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1、威宁县思源实验学校崇德尚礼 笃学求真WeiNing Siyuan Experimental school 班级:_ 姓名:_ 得分:_思源实验学校2015秋季学期半期考试五年级 英语 Listening part听力部分(30分)一、Listen and choose 听音,选出你所听到的内容。(5分)( ) 1、 A. strong B. strict C. short( ) 2、 A. sweet B. salty C. yummy( ) 3、 A. Saturday B. Tuesday C. Thursday( ) 4、 A. homework B. housework C. work

2、( ) 5、 A. fruit B. from C. frog二、按照你所听到的顺序给下列单词编号。(10分)cooking park funny young play football( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )tea teacher watch TV music hamburger( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、Listen and match 听音,连线。 (5分)Mary young and active Tom tall and strong Linda strict but kindMr Wu funny and shortMiss Lin short and

3、thin四、听短文,判断正误,正的写 T ,错的写 F 。(10分)( ) 1. Miss Brown is tall and thin.( ) 2. She often reads books and listens to music.( ) 3. I have a PE class.( ) 4. I love beef noodles.( ) 5. We like Mr Pan very much.Writing part 笔试部分 (70分)五、找出不同类的单词。(5分)( ) 1A. Monday B. Friday C.old ( ) 2A. yellow B. know C. bl

4、ack ( ) 3 A. home B. house C. red( ) 4A. football B. basketball C. robot( ) 5A. beef B. fish C. watch六、 单项选择。(10分)( ) 1.Whats _ favorite food ? Fish. A. you B. your C. I( ) 2.Hes young _ tall.A. or B. and C. /( ) 3.Miss Zhao is very_. A. kind B. friend C.helping( ) 4.They are delicious_. A.to B. ,to

5、o C.two( ) 5._would you like to eat ? A.What B.Where C.How( ) 6. What do you _ on Saturdays? A. is B. does C. do( ) 7. - What do we have on Mondays? - We have _. A. Friday B. science C. fruit ( ) 8. Do you have a new teacher? A. Yes, I am. B. No, I dont. C. No, I do.( ) 9. The first day of a week is

6、 _. A. Monday B. Saturday C. Sunday( ) 10. - Whats he like? - Hes _. A. funny B. fun C. principal七、根据汉字写出相应的英语单词。(5分)1My English teacher is very _. (和蔼的)2-What do have on Wednesday?-We have Chinese and _ . (数学)3We have P.E and computer on _ . (星期二)4_(牛肉) is my favourite food .5Apples are _ . (甜的)八、读

7、一读,连线。(5分)1. Is he young? A. No, I dont.2. Whats she like? B. Noodles.3. What do you have on Tuesdays? C. Shes kind.4. Do you often read books? D. No,he isnt.5. What would you like to eat? E. I have maths and music.九、按要求写单词。(15分)1.two (同音词)_ 2.Monday(下一天)_3.we will(缩写形式)_ 4.delicious(汉语)_5.hard-work

8、ing(汉语)_ 6.sandwich(复数)_7.看书(英语)_ 8.kind(反义词)_9.看电视(英语)_ 10.tomato(复数)_十、连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。(10分)1. day; it; what; today; is _ 2. your; is; what; food;favourite _ 3. do; on ;you ;what; Sunday; do _ 4. is ;English ;your ;who ;teacher _ 5. have; art; I; class; an _十一、选词填空,只填序号。(10分)a. English b. favourit

9、e c. often d. fresh e. delicious1. My father likes fish, because its_.2. I _ watch TV.3. I have Chinese and _.4. Whats your _ food ?5. I like apples. They are _.十二、短文选择。(10分)Hi! Im Jack. Im from Willow School. Today is Tuesday. We have math, Chinese and computer. I like computer. Mr Zhang is my comp

10、uter teacher. He is very strong and funny. We like him very much. We have eggplant and fish for lunch on Wednesdays. I dont like eggplant. Tofu is my favourite.Saturdays are my favourite days. I often play football on Saturdays. Of course, I do my homework, too. What about you?( )1What day is it tomorrow?ATuesday B. Wednesday CFriday( )2What do they have for lunch on Wednesdays?APork and rice BTofu and green bean CEggplant and fish ( )3What is Jacks computer teacher like?AHe is tall . BHes strong and funny CHe is so heavy. ( )4Doe


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