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1、 新概念英语第2册课文详注Lesson9496 新概念英语第2册课文详注Lesson94 1.children become expert at holding their breath under water even before they can walk.孩子们甚至在还没有学会走路时就已经能娴熟地在水下屏住呼吸了。 (1)expert表示“娴熟者”、“专家”,后面通常跟 at/in+ doing sth.构造(cf.第59课课文详注): Rex soon became an expert at opening the gate. 雷克斯很快成了开门的专家。 (2)hold one”s

2、breath 为固定短语,表示“屏住呼吸”: When the film became very exciting, Tom and Sally would hold their breath. 电影演到感动人心处时,汤姆和萨莉就会屏住呼吸。 Last night, when I heard a strange noise coming from the bar, I held my breath and listened carefully. 昨天晚上,当我听到酒吧间有惊奇的响声后便屏住呼吸认真听。 2.It is not long before they are so accustomed

3、 to swimming that they can pick up weights from the floor of the pool. 他们很快便适应了游泳,以致能捡起池底的物品。 not long before 通常译为“不久”、“很快”。 sothat 引导的是结果状语从句。 pick up 表示“捡起”。weight 在这里指比重较大(因此能沉在水底)的物品。 be accustomed to 表示“习惯的”、“适应了的”,后面通常跟名词或动名词: My mother is accustomed to getting up early. 我母亲习惯早起。 He soon becam

4、e accustomed to his new job. 他很快适应了新工作。 3.A game that is very popular with these young swimmers is这些幼小的游泳运发动特别宠爱的一种嬉戏是 popular表示“受欢送的”、“讨人喜爱的”,常与with或among连用: Swimming is popular with these girls. 这些姑娘们宠爱游泳。 Mary is popular with / among children. 玛丽受孩子们的欢送。 4.Tricycles are lined up on the floor of t

5、he pool 三轮车并排放在游泳池底上 line up 为短语动词,表示“(使)排成行/排队”: Why are people lining up over there? 人们在那边排队干什么? Line these chairs up, please. 请把这些椅子排好。 5.Whether they will ever become future Olympic champions, only time will tell. 他们将来是否能成为奥林匹克的冠军,这只能由时间来作出答复。 这是一个倒装句,宾语从句置于句首。通常,以疑问词引导的宾语从句会用于这种句型: What made hi

6、m do it, no one knows. 是什么使得他干了这事,没有人知道。 How they found out the truth, only George can tell. 他们是如何发觉真相的,只有乔治能作出答复。 新概念英语第2册课文详注Lesson95 1.How did your clothes get into such a mess? 你的衣服怎么搞得一塌糊涂? mess 表示“脏乱状态”时通常与in连用或与 get into连用(cf.第54 课课文详注): When she returned from the market, the children had got

7、 the room into a terrible mess. 她从市场回去后,孩子们已经把房间里弄得一塌糊涂。 Why was her hair in such a mess? 她的头发怎么会那么乱? 2.University students set the Embassy on fire this morning. 今日上午大学生们放火点着了大使馆。 set on fire 为固定短语,表示“使燃烧”、“放火烧”: In 1834, someone set the Houses of Parliament on fire. 1834年,有人放火点着了国会大厦。 Have you foun

8、d out who set my car on fire? 你们是否已经查出是谁烧了我的车? 3.The fire broke out in the basement. 地下室突然着火。 break out 可以指火灾、战斗等“突然发生”、“爆发”: World War I broke out in 1914. 第一次世界大战于 1914年爆发。 When the fire broke out in the ship, Sally was frightened out of her wits. 当轮船突然着火时,萨莉吓得慌张失措。 4.The Ambassador”s wife went on

9、 asking questions 大使夫人连续提出问题 go on+ 动名词表示某个动作“连续不停”: We went on talking till after midnight. 我们连续谈话直到午夜以后。 go on+ 不定式则指做不同的事: After making the bed, she went on to cook breakfast.铺好床后,她接着便做早饭。 5.Someone fired a shot through my office window. 有人向我办公室窗户开了一枪。 fire 在这里是动词,表示“放射(枪、弹等)”: When the prisoner

10、of war tried to escape, a guard fired a gun at him. 那战俘试图逃跑时,一名卫兵向他开了一枪。 A young man fired on the British Ambassador to Japan. 一位年轻人向英国驻日本大使开了枪。 新概念英语第2册课文详注Lesson96 1. the dead are said to return to their homes and they are welcomed by the living. 据说死去的人要回到他们的家里来,活着的人则对他们表示欢送。 (1)the dead与the livin

11、g 均为定冠词+ 形容词构造,表示某类人。(cf.第54课语法) (2)被动语态 the dead are said 在这里的作用是缓和说话语气,由于对事情是否属实的把握不太大。(cf.第58课语法) 2. food is laid out for them. 为他们摆放好了食品。 lay out 为短语动词,其含义之一为“摆出”、“摊开”: Just as he laid out his book, the telephone rang. 他刚把书摊开电话就响了。 Don”t lay out your clothes on the bed. Put them away. 别把你的衣服都摊在床

12、上。把它们收起来。 3.specially-made lanterns,特制的灯笼。 specially-made 是个复合形容词,由副词+过去分词构成。在第60课的词汇学习中,我们学习了名词+ 名词构成的复合名词。过去分词常常与其他词构成复合形容词: well-intentioned 善意的 well-known 的 well-preserved 保存/保养得好的 widespread 广泛流传的 candle-lit 点着蜡烛的 a horse-drawn cart 一辆二轮马车 a tree-lined street 林阴街道 4.all night long,整夜。 long 在这里是

13、副词,表示“整个”、“在整段期间中”,通常与 all 连用: It snowed all day long. 一成天都在下雪。 She stayed with her grandfather all summer long. 她整个夏天都和她爷爷呆在一起。 5.their return journey to the other world,返回另一个世界。 world 可以与一些限定词连用以表示“今世/现世”、“来世”、“黄泉”等: the next world / the world to come 来世 She believes that she will meet her dead parents in the other world. 她信任她会与她死去的父母在阴间重逢。 6.a moving spectacle,一个感人的场面。 moving 为形容词,表示“动人的”、“感人的”: I”ve just read a moving story / letter. 我刚读了一个感人的故事/一封感人的信。


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