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1、船舶英语目 录一.职位及工种(Titles and type of work) 1二、柴油机类(Words about diesel engine) 3三、船舶机械类(Words about marine machinery) 11四、阀门(Words about valve) 14五、泵类(Words about pump) 16六、甲板机械类(Deck machinery) 18七、工具类(Word about tools) 20八、常用物料(Material in common use) 26九、常用紧固件(Part of fixation in common use) 28十、常用油类

2、(Oil in common use) 28十一、常用量词(Quantifier in common use) 29十二、国家名称(Name of country) 。 30十三、常用缩语(abbreviation in common use) 31十四、船用动态常用单词(marine tends word) 32十五、船舶机电设备操作词汇(manipulate of marine equipment) 33十六、故障常用单词 (words about malfunction) 35十七、保养检修常用词汇(Words about maintain and examination) 38十八、常

3、用数字(Numeral in common use) 40十九、时间、季节与方向 (Time、Season and Direction) 42二十常用词组(Phrases in common use)45二十一、常用动词和例句(Verb in common use and example) 48二十二、问候和常用表达语(Greeting and common expression) 67二十三、主机提交过程用语(Delivery expressions for main engine) 68二十四、空压机和空气系统用语(Air compressor and Air system) 75二十五、

4、锅炉提交用语(Delivery expressions for boiler) 77二十六、锚绞车提交过程用语(Delivery expressions for anchor windlass) 79二十七、舵机提交过程用语(Steering gear delivering) 87二十八、付机提交过程用语(Delivery expression for A/E) 91二十九、救生艇提交过程用语(Delivery expressions for lifeboat) 92三十、其他提交项目(Delivery expressions for other items) 95三十一、甲板机械系泊试验(M

5、ooring test for deck machinery) 96三十二、机舱设备系泊试验(Mooring test for the equipment in E/R) 98三十三、谈论故障常用语(Expressions for trouble)100三十四、谈论检修常用语(Expressions for overhaul) 101三十五、谈论试验和检验(Talking about test & check) 103三十六、谈论技术要求(Talking about technology required) 105一职位及工种(Titles and type of work)1船长 Capta

6、in2大副 Chief officer3二副 Second officer4三副 Third officer5四副 Fourth officer6水手长 Boatswain7水手 Sailor & Seaman8木匠 Carpenter9轮机长 Chief engineer10大管轮 Second engineer11二管轮 Third engineer12三管轮 Fourth engineer13机匠长 Chief motorman15机匠 Fitter16加油工 Oil man17大电 Chief electrician18电工 Electrician19车间主任 Workshop dir

7、ector20工长 Section chief21班长 Fore man22钳工 Fitter23主管工程师 Engineer in charge 24机务&船东 Superintendent &Super &Owner25助理工程师 Assistant engineer 26验船师(机)Register 27验船师(船)Surveyor 28油漆工 Painter 29焊工 Welder 30大橱 Chief cook 31物料员 Store keeper 32加油工 Oiler 33机工 Mechanic 34甲板员 Deck man 35电线工 Wireman 36外包工 Laborer

8、 37铸工 Molder 38管子工 Pipe fitter 39起重工 Crane operator二、柴油机类(Words about diesel engine)1主机 Main engine2二冲程柴油机 Two-stroke diesel engine3四冲程柴油机 Fore-stroke diesel engine4高速柴油机 High speed diesel engine5中速柴油机 Middle speed diesel engine6低速柴油机 Low speed diesel engine7气缸盖(缸头) Cylinder head8安全阀 Safety valve9释放

9、阀 Relief valve10示功阀 Indicator valve11示功考克 Indicator cock12空气起动阀 Air starting valve13起动空气分配器 Air starting distributor14油头(燃油喷射器) Fuel injector15排气阀 Exhaust valve16气缸套 Cylinder liner17冷却水套 Cooling water jacket18气缸注油器 Cylinder lubricator19活塞 Piston20活塞头 Piston crown21活塞裙 Piston skirt22活塞销 Piston gudgeo

10、n pin24活塞杆 Piston rod25活塞环 Piston ring26活塞环槽 Piston ring groove27压缩环 (气环) Compression ring28刮油环 (油环) Oil scraper ring29减磨令 Wear ring (copper ring)30伸缩管(水拉管) Telescopic pipe31活塞冷却空间 Piston cooling space32填料箱(函) Stuffing box33填料箱密封环Sealing ring for Stuffing box34填料箱压缩环 Pressure ring for Stuffing box35

11、填料箱刮油环Scraper ring for Stuffing box36扫气箱 Scavenging receiver37扫气口 Scavenging port38排气口 Exhaust port39十字头 Cross head40十字头销 Crosshead pin41十字头轴承 Crosshead bearing42十字头滑块 Crosshead slipper443滑块 Guide shoe44十字头导板 Crosshead guide plate45连杆 Connecting rod46连杆大端轴承 Bid end bearing47连杆小端轴承 Small end bearing4

12、8曲柄轴承 Crank bearing49曲柄销 Crank pin50曲轴 Crank shaft51曲轴颈 Crank journal52曲柄臂 Crank web53拐档差 Crank deflection54主轴承 Main bearing55主轴颈 Main journal56轴承瓦 Bearing bush57上轴瓦 Upper bearing bush58上轴瓦 Upper half59下轴瓦 Lower bearing bush60下轴瓦 Lower half61推力轴承 Thrust bearing62推力块 Thrust pad63推力盘 Thrust disc64推力轴 Thrust shaft65底座 Bed plate66机架 Frame 67曲柄箱 Crank case 68曲柄箱导门 Crank case door69曲柄箱防爆门 Explosion-proof Crank case.70定时齿轮 Timing gear 71飞轮 Flying wheel 72凸轮 Cam73凸轮轴 Cam shaft



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