选C。考查副词辨析。根据答语语意“对不起,我不能,因为现在太晚了。否则的话,我会跟你一起去的。”可知,应选C项。o

3、therwise“否则,不然”,表示一个含蓄条件,相当于if it were not so late。4(2014浙江五校联考)The national parks are very important for the protection of these wild animals,which would _ run the risk of becoming extinct.Atherefore BinsteadCotherwise Danyhow解析:选C。考查副词。句意:国家公园对这些野生动物的保护非常重要,否则这些野生动物就会有灭绝的危险。由句意可知otherwise“否则,要不然”正

4、确。A项“因此”;B项“反而”;D项“无论如何,不管怎样”。5(2014哈尔滨高三模拟)Im _ about what I say because careless remarks are likely to hurt others feelings.Aenthusiastic BcuriousCdoubtful Dcautious解析:选D。考查形容词辨析。句意:我说话很谨慎,因为草率的评论可能会伤害他人的感情。A“热心的”;B“好奇的”;C“感到怀疑的”D“谨慎的,小心的”。根据语意可知D项正确。6(2014陕西宝鸡质量检测)You dont seem to be quite yourse

5、lf today.Whats wrong?Oh,Im suffering from a cold.Nothing serious _.Ayet BindeedCanyway Dthough解析:选D。考查副词辨析。句意:你今天看起来好像不大舒服。怎么了?嗯,我感冒了。但是不太严重。though可用作副词,意为“可是,不过”,常用于句末。7(2014北京海淀期中考试)How was your holiday?It couldnt have been _.I just stayed in the hotel because it was raining most of the time.Abori

6、ng Bmore boringCmost boring Dless boring解析:选B。句意:你假期过得怎样?没有比这更无聊的了,因为大部分时间下雨,所以我只是待在宾馆里。“否定词比较级”意为:没有比更的,相当于:这是最的。8(2014长春调研)Lily did succeed at last!Yeah,indeed,but she was _ than successful,I think.Amore lucky Bmuch luckierCluckier Dlucky解析:选A。根据句意可知,此处“moreadj.原形than”是固定结构,表示“与其说倒不如说”。所以选A项。9(201

7、4山东潍坊高三质量检测)The man talks as if he knew the truth about the car accident._ he knows nothing about it.AActually BReallyCObviously DGenerally解析:选A。考查副词。句意:那个人谈起来好像知道这次车祸的真相。事实上,他什么也不知道。根据句意可知,应选A,actually意为“事实上”。really“确实地,的确”;obviously“显而易见地”;generally“通常地”。10(2014湖北荆州高中毕业班质量检查)We use passwords to ke

8、ep our personal information secret and safe,but some passwords we use may not be as _ as we think.Aaccurate BappropriateCcomplex Dreliable解析:选D。考查形容词辨析。句意:我们用密码来使我们的个人信息安全保密,但我们所用的有些密码可能并不如我们所认为的那样可靠。accurate“准确的,精确的”;appropriate“恰当的,合适的”;complex“复杂的,难以理解的”;reliable“可靠的,可依赖的”。根据句意可知应选D。11(2014合肥一中一检

9、)Linda kept weighing herself to see how much _ she was getting.Aheavy BheavierCthe heavier Dthe heaviest解析:选B。考查形容词的比较级。句意:Linda不断地称自己的体重,想看看她胖了多少。根据句意,含有两者间的比较,much后应接形容词的比较级,不加定冠词the。12(2014天津南开中学测试)Look!Over there in the middle of the square stands a _ pole.Ared stone fiftyfoothighBfiftyfoothigh

10、red stoneCstone red fiftyfoothighDfiftyfoothigh stone red解析:选B。考查多个形容词修饰名词时的排序。多个形容词同时修饰一个名词时,其排列顺序通常如下:限定词表示观点词大小或长短年龄或新旧形状或样式颜色产地或来源材料或种类用途名词。故B项正确。13(2014辽宁省实验中学月考)Its difficult to survive in a foreign country,_when you cannot speak its language.Aextremely BnaturallyCbasically Despecially解析:选D。考查

11、副词。句意:在国外生存是非常困难的,尤其当你不会讲该国的语言时。especially“尤其”符合句意,故选D。14(2014北京重点高中尖子生综合素质展示)Mum likes this old house in downtown better than the huge one in the country,but it costs almost _.Atwice as much Btwice as manyCtwice so much Dtwice so many解析:选A。本句的后半句所要表达的意思是市中心的这座老房子的价格几乎是乡村的那所大房子的价格的两倍,故答案为A项,相当于“but it costs almost twice as much as the huge one in the country”。15(2014重庆一中模拟)How about the concert last night?Well,at least its _ the one I saw last time with Joan.Ano worse than Bno better thanCnot as good as Das bad as解析:选A。考查形容词的比较级。句意:昨晚的音乐会怎么样?嗯,至少不比我上次和Joan一起看的那个差。根据句意可知A项正确。



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