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1、序数词练习题一、写出下列基数词的序数词。seven two sixteen one three eight nine twelve twenty five thirty twenty-two thirty-five twenty-eight twenty-four thirty-one twenty-nine二、写出下列序数词的缩写形式或完整形式。first nineteenth twenty-eight eleventh- twelfth- 3rd 12th 20th 80th 29th三、写出下面日期、节日相对应的英语表达。二月二日五月三日 八月五日七月十二日九月二十一日十一月十三日 国庆

2、节 愚人节 元旦节 万圣节 情人节 劳动节四、根据句子意思填空。1. Childrens Day(儿童节) is on theof June(六月). 2. There are months(月)in a year(年). 3. Teachers Day(教师节) is on the of September(九月). 4. The Mid-autumn Festival is on (八月十五) in lunar calendar5.National day is on (十月一日).五、选择填空( )1. My cousins birthday in on the of October.

3、A. three B. first C. the second( )2. What date is it today? Its of April. A. twelfth B. the 12th C. 12th( )3. There are days in a week.A. the seven B. seventh C. the seventh D. seven( )4.Sunday is the day of a week. A. one B. firstC. second( )5. Twenty-eight minus(减)six is . A. the twenty- second B.

4、 twenty-two C. twenty- second( )6. Four plus(加) is twelve.A. seven B. eight C. nine基数词 序数词0 zero 1 one first/1st 第一 2 two second/2nd 第二3 three third/3rd 第三 4 four fourth/4th 第四5 five fifth/5th 第五 6 six sixth/6th 第六7 seven seventh/7th 第七 8 eight eighth/8th 第八9 nine ninth/9th 第九 10 ten tenth/10th 第十11

5、 eleven eleventh/11th 第十一 12 twelve twelfth/12th 第十二13thirteen thirteenth/13th 第十三 14 fourteen fourteenth/14th 第十四15 fifteen fifteenth/15th 第十五 16 sixteen sixteenth/16th 第十六17seventeen seventeenth/17th 第十七 18 eighteen eighteenth/18th 第十八19 nineteen nineteenth/19th 第十九 20 twenty twentieth/20th 第二十21T

6、wenty-one twenty-first/21st 第二十一 22 Twenty-two twenty-second/22nd 第二十二23 Twenty-three twenty-third/23rd 第二十三30 thirty thirtieth/30th 第三十 40 forty fortieth/40th 第四十 50 fifty fiftieth/50th 第五十 60 sixty sixtieth/60th 第六十 70 seventy seventieth/70th 第七十 80 eighty eightieth/80第八十 90 ninety ninetieth/90th

7、第九十 100 hundred hundredth/100th 第一百月份:January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 星期:周一:Monday;周二:Tuesday;周三:Wednesday;周四:Thursday;周五:Friday;周六:Saturday;周日:Sunday 时间计量单词 :second 秒, minute分 , quarter一刻钟 hour 小时 day 天 week 周 month 月 year 年 century 世

8、纪 morning早晨 ,noon中午 afternoon 下午 night傍晚 midnight深夜基数词规律:1, 1至12各不同 2,13至19都以teen 结尾 3,20至90 的整十数都以ty 结尾 4,21至 91 的非整数:整数与个数间加 “一” 5,百是hundred, 千是thousand 序数词规律:1,第一至第三有独立式 2,第四至第十二加th (除fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth 外) 3, 整十数: y 改I 加eth 4, 21至99 间的非整十数:在整数基数词后加“一”,然后加上个位序数词。基数词变序数词口诀:基变序,有规律。 一、二、三、特殊记,词尾字母t,d,d.(first, second, third)。 八减t,九去e,(eighth, ninth), f 来把ve替。(twelfth). 单词ty作结尾,ty变成tie(twentieth). 若是碰到几十几,只变个位就可以。(twenty-first)


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