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1、Module 6 Unit 1Ive got some Chinese chopsticks.教学设计教材分析:本模块是外研社新标准英语第十一册第六模块的教学内容,主要是学习用英语描述自己或他人拥有的东西。本单元包括两个部分:1、会话导入部分:用Have you got a book about ?句型谈论有什么书籍;2、Laura 给Lingling的一封信。灵活运用have got, has got,Have you got?对所拥有的事物进行描述。学生分析:六年级学生在英语词汇上有一定的积累,在语言的综合运用方面需要进一步加强。我在本课教学当中结合第五模块结交笔友的话题,尽量创设生活情境

2、,激发学生用英语表达的愿望,提高英语口语生活化,同时学习如何与笔友写信、交流。在教学中,我注意学生语音语调培养,对句子连读及长句的停顿等方面进行培养。在综合运用方面,我设计了分层设计交流任务,力求使学生在听、说、读、写等语言综合运用能力得到提高。一、语言知识目标:1. 语言功能:用have got, has got 描述自己或他人拥有的物品。2. 词汇:理解单词world, difficult, answer。 灵活运用单词world, difficult 进行造句。3. 语音:区别相似单词world 和word. 长难句的连读、断句:1)He often flies it in the pa

3、rk. 2)Please write back /and I will answer your questions/about the US.二、语言技能目标1、听、说:全体同学听懂并会说句型Have you got? Ive gotHe has got2、读、写:全体同学能朗读课文,并用所学句型进行造句,会仿照课文进行简单的书信交流。三、教学重点:灵活运用have got, has got 描述自己或他人拥有的物品。教学难点:1、并用所学句型进行造句,会仿照课文进行简单的书信交流。2、课文长难句:Please write back /and I will answer your questi

4、ons/about the US.四、情感态度:乐于感知并积极尝试运用英语与外界进行交流。五、教学准备:单词卡片、课件六、教学时间:40分钟七、教学步骤:I.Warming up exercises 1)Leading inT: I like reading. Do you like reading? Have you got a book about?Ss: Yes, I have./ No, I havent.2) (CAI)Look and guess, What books have I got? Please ask me with: Have you got a book abou

5、t? Ss: Have you got a book about? 3)Chain exercises: What books have you got? Ask and answer in a chain. II.Text (Part 1 ) 1. (CAI: Sams new friend)Look and listen, what book has he got? CAI: a book a book about the world. Teach: the world. (语音:world/ word)2.Read after the VCD III.Text teaching 1. l

6、eading in T: Ive got a friend. She has got short black hair, shes got big eyes. She can speak some English. She has got a friend named Daming. Guess, who is she?2. What has she got? Ss: Shes got a . (板书句型)she has got a letter. / let(r)/ Shes got=she has gotWhat is pronuced / Ss:erT: Do you know more

7、 words?Ss: teacher, brother, father, sister, better mother driver3. Lets listen and answer1) Who wrote this letter? (teach:Best: best friend .Who is your best friend? 2) Who is Laura? What does Laura look like? CAI: Shes got long, yellow hair and blue eyes.4. Laura and her brother like China very mu

8、ch. Theyve got some Chinese things. Listen again, what have they got? Listen and match, then say! (提示更多语言表达)1)Laura has got some chopsticks. Her brother has got a Chinese kite. 2)Teach the word: chopsticks, difficultPractice: Its difficult for sb to do sth What is diffiult gor you ? 4)Listen and cir

9、cle“have got “has got” “Have you got?” Repeat these sentences. 5)Read after the VCR.6)Read in groups.You can help each other. Practice:Please write back /and I will answer your questions/about the US.7)Fill in the blanksLaura_ Daming in New York.Shes got _,_ hair and _ eyes.She likes _ _ and shes go

10、t some_ _.Its very _ for Laura to use them. Her brother has got a Chinese _.It is a big _. He ofen flies it in the _. Laura will _ Linlings questions about _.IV. Production :Choose one of the topic,finish it,then perform. 1.Make a riddle. 用 have got 或者has got描述你熟悉的人或者喜爱的动物、卡通形象,让小伙伴猜一猜你说的是谁。 2.We are different! 用have got描述中西文化的不同之处。 3. My _用 have got 或者has got向你的小伙伴描述你熟悉的教室或你的家。 4.A letter:Write to Laura or a friend. 给Laura或一个朋友写一封信,要注意书信格式哦!



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