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1、Give the English words according to the Chinese .1.或多或少_ 2.两千年前_ 3.伟大发现_ 4.教导_ 5.彩色花鸟_ 6.古代社会_7.一件艺术品_ 8.黄头发的_ 9.几千年前_ 10.公元前_11.上学_ 12.我的一个朋友_13.妻子的义务_ 14.度假_15.给女孩梳头_ 16.照看小孩_.Give the Chinese meaning of each word fortable_ 2.noise 3.north _ 4.famous_ 5.punishment_ 6.believable_7.river_ 8.purpose_

2、9.pride_ 10.production_11.neck_ 12.arrive_13.refuse_ 14.protect_15.line_ 16.mountain_17.honest_ 18.kid_19.hire_ 20.freedom_Translate the following sentences into English .1. 中国有五千年的历史。2. 天看起来似乎要下雨了。3. 这地方因山水著名。4. 上海有多少人口?5. 这可能就是他老失败的原因。Put the underlined words into Chinese.1. She did not feel well

3、and was allowed to remain at home.2. If you take four from ten, six remains.3. We went to the glass doors and looked inside.4. A glass of milk, please.5. Do you like it? Of course I do.6. We have computer-science courses at different levels.7. “No,” she said in a firm voice.8. The situation demands

4、firm leadership.9. She cut the cake and give me a piece.10. Tell her to get her hair cut.11. He served as an advisor to the factory.12. Dinner is served.13. It took us two hours to arrive at a decision.14. Thank you for your letter, which arrived on Monday.15. We depend on the sun for heat and light

5、.16. Please move aside, you are staying in my light.17. Here is a block of ice.18. The road was completely blocked.19. She was so frightened that she could not move.20. The audiences would be moved to tears.21. Are you coming tonight? I suppose so.22. I suppose the answer is that he wasnt trying har

6、d.23. Be careful! That might cause trouble.24. You know your trouble? You are too lazy.25. You can do it if you try.26. It was decided that we could go and have a try.27. Are you feeling all right now?28. How does it feel? It feels soft.29. Id better plant some flowers in the garden.30. There is a p

7、ower plant nearby.Translate the following into Chinese/English 1. unsettling 2. ecological balance 3. an exotic atmosphere 4. Microsoft 5. Radicalism6. 经济萧条 7. 女权运动 8. 互联网 9. 偏见 10. 抓住机会Translate the following sentences into English 11. 电视新闻和电视节目既能对人们产生正面的影响,也能产生负面的影响。12. 现在越来越对的人开始使用电子邮件来传递信息。13. 最

8、新的信息证明了我的想法, 记住人应对此负责。14. 有一个例子能说明人们长期营养不良。15. 玛丽和汤姆对于成功培养孩子有自己独特的办法。Translate the following paragraph into Chinese The perpetual tutelage and subjection robbed women of all freedom of thought and action, and all incentive for growth, and they logically became the inane weaklings the world would hav

9、e them, and their condition strengthened the universal belief in their incapacity. This world taught women nothing skillful and then said her work was valueless. It permitted her no opinions and said she did not know how to think. If forbade her to speak in public, and said the sex had no orators. I

10、t denied her schools, and said the sex had no genius. It robbed her of very vestige of responsibility, and then called her weak. It taught her that very pleasure must come as a favor from men, and when to gain it she decked herself in paint and fine feathers, as she had been taught to do, it called

11、her vain. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. No sooner did the storekeeper see the act than he hit upon exactly the right revenge. He would punish the thief , and at the same time he would satisfy his own appetite for fun to the utmost.2. A greasy waterfall of butter was now pouring

12、down the poor mans face and neck, soaking into his clothes, and dripping down his body into his boots. He was bathed in oil from head to toe.3. Receiving a weekly allowance at an early age teaches children to budget their money.4. In both nuclear and extended families, the culture imposes set role u

13、pon parents.5. It had never occurred to me that this innocent passion of mine would turn out to be such a disruption to my life.Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 我们常在一起学习,互相帮助。2. 咱们今天口语联系做什么?是就课文互相提问吗?3. 咱们找点东西喝喝。你想喝杯茶吗?4. 这花园这么漂亮,咱们进去瞧瞧。5. 我担心我们不能准时到达那里。Translate the following sent

14、ences into Chinese. 1. It is getting dark. Lets go home.2. The weather is getting warmer,isnt it?3. I heard Li Ying was ill. Has she got well?4. He was so tired(疲倦)that he soon fell asleep.5. When did he fall ill?How is he feeling now?6. You dont look very well today. Is anything wrong?7. He has grown very tall since I last saw him.8. Th



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