lie to me第一季第一集中英剧本.doc

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1、Scene: Question Room, Cal, a criminal and his attorney are there.-The Attorney: Ive instructed my client to remain silent. Hes not gonna talk.instruct: 指导remain: 保持client:顾客,委托人silent:安静的,沉默的,无言的 我已经让我的客户保持沉默了。他不会开口的。-Cal: Thats okay. Thats okay.没有关系,没有关系。I dont have much faith in words myself. fait

2、h: 信任我自己也不怎么相信言语。Statistically speaking, the average person tells three lies per ten minutes conversation. And granted, its just regular people.statistically: 统计学上conversation: 对话granted: 但是regular people: 普通人average:平均的,一般的,通常的 据统计,一般人在十分钟的谈话中平均说 3 个谎话。当然,这只是普通人。We havent studied people who are pla

3、nning to firebomb a black church. Could skew differently.firebomb: 炸毁black church: 黑人的教堂skew: 歪斜,侧转differently:不同地我们还没有研究那些计划炸毁一个黑人教堂的人,那样的话,结果指不定是啥样儿。-FBI 1: We dont have time for this scientist to talk to the guy. We went at him for four hours, got nothing.go at: 着手干,尽全力干scientist:科学家guy:人,家伙我们没时间

4、让这个科学家盘问他了,我们套了他四个小时,啥都没套到。-Cal: Now, the FBI knows you want mass casualties.FBI: (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 简称 FBI) 美国联邦调查局mass: 大规模的casualty: 伤亡人数FBI 已经知道你想要达到大规模伤亡。So right now ATF is searching every inch of the two largest black churches in the state. ATF: 酒烟火器爆破物品局inch: 寸state:国家right no

5、w:立刻,马上所以现在 ATF 正在慢慢搜索这个州内最大两所黑人教堂的每个角落。The FBI got it wrong. Well, theres a shocker. shocker: 令人震惊的事FBI 搞错了,好吧,真令人震惊啊。Its not one of those two churches. Maybe you want one of the smaller churches, one of the black suburbs.suburb: 郊区不是这两所教堂,你是想炸小点的教堂吧,在黑人聚集的郊区。- 4 -百度一下 爱酷英语:看电影/美剧学英语,漫画英语,听歌学英语,游戏英

6、语-The Criminal: You dont know what youre talking about.真不懂你在说什么。-Cal: Dont respond! respond: 反应,回答 别回应!What do you say ATF starts with Southbridge?start with:从开始ATF 从 Southbridge 市开始搜如何? No, Im only kidding.我开玩笑的啦,不搜 Southbridge 了。Well skip that one. Were gonna focus on Lorton. focus on:集中于,聚焦skip:略

7、过,跳过 我们跳过这个,那集中搜查 Lorton 市吧?You feel good about that? Thats it! Lorton! Going after a church in Lorton. go after: 追着你觉得行吗? 就这个! Lorton 市! 搜索 Lorton 市的教堂。-The Attorney: That accusation has no basis. accusation: 控告,指控basis:基础,根据 这个控告没有依据。-Cal: What do you mean? He just told me.你啥意思?他刚刚告诉我了。Scene: In o

8、ne criminal lecture, Cal and his audiences are there.criminal:犯罪的,刑事的lecture:演讲,讲课audience:观众,听众-Cal: The ATF found a pipe bomb in a church basement in Lorton an hour later. pipe: 管道basement: 地下室ATF 一个钟头后在一个教堂的地下室找到一个管道炸弹。-Audience A: DOD friend of mine said this guys a total nut-job. Heard he spent

9、, like, three years in the African jungle with some primitive tribe studying their eyebrows.DOD: Department of Defense 国防部(美国)nut-job: 疯子jungle: 热带雨林primitive tribe: 原始部落eyebrow:眉毛 一个国家安全局的朋友告诉我这人是个十足的疯子。听说他在非洲丛林里待了三年 跟原始部落住在一起就为研究他们的眉毛。-Cal: Watch his reaction to my statement. reaction: 反应statement

10、: 陈述 看他对我的话的反应。Right now, ATF is searching every inch of the two largest black churches in the state.现在 ATF 正在慢慢搜查这个州里那两座最大黑人教堂的各个角落。Now what you just saw there was a brief expression of happiness on his face which he was trying his best to conceal.expression: 表情 conceal: 隐藏a fifth of a second: = on

11、e-fifth of a second 五分之一秒他的脸上霎那间掠过几分喜悦,他却竭力想要掩饰。It lasted for less than a fifth of a second. Its what we call a micro-expression.- 5 -百度一下 爱酷英语:看电影/美剧学英语,漫画英语,听歌学英语,游戏英语last for:持续less than:少于,不到brief:简短的这一喜悦持续不到五分之一秒,就是我们所说的微表情。Now, look at his mouth. The suspect is secretly happy about the locatio

12、ns we are searching, which tells me we have the wrong locations.suspect: 嫌疑犯location: 位置secretly:秘密地,背地里看看他的嘴,嫌犯正窃喜我们的搜索地点。我便知道,我们搜错地儿了。Now I tell him of our new plan, and.现在我告诉他一个新方案,然后-The criminal:You dont know what youre talking about.你不知道你在说什么。-Cal: Classic one-sided shrug. Translation: Ive abs

13、olutely no confidence of what I just said.classic:经典的,典型的shrug: 耸肩translation:翻译,译文absolutely: 绝对地confidence: 自信 典型的单边耸肩。这可以翻译成:我对于我刚才说的话完全没有自信。The body contradicts the words. Hes lying. Yeah? contradict: 矛盾 肢体跟语言相矛盾,他在说谎。请说?- Audience B: When you accuse the suspect, and he acts surprised, is there

14、a way to tell if its real or if hes just trying to look innocent?accuse: 控告innocent: 无辜的如果你指控一个嫌疑犯。而他表现得很惊讶。我们怎样来判断这是真的还是他只是试图表 现得无辜?-Cal: Now thats real surprise. surprise: 惊讶 现在这种是真正的惊讶。Lasts for less than a second when it comes across your face, but if your suspect is surprised for more than a se

15、cond, hes faking it. Hes e across: 出现fake: 假造,仿造真正的惊讶处在你脸上的持续时间只有少于一秒,但是如果你的嫌疑犯表现出惊讶超过一 秒,他就在作假。他在撒谎。Now I call out his target is actually Lorton, and watch it again. target: 目标actually: 实际上call out: 大声叫喊 现在我说出他的目标实际上是 Lorton, 然后再看下他的表情。Concealed scorn. One personal tip: You see this micro-expression in your spouses face, your marriage is coming to an end. Trust me. Yeah?conceal: 隐藏scorn: 轻蔑spouse: 配偶expression:表情,表现隐藏的不屑。我稍稍指点一句:如果你们在你们的配偶脸上看到这种细微表情,你们的婚 姻也将走到头了。相信我。请说?-Audience C: Dont


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