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1、秘书处和预算预算秘书处和预算预算后续审计伊进行了八个跟踪审计的在2011年期间,两个在采购、两个任务旅行,两个在工资和两个在培训和技术合作研究所(宜家中国测试及培训中心)行政和后勤支持函数来验证状态的各种建议在发行审核自2008。d budget秘书处和预算Budget预算Follow-up audits后续审计The OIA undertook eight follow-up audits during 2011, two伊进行了八个跟踪审计的在2011年期间,两个on procurement, two on mission travel, two on the payroll and在采购

2、、两个任务旅行,两个在工资和two on Institute for Training and Technical Cooperation (ITTC)两个在培训和技术合作研究所(宜家中国测试及培训中心)administrative and logistical support functions to verify the行政和后勤支持函数来验证status of various recommendations made in audits issued since状态的各种建议在发行审核自2008.2008。跟踪审计的结果和他们的终极状况而定2011年12月31日如下表所示:表6:后续审计

3、The results of the follow-up audits and their ultimate status as at跟踪审计的结果和他们的终极状况而定31 December 2011 are shown in the table below:2011年12月31日如下表所示:Table 6: Follow-up audits表6:后续审计1的建议已经实现2所取得的进步,在采取补救行动(工作进程)3建议没有补救行动作为,但与提议补救行动计划,解决建议1 Recommendations that have been implemented1的建议已经实现2 Progress be

4、ing made in taking remedial action (work in progress)2所取得的进步,在采取补救行动(工作进程)3 Recommendations with no remedial action taken as yet but with proposed3建议没有补救行动作为,但与提议remedial action plans to address the recommendations补救行动计划,解决建议清洁和维护服务审计今年6月,伊发出审计报告在清洁和维护服务与31建议。尽管合同与提供程序是可再生每两个年,提供者已经承包约32年继任,首先由关贸总协定

5、和其后WTO,暴露出WTO潜在的风险而言,错过了在访问新的清洁创新机会上可用市场。Cleaning and maintenance services audit清洁和维护服务审计In June the OIA issued an audit report on cleaning and今年6月,伊发出审计报告在清洁和maintenance services with 31 recommendations.维护服务与31建议。Although尽管the contract with the provider was renewable every two合同与提供程序是可再生每两个years, t

6、he provider had been contracted for approximately 32年,提供者已经承包约32years in succession, first by the GATT and subsequently the年继任,首先由关贸总协定和其后WTO, exposing the WTO to potential risks in terms of missedWTO,暴露出WTO潜在的风险而言,错过了opportunities in accessing new cleaning innovations available on在访问新的清洁创新机会上可用the

7、market.市场。审计发现机会提高条款合同条件,以满足变化的需求,世贸组织和提高遵守的条款和条件合同的提供者。此外建议对:改善充分性和清晰的合同包括相关的关键性能指标和消除任何含糊不清,开放竞争到其他清洁供应商;提高效率在操作和获得更好的价值钱从提供者。The audit identified opportunities for improving the terms and审计发现机会提高条款conditions of contract to meet the changing needs of the WTO合同条件,以满足变化的需求,世贸组织and to enhance complia

8、nce with the terms and conditions of和提高遵守的条款和条件contract by the provider.合同的提供者。Furthermore recommendations were此外建议made to: improve the adequacy and clarity of the contract to对:改善充分性和清晰的合同include relevant key performance indicators and eliminate any包括相关的关键性能指标和消除任何vagueness; open up the competition

9、to other cleaning providers;含糊不清,开放竞争到其他清洁供应商;improve efficiency in operations and obtain better value for提高效率在操作和获得更好的价值money from the provider.钱从提供者。内部审计在2011年,内部审计办公室(伊)发布了两份报告,一个在清洗和维护服务和第二个安全与安全活动。他们的目标被评估的内部控制在地方和足够的合同条款,遵守合同条款,效率和有效性的操作和资源,可靠性和完整的文档,以及评价的值钱收到提供的服务Internal audit内部审计During 2011

10、 the Office of Internal Audit (OIA) issued two reports, one on cleaning在2011年,内部审计办公室(伊)发布了两份报告,一个在清洗and maintenance services and the second on security and safety activities.和维护服务和第二个安全与安全活动。Their aim他们的目标was to assess the internal controls in place and the adequacy of the contract terms,被评估的内部控制在地

11、方和足够的合同条款,compliance with the contract terms, the efficiency and effectiveness of operations and遵守合同条款,效率和有效性的操作和resources, the reliability and integrity of documentation, and to appraise the value for资源,可靠性和完整的文档,以及评价的值money received from the services provided钱收到提供的服务背景对内部审计内部审计办公室(伊)成立于3月2008年为进行独

12、立检查和评估的世贸组织的财务和预算控制系统和流程。伊提出建议的加强问责制、金融风险管理,内部控制和治理流程,目标是确保金融资源可用的WTO成员的高效地使用获得最好的金钱价值。ernal audit背景对内部审计The Office of Internal Audit (OIA) was created in March内部审计办公室(伊)成立于3月2008 to undertake the independent examination and2008年为进行独立检查和evaluation of the WTOs financial and budgetary control评估的世贸组织的财

13、务和预算控制systems and processes.系统和流程。The OIA makes recommendations伊提出建议的for strengthening accountability, financial risk management,加强问责制、金融风险管理,internal controls and governance processes, with the aim of内部控制和治理流程,目标是ensuring that the financial resources made available to the确保金融资源可用的WTO by its members are used efficiently and effectively toWTO成员的高效地使用obtain the best value for money.获得最好的金钱价值。



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