The Owl House《猫头鹰魔法社(2020)》第二季第五集完整中英文对照剧本

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1、嘿古斯你没事吧Hey, Gus. You okay?我我搞砸了露丝I-I messed up bad, Luz.薇洛之前不是遭遇了一群小精灵需要帮助吗Willow just needed help with this pixie problem, right. 于是我就想啊用幻术把它们引开不就行了嘛So I thought, oh, that 141 just lure them away with illusion. 但是之后But then.你的幻术把小精灵们激怒了然后它们就攻击了薇洛That angered the pixies, and they attacked Willow. 我听

2、说了I heard.我在学校里跳了两级I moved up two grades.但如果幻术没有实际用途Whats the point of being good at this我对它再精通又有什么用if I cant do anything good with it?你又不是故意的It was an honest mistake.再说了薇洛也不是吃素的Besides, Willows tough as nails.我相信你们两个明天就会感觉好多了Im sure youll both be feeling better tomorrow.猫头鹰魔法社第二季第五集The Owl House S0

3、2E05 Through the Looking Glass Ruins 穿过镜之废墟预录消息我才不要读这个呢Im not reading this.拜托大王求求你了Come on, King. Please?好吧Fine.那是长着六条腿的猪Is that a six-footed pig还是漂浮的附肢or a floating appendage?都不是 那是幻术大♥师&hearts沽斯我们要绝对地小心翼翼低声细语明白了So, well be super sneaky and quiet. Got it.马尔法斯其实就是Malphas is actually给我这份工作的那个人

4、the one who gave me my job我的自习室也是他提供的and my own study room.他平时人很好啦但要是我们被逮到Hes usually nice, but if were caught,他就会拿我们喂书虫hed feed us to the book worms.我知道在这里I know here,这个词大概是指某种邪恶的that probably means unholy,吸血的蛇怪blood-sucking snake monster,但在我们人类世界这只是人们给书呆子起的外号♥ but in the Human Realm, thats

5、just a kid name for nerds. 哈人类世界听起来好奇怪啊Huh, the human world sounds odd.等哪天我带你去转转 说不定你就不觉得那么奇怪了Maybe it would be less odd if I showed you around someday. 但是 呃 咱们还是回去吧 我不想勉强你But, uh, lets turn back. I dont wanna push you.我们绝对要拿到那本日记Were getting that diary.地图显示我们应该很接近了According to the map, we should be

6、 getting close.别担心玛蒂我来救你了Dont worry, Matty. I got ya.嘿这个昵称只有布里娅能Hey, only Bria can call me-别这样嘛老弟Come on, dude.难怪他适应不了咱格兰德斯高中Im not surprised he couldnt handle Glandus.他们说他“适应不了格兰德斯是什么意思What did they mean by couldnt handle Glandus?格兰德斯的规矩可跟你们那边不一样Things work differently at Glandus.弱一点的学生只能被厉害的学生使唤We

7、ak students are pushed around by the strong. 但要是我拿到了戈德尔之石But if I had a Galderstone,说不定我就能改变这种局面让大家的日子好过些I might be able to change things for the better. 嘿在这边Hey! Over here.好了安格玛你来负责放风Okay, Angmar, youre on lookout duty.安格玛Angmar.我说你来负责放风I said youre on lookout duty.如果再让我看到你在玩什么小虫子And if I catch you

8、 playing with any more bugs, 我就让你把它们吃下去懂了吗Ill make you eat them, okay?我看好你哟I believe in you.真不敢相信我们居然找到了I cant believe we found it.这也太离谱了吧This is nuts.噢不好意思Oh, whoops.好了各位我们做到了Well, we did it, everyone.现在戈德尔之石的力量属于我们啦The power of the Galderstones is ours.我简直不敢相信I canrt believe it.传说竟然是真的The legends

9、were true.万岁Whoo-hoo.好耶Yeah!嗯幻影使者”Huh. The Phantom Bringer.“幻境缔造者阿雷斯”Aleth the Vision Creator.“奇迹创造者卡哈瑞”Khari the Mirage Maker. 但这些称号♥不都是But these titles are for- 糟了Oh, no.快停手这里可不是什么废墟Stop! These arent ruins.这是一座埋葬幻术师的墓园This is an illusionist graveyard. 呕Ew.哎哟古斯你说得好像我们在干坏事似的Aw, Gus, youre say

10、ing that as if its a bad thing. 你什么意思 这当然不是什么好事啊What? Of course it is.这些石头是他们的我们不应该拿走These stones were theirs. We shouldnt take them.就算这些巫师都还活着Even if these witches were alive, 一帮幻术师拿着戈德尔之石又有什么用 what would illusionists use Galderstones for? 用来在派对上表演高清戏法吗High-def party tricks?拜托古斯Come on, Gus.你难道不想增强

11、你那些超酷的咒语吗Dont you wanna power up those cool spells of yours? 不这样是不对的No, this isnt right.我绝不会让你们偷走这些石头I wont let you steal these.你是不是不知道自己在胡说些什么呀古斯I dont think you know what youre saying, Gus. 是真的那个守护者是真实存在的Its real! The guardian is real.它朝这边过来了And its coming this way!我听说它有操控天气的神力I heard it has the p

12、ower to control weather.还能召唤出鬼魂And summon ghosts.好吧我倒想知道它能不能经受得住火烤Well, I wonder if it can handle a little fire.我的符咒一张不剩了Im all out of glyphs.捐赠区嘘嘘嘘Shh, shh, shh.你个小臭老鼠You little rat!臭老鼠老鼠鼠Rat, rat, rat.惨了Oh, no.阿米蒂Amity.我现在就是对你非常地失望Fm just, like, super disappointed in you.我现在的感受就像一团乱麻我自己也捋不清Like, I

13、 canrt even process these feelings right now.天哪这话真是太难开口 了Gosh, its so hard for me to say this,但是呢就是你被开除了but, like, youre fired.阿米蒂我真的很Amity, I am so-现在别和我说这些露丝Not right now, Luz.自从你来了之后我的生活就彻底改变了Everythings changed since you came here.只要和你在一起Being around you,我就会不由自主地做出些it makes me do stupid things过后

14、令我后悔的傻事and I wish it didnt.没关系的我呃Its okay. I, uh我我也总是在你身边犯傻呀阿米蒂I-I do stupid things around you too, Amity.我觉得我该回家了I think I need to go home.不去克服困难 就会被困难克服Nada funcionarAj a menos que lo haga funcionar.虽然我只会使用幻术Uh, it will just be an illusion,不过我应该能把它吓跑but maybe I can scare him away.噢曜我是这座镜之墓园的守墓人Oh-

15、ho. I am the keeper of the Looking Glass Graveyard. 距离上次有人拜访这里已经有些时日啦And it has been a very long time since Ive had a visitor. 没想到访客也是一位幻术师And to think itd be another illusionist.我怎么不记得他们有这么矮呢Though I dont remember them being so small.别摆出这样的表情嘛Dont give me that face.幻术师一直坚守着守护戈德尔之石的职责An illusionist has always kept watch over the Gal



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