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1、2010.9.24NA(第7套) AD: Colleges or universities should offer students a better job preparation before they start working.In this day and age, it is common that some college or university students cannot find a job, even if some of them get a job by chance, they change jobs frequently and they hop and

2、seek, hunt and quit. Thus, parents are worried and ask whether the colleges or universities should be responsible for this phenomenon. Indeed, arguments have arisen and opinions are divided. Despite all these, I believe that colleges or universities should offer students a better job preparation bef

3、ore they start working for the following reasons. Firstly, the very important reason is that it can benefit the students. With school being the last stop before they enter society, students urgently need help from the school to prepare them better for the job market. Thanks to the timely help and in

4、structions provided by schools, Students are able to have a better understand of the real society and themselves. In other words, these students know what they desire and what they are capable of in their life. Such people usually have a clear mind and a clear picture of their future. Accordingly, t

5、hey can work with stronger determination, more efficiency and focus. Such a virtue is of great significance for career success. If without such a virtue, the young will simply drift from one job to another and will be easily distracted.Secondly, equally important is that it is beneficial for the sch

6、ools. If a schools graduates can find ideal jobs, this will boost the schools reputation among its potential applicants, and can thus attract better students. Undoubtedly, my university is a case in point. For proof, look no further than my university. It set up the most splendid career center which

7、 has an enormous reputation among students and employers. The career center is willing to create opportunities for us to establish the contact with the companies and organize job fairs every semester. For example, sometimes senior managers from local companies might be invited to give a lecture in o

8、ur school, and at the job fair, our students have more accesses to companies for internship even the job. According to a survey conducted by the education department, 87% of students will take into account the career service of a university or college as the most important factor when they choose a

9、university or college. This may well support my view.Thirdly, matching the benefits of students and the benefits of schools is another essential factor that it can benefit the whole society. The universities or colleges help the students to make better transition from school to workplace, thus provi

10、de more qualified workers with both needed skills and mental readiness, which improve the productivity of the society. The schools are just like a bridge which facilitates matching process of the human resources and companies. If without this bridge, the aimless students easily get confused and the

11、companies have to pay more cost to hunt for proper graduates. Obviously, the efficiency of the society must be affected under such an awful process.On the basis of above discussion, I reiterate my view that the universities or colleges should offer a better job preparation for students who are ready

12、 to work. Meanwhile, the students pay more focus on the job preparation actively rather than just wait for the help from the school with a passive attitude.2010.10.30NA AD: People now are easier to become educated than in the past. Nowadays, more and more people have attended universities or college

13、s; even they have gotten master or PhD degrees, which can hardly imagine in the past. Actually, it is no longer a fashion but rather a trend. Yet, problems have surfaced up closely. Some well-educated people cannot find a proper job and some of them hop and seek, hunt and quit. Paradox is everywhere

14、, so is the issue. Thus, people begin to ask whether education is a blessing or a curse. Despite all these, I strongly believe that people are easier to get educated and education is indispensible than ever before. My reasons are as follows. Firstly, the advancement of new technology dramatically ch

15、ange the way of learning. In this 21st century-the information era, new technologies, be it Internet or news media, play a significant role in education. Especially, Internet is a good case in point. In the wake of the Internet, people have better platforms for learning and more accesses to updated

16、information such as online academic journals, open courses, Wikipedia and so on. Thanks to the Internet, people are able to gain abundant knowledge in all aspects easily, which markedly provides the great convenience for learning. For instance, people in the past had to spend days in libraries when they were trying to search for some relative information about certain subject. In contrast, people can shorten the process of information searching by just clicking the but


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