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1、精品教育四年级英语上册效能作业Unit 1 My ClassroomLesson 1一、课前作业根据图意,完成单词。 1. w nd w 2. l g t 3. c mp ter 4. p ctu e 5. d r 6. pp e二、课堂作业教师指导学生做活动手册上的练习。三、课后作业:选择正确的答语。( )1.Whats in the classroom? A.Great!( )2.Lets clean the classroom. B.Hes my friend.( )3.How are you? C.There are some desks and chairs.( )4.Wheres

2、the ball? D. Its under the desk.( )5.Whos he? E.Fine,thank you.Lesson2一、 课前作业将下列单词补充完整。wind floo f n pict e comput boar li t wa wh hav 二、 课堂作业听录音,请为你所听到的句子选择恰当的答语( )1.A.Its near the door. B .Its yellow. C. Thank you.( ) 2.A.Thank you. B.OK. C. Goodbye!( )3.A.Good job. B. How nice! C. Good idea!( )4.

3、A. Desks and chairs. B. Work and play. C. Sweep the floor. ( )5.A. Yes, I have. B. No, thank you. C. No, I dont.三、课后作业读一读,选择最佳答案,并将序号填在题前括号内。( )1.Whats the classroom? A. on B. in C. at( )2.We a new classroom. Its very big. A. are B. has C. have( )3.Turn the light. A. on B. in C. at( )4. - Lets clean

4、 the door. - _ . A. Thank you B. All right C. Good job( )5.-Look at the picture.- A. Good idea. B. Oh, yes. C. Oh! Its nice. Lesson3一、课前作业:单项选择。( )1. Mike : Nice to meet you .John: _.(A) Nice to meet you . (B) Good morning .( )2.Sarah: Whats your name ?Wu Yifan:_.(A) Im Wu Yifan . (B) Im OK .( )3.Ch

5、en Jie :Let me clean the board .Amy: _.(A)OK. (B) Hello.( )4.教室里面有什么?(A) Whats in the classroom ? (B) Whats on the board ?二、课堂作业英汉互译。have a look good job 同学 讲台 look at all right 计算机 窗户 picture 写字板 三、 课后作业连词成句。1.is flower there on desk the a 2.what this is 3.is it big so 4.clean classroom lets the 5.

6、seat is where my Lesson 4 一、课前作业书写上节课学习的新单词二、课堂作业听录音,请选出你所听到的单词 ( )1.A. ant B. hand C. head ( )2.A. hot dog B. hamburger C. hat ( )3.A. French fries B. fires C. farmer ( )4. A. egg B. bed C. bag ( )5.A.beef B. boy C. big ( )6.A. BGD B. E I D C. DGB ( )7.A. wind B. window C. wall ( )8.A. door B. boar

7、d C. floor ( )9.A. idea B.ice-water C Good idea! ( )10.A. desk B. chair C. teachers desk 三、课后作业找一找,根据问句找答语。 A B( )1.Lets clean the classroom. A. Its a bag.( )2.Where is my book? B. Ah,yes.Its really a bee.( )3.What colour is the wall? C. Good idea.( )4.Whats this? D. Its on the desk.( )5.There is a

8、bee on the board. E. White.Lesson 5 一、课前作业选择最合适的选项填空,只填序号。( )1.Are you ready school?A、 to B、 for C、 at( )2.This is pencil case.A、 a B 、an C、 the( )3. it your pencil? No,its Dannys pencil.A 、Am B、 Is C 、Are( )4.This is a boy. name is Danny.A 、Your B、 His C、 My二、课堂作业做活动手册本单元第5部分练习。具体方法和步骤参考如下:(1)学生看图,

9、用英语说出图中每样物品。(2)教师讲解题目的意思并指导做的方法。(3)学生听录音做练习。三、课后作业英汉连线A.Whats your name? 1.你好吗?B.Are you ready for school? 2你叫什么名字?.C.Fine,thanks. 3.你准备好去上学了吗?D.How are you? 4.很高兴认识你。E.Nice to meet you. 5.很好,谢谢。Lesson 6 一、课前作业选词填空。( )1.Let clean the board. A.me B.my C.I( )2.Let clean the classroom. A.we B.us C.is(

10、)3.Look the window! A.to B./ C.at( )4.May I have look? A.a B./ C.some( )5.We a new classroom.、 A.had B.has C.have( )6.Turn the light. A.out B.on C.of( )7.Put the picture. A.on B.to C.up( )8.Its big. A.to B.a C.too( )9.This is . A.teachers desk B.teachersdesk C.Teachersdesk( )10.-Lets clean the desks and chairs. - A.Good job. B.Good. C.All right二、课堂作业听录音,将下面的句子按听到的顺序排序 ( )Wow! Its nice and clean .Good job. ( ) Let me clean the board. ( )Let me clean the window. ( )Good morning. Lets clean the classroom. ( )Lets clean the desks and chairs.三、 课后作业补充句子,使对话完整。1A: is


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