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1、七年级上册重点短语句型 1. stand up立起2. sit down坐下3. a map of China一张中国地图4. in English用英语5. speak English说英语6. listen to听,倾听7. listen to music听音乐8. play computer games玩电脑游戏9. play football踢足球10. watch television看电视11. drive a car开车12. play the piano弹钢琴13. ride a bike骑自行车14. speak English讲英语15. in summer在夏季16. t

2、he first lesson第一课17. in Class One 1在一班8. .year(s) old 岁19. be from. 来自20. family name姓 21. given name名22. play basketball打篮球23. play the piano弹钢琴24. play tennis打网球 25. play table tennis打乒乓球26. ride a horse骑马27. welcometo欢迎到.来28. a university一所大学29. at school在上学30. a photo of Tom一张 Tom 的照31. dining

3、hall n.饭厅;餐厅32. in front of在前面33. next to在旁边34. have got拥有35. has got拥有(have got 单三形式)36. in good health健康状况良好37. healthy food 健康食物38. stay healthy保持健康39. on birthday 在生日那天40. live in Beijing住在北京41. go to the cinema看电影42. see a film看电影43. would like =want想;愿意44. would like to do sth. =want to do sth

4、想;愿意做某事45. would like sb to do sth =want sb to do sth想让某人做某事46. football match足球比赛47. go to the football match去看足球比赛48. a film star电影明星49. in the morning/ afternoon/ evening在早晨 /在下午 /在傍晚 52. on Sunday在星期日53. on Monday morning在星期一的上午54. lets do sth让我们做某事.55. invite sb. to sw. 邀请某人去某地56. invite sb. to

5、 do sth. 邀请某人去某地/做某事57. ask sb. to do sth. 要求/请某人去做某事58. ask sb. not to do sth. 要求/请某人不要做某事62. have swimming lessons上游泳课63. on the phone通过电话 64. have classes 上课65. do ones homework 做家庭作业66. visit sb./ sw. 拜访某人/参观某地68. watch football match观看足球比赛69. go to the playground去操场71. stay at home呆在家里72. have

6、a picnic待进行一次野餐73. at the weekend 74. Best wishes. 75. See you soon. 76. at nine oclock77. half past six 78. talk about 80. have a maths lesson/class =have maths 81. school day 82. get up83. have breakfast 84. go to school 85. have a break 86. talk to/with sb. 87. go home 88. have dinner 89. go to b

7、ed 90. at work 91. finish school 92. leave school 93. do housework 94. study English 95. different habits 96. be different from 97. get presents 98. get a card99. get sth. from sb. 100. have a party 101. send sb. sth. =send sth. to sb. 102. send it to him 103. give sb th. = give sth. to sb. 104. buy

8、 sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb. 105. make sb sth. = make sth. for sb. 106. make a cake (for) 107. a pair of 110. lots of =a lot of 111. play music 112. on television 113. think of114. at once 115. have a good/ great time 141. use A to do sth. 145. save money 148. go online 149. make a travel plan 150. on the Internet 167. Thanks for inviting me. 168. like doing sth 169. like to do sth 171. can do sth 172. cant do sth 175. a trip to sw. 176. finish doing sth 157. write to sb. 158. at school 159. enjoy doing sth. 161. do sports


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