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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项:1答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2答题时请按要求用笔。3请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、His name is James but he calls _Jim.AhisBhimselfChimD不填2、Mary with her parents to Hong Kong. They

2、ll stay there for two weeks.Ahave beenBhave goneChas beenDhas gone3、Shall I give you a ride as you look so tired?Thank you. _.AIts your duty.BDont mention itCDo as you likeDIt couldnt be better.4、I hear a new modern science lab _ in our school next year.Ais builtBwill buildCwill be builtDbuilds5、Ste

3、phanie wears_ coat _ white buttons every Friday in winter.Aan ugly loose cotton; with Ba loose ugly cotton; hasCa loose ugly cotton; with Dan ugly cotton loose; has6、- What do you think of the movie Frozen Fever?- Fantastic! It _ by Disney.Amakes Bhas made Cwas made Dhad made7、I /kip/ an English dia

4、ry every day to improve my writing skills.AcompeteBkeepCkickDcopy8、The meat is_delicious. Yes, but dont eat_.Avery; much tooBmuch too; muchCso; too muchDtoo; much too9、Leonard was born in _ in Los Angles. Last year, he won his _Oscar in the 88th Academy Awards.A1980, the firstBthe 1980s, the firstC1

5、980s, firstDthe 1980s, first10、In English, we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it in half. So youre halfway to solving a problem just _ talking to someone about it.AwithBbyCin. 完形填空11、Welcome to my home. There are (有) 1 bedrooms in my home, one for my 2 and one for me. Look! This is my bed

6、room. A bed, a desk and a chair are 3 it. My favorite color is 4 . The bed, desk and chair are all blue. 5 is my parents bedroom. A 6 is in their room. Some books are in it. A(n) 7 of my parents is on the wall(墙壁). 8 look (看起来) so happy(开心). Oh, 9 that under the bookcase? Its 10 dog. We love it very

7、 much.1AtwoBthreeCfourDfive2AbrotherBsisterCparentsDgrandparents3AonBinCatDunder4AblueBbrownCpurpleDgreen5ATheseBFirstCThisDLast6AradioBsofaCclockDbookcase7AquiltBphotoCe-mailDtable8AIBYouCSheDThey9AwhatBwhatsCwhereDwheres10AyourByoursCourDours. 语法填空12、Bruce and Kelly are brother and sister. They en

8、joy 1 (play) sports. In just a month they 2 (be) high school students. Bruce is deciding between badminton and volleyball. Kelly is thinking about whether to try a sport she never played, or go with one she knows, like baseball.Maybe many students face the same problem. For most students,3 (choose)

9、which sports to do in high school is hard because they never played an 4 (organize) sport before, and they are not sure what they will most enjoy.Sports 5 (mean) to be fun. If there is a sport you really enjoy but you arent sure if you can play it well, just 6 (try) out. Whats the worst that can hap

10、pen? If you dont like it, you can always try another sport. 阅读理解A13、Many of us might want to take on traditional jobs when we grow up, such as being a doctor or lawyer. However, there are many more choices than just these that are available today.In October, a job-hunting website Z issued a report a

11、fter surveying people who work fitness coach and make up artist. Most of the jobs pay well, with one in three workers earning more than 8,000 yuan a month. The top-paying job is vet- about 29 percent of these animal doctors earn over 20,000 yuan per month.These workers educational background is also

12、 impressive (令人印象深刻的). Over 60 percent of the surveyed workers have a college degree (学位) or above, the report says. Most of the workers said they chose their jobs out of love and interest in the area. Many of the jobs are no longer specific to one gender. For example, the report found that one-thir

13、d of child care workers are men. These positions used to be filled almost only by women.Many of these jobs are in the service industry. Economic (经济的) development means people have more money to spend and are in greater need of high-quality services China News Service noted. For example, more people

14、 have started to raise pets. Pet owners will spend over 5,000 yuan per pet this year, an increase of 15 percent from 2018, Xinhua reported. The growing demand for animal care, therefore, has encouraged more people to become veterinarians (兽医).1What does the report issued by Z show?AMost people still

15、 prefer to work as doctors or lawyers.BThere are many new job choices these days. CThere are 800 different jobs in major Chinese cities.2Which job has the best pay according to the survey?AVeterinarian.BFitness coach.CMake-up artist.3Why are there many new jobs in the service industry?ABecause people need more


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