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1、2022年考博英语-广东工业大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题( )as planned depends on the weather.问题1选项A.Well go on the excursionB.That well go on the excursionC.How well go on the excursionD.Whether well go on the excursion【答案】D【解析】考查主语从句。原句表示,我们是否能按计划出去郊游取决于天气。因此本题正确答案为D选项。2. 单选题Although he had been given several t

2、raffic tickets, the driver( )that he had not been responsible for a single accident.问题1选项A.defendedB.acknowledgedC.inferredD.contended【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。defend辩护;acknowledged承认,确认;inferred 推测;contended 主张,为竞争。句意:尽管他收到了几张交通罚单,但司机辩护称他对这几起交通事故都没有责任。由Although可知前后两句是让步关系。虽然该司机收到几张罚单,但他辩护.故A项符合句意。3. 单选题The f

3、irst stroke guidelines to specifically target women( )prevention earlier in life and recognize unique female risks for the disorder, including pregnancy and birth control pills.问题1选项A.neglectB.avoidC.emphasizeD.admire【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。neglect忽视;avoid避免;emphasize强调;admire钦佩,赞美。由“and recognize认识到女性患这种疾病

4、的独特风险”可知_ prevention earlier in life也是积极性的内容,C项符合句意。句意:第一份针对早期预防女性中风的指南强调女性应该早期预防,并认识到女性患中风的独特风险,包括怀孕和避孕药。4. 填空题America has the best system of higher education in the world. The Institute of Higher Education at Shanghai Jiao Tong University ranks the worlds universities on a series of objective(1)su

5、ch as the number of Nobel prizes and articles on prestigious journals. 17 of the top 20 universities in that list are American. American universities(2)employ 70% of the worlds Nobel prize-winners. They produce about 30% of the worlds(3)of articles on science and engineering, according to a survey(4

6、)in 2001,and 44% of the most frequently cited articles.Why is America so successful? Wealth clearly has something to do with it. America spends more than twice as much(5)student as the OECD(经合组织)average,and alumni and philanthropists(慈善家)routinely shower universities(6)gold. History also plays a par

7、t. Americans have always had a(7)for higher education. The Puritans established Harvard College in 1636, just two(8)after they first arrived in New England.The main reason for Americas success, however, lies in organization. The first principle is that the federal government plays a(9)part. America

8、does not have a central plan for its universities. It does not treat its(10)as civil servants, as(11)France and Germany. Instead, universities have a wide(12)of patrons. The academic landscape has been(13)by rich benefactors such as Ezra Cornell, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Johns Hopkins and John D. Rocke

9、feller.The second principle is competition. Universities compete for(14), from students to professors to basketball, stars. Professors compete for federal research(15). Students compete for college scholarships or research fellowships. This means that successful institutions cannot(16)on their laure

10、ls(成就).The third principle is that it is all right to be useful. America has always(17)universities as more than ivory towers. This(18)on “paying dividends” remains a(19)feature of academic culture. American has(20)the art of forging links between academia and industry. American universities earn mo

11、re than $1 billion a year in royalties and license fees, and dozens operate their own venture funds.测试【答案】1.criteria2.currently3.output4.conducted5.per6.with7.passion8.decades9.limited10.academics11.do12.range13.shaped14.everything15.grants16.rest17.regarded18.emphasis19.prominent20.pioneered【解析】1.由

12、such as the number of Nobel prizes and articles on prestigious journals. 如诺贝尔奖的数量和发表在著名期刊上的文章。可知这些都属于条件。2.本句结构完整,句意:美国大学( )雇佣世界上70%的诺贝尔奖得主。3.句意:科学家产出了世界上30%的关于科学和工程方面的学术文章,以及44%的经常被引用的文章。4.conduct a survey 做调查;句意:根据2001年的一项调查5.句意:美国花在每个学生身上的钱是经合组织平均水平的两倍多。6.shower with抛撒,大量给予;句意:校友和慈善家每年都会大量赠予资金。7.h

13、ave a passion for 对的强烈爱好;由下一句“清教徒在第一次到达新英格兰后于1636年建立哈佛大学”可知“美国人对高等教育有强烈爱好”。8.此空需要填一个表示时间的名词。two decades 20年。9.此空需填一个形容词,空前有不定冠词a修饰,故空格处所填形容词不以元音字母开头。再联系下文可知,对于美国的大学,不像法国和德国那样,美国政府并没有实行中央计划。所以美国高等教育成功的第一个原因就是联邦政府发挥了有限的作用。形容词中只有limited符合题意。10.treatas civil servants将_看作公务员。由上一句可知“对于美国的大学,美国政府没有实行中央计划。”

14、所以接着进一步说明,美国政府没有把美国大学看作是政府的公务员。11.as do France and Germany像法国和德国那样。句意:对于美国的大学,不像法国和德国那样,美国政府并没有一个实行中央计划。12.have a wide range of有广泛的。由下文可知有一些富有的捐赠者,故此空填range.13.此空需填一个动词的过去分词,表被动。学术氛围被形成,故用shaped。14.由空后的from可知美国的大学对于一切都竞争。15.此空需填一个名词,由federal research可推知是政府的研究补助金。句意:教授为获得政府的研究补助金而竞争。16.rest on停留在。由上文

15、可知美国的大学为一切而竞争,教授为获得补助金而竞争,学生为了奖学金而竞争,整个大学都是在不断地向前的一种状态。故这空总结道:这意味着成功的大学不能停留在这些成就上。17.regardas把认作;句意:美国总是将大学看作不仅仅是象牙塔。18.空后有介词on,空格处要填名词,只有emphasis合适。句意:这种强调取得好结果成为了。19.此空需填形容词,美国大学对取得好结果的关注成为了其学术文化的显著特色。20.此空需填动词。句意:美国开创了在学术界和工业界建立联系的艺术。美国首先开创了这门艺术,故用pioneered。5. 单选题An old saying has it that half of all advertising budgets are wasted-the trouble is, no one knows which half. In the internet age, at least in theory, this fraction can be much reduced. By watching what people search for, click on and say online, companies can ai



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