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1、人教新课标必修5Unit5Firstaid词汇专项练习一、 单词 1、轻微的;温和的(adj)_ (adv)_ 2、牢的;紧的;紧密的(adj)_ (adv)_3、涂;敷;应用 ;申请(v)_ (n申请人)_(n申请)_4、损伤;损害(v)_ (n)_5、毒药;毒害(n)_ (vt)_(adj)_二、短语翻译 1.阻止(某人)做_ 2.触感_ 3.挤出;榨出_ 4.在适当的位置_ 5.反复,多次_ 6.开展,执行_ 7.找到_ 8坚持_9. 依靠 ; 依赖 ;_ 10.砍掉,砍伐_三、单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇) 1. The lung is an o_ and so is the he

2、art. 2. He tried to kill himself by taking p_. 3. He has gone to the hospital for special t_. 4. I was only m_ interested in the story I read in the newspaper. 5. He_(颁发)a silver cup to the winner. 6. Her foot was very _(swell)after the accident. 7. She is suffring from a lung _(infect). 8. He is a_

3、(bravery) soldier. 9. _(congratuate)to you on your success! Would you 10. The _(press)of the water can turn this wheel 11. Did you attend your uncles wedding_(仪式) 12. I saw an_(救护车) passing by. 13. Fever is a _(征兆) of many illnesses. 14.Have you worked out your _ (方案)?15. We have to write an_(文章) ab

4、out the film we saw yesterday. 四、完成句子 1. Sunglasses can_ our eyes_ the sun s rays (保护我们的眼睛免受 )。 2. You may _ _(烫伤) by hot liquids. 3. First degree burns _ _when they are pressed(变成白色)。4. The disabled boys father _ _ _(对感到骄傲)his success in the sports meeting .5. Actually an individual can _ _ _ (起作用;

5、 有影响) to the whole society.6. _ _ _(许多) students are addicted to modern poems.五.短文改错One of the main purposes of newspapers are to provide examine newspapers closely,you find that there are2.all sort of news:accidents,floods,fires,wars,sports,books,etc.3.The news cover everything that ha

6、ppens to people and4.their surroundings.Sometimes there are news items which are very interesting.5A news report is usually very short,except it is very important,6.and thus has a lot of information.It is also writing in short paragraphs.7. The first paragraph is in the fact a summary of the news it

7、 all the necessary information,what,when,where,how or9.why.The other paragraphs give full details of a subject.10.参考答案:.一、单词1mild mildly 2. tight tightly 3. apply applicant application 4. injure injury 5. poison poison poisonous 二短语: 1. prevent sb from doing sth 2. sense of touch 3. sque

8、eze out 4. in place 5. over and over again 6. carry out 7. put ones hands on 8. stick to 9. depend on 10. cut off 三、 1. organ 2. poison 3. treatment 4. mildly 5. presented 6. swollen 7. infection 8. brave 9. Congratulations 10.pressure 11.ceremory 12. ambulance 13. symptom 14. scheme 15. essay 四、 1.

9、 protect from 2. get burnt 3. turn white 4. was proud of 5. make a difference 6. A number of 五答案:1.答案:areis提示:句子的主语是one,而不是purposes或newspapers。2.答案:第二个you后加will提示:前面if引导条件状语从句,用一般现在时表将来,主句应用将来时。3.答案:sortsorts提示:“各种各样的”,应用复数。4.答案:covercovers提示:句子的主语news是不可数名词。5.答案:6.答案:it前加when提示:except后用when引导宾语从句,表“除非当时候”。7.答案:writingwritten提示:此处应用被动语态。8.答案:去掉fact前的the提示:in fact是固定短语,意为“事实上”。9.答案:orand提示:此处指新闻的几个要素,应是并列关系,而不是选择关系。10.答案:athe


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