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1、上饶四中2013-2014学年七年级上学期期末考试英语试题一、听力测试(25分)A) 请听下面10段对话。从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都将有5秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分)1. What fruit does Cindy like ?A. Oranges . B. Apples . C. Bananas .2. How much are Toms sisters sweaters ?A. Seven dollars . B. Eight dollars . C. Nine dollars .3. Wheres Jack

2、s football ?A. In the table . B. Under the table . C. On the table .4. Why does the boy like math ?A. Because its fun . B. Because its boring . C. Because its useful .5. Whens her mothers birthday ?A. July 2nd . B. October 2nd . C. September 2nd .6. What color are Marys socks ?A. Red .B. Black . C.

3、Pink .7. Whose pencil-case is it ?A. Bobs . B. Kates . C. Marys .8. What does Cindy have ?A. Two tennis rackets . B. A basketball . C. A tennis ball .9. What time does Eric go to bed ?A. At 9:30 . B. At 8:30 . C. At 9:00 .10. What kind of food does Lucy like ?A. Carrots . B. Hamburgers . C. Tomatoes

4、 .B)听下面3段对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题10秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分)请听第1段对话,回答第11至第13小题。11. What does the girl need for class this morning ?A. Her geography book . B. Her ruler . C. A and B .12. Where is her geography book ?A. On the desk . B. In the desk . C. Behind the

5、door .13. When will Dad take the things to his son ?A. At 9 oclock . B. At one oclock . C. At three 0clock .请听第2段对话, 回答第14至第17小题。14. What does Meimei buy ?A. White trousers . B. Blue socks . C. A black sweater.15. What color does Meimeis Dad like best ?A. White . B. Blue . C. Black .16. How much are

6、 the trousers ?A. 4 dollars . B. 40 dollars . C. 14 dollars .17. Does Meimei have the black sweater ?A. Yes , she has the same one . B. No , she doesnt . C. Sorry , we dont know .请听第3段对话, 回答第18至第20小题。18. When does Tom get up usually ?A. At six twenty . B. At six . C. At six thirty .19. What does Tom

7、 do before breakfast ?A. He runs . B. He listens to English . C. He reads Chinese .20. When does Tom do on Sunday evening ?A. He watches TV . B. He goes to bed at ten . C. He does his homework .C)请听下面一段短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每个空格填一个单词。 听短文前你将有20秒钟的时间阅读表格。短文读两遍。(每小题1分)She likes 21. best . She thinks its very

8、interesting .Her teacher is 22. to them .Her favourte 23. are swimming and drawing . She cant 24. .She has a 25. and black cat and it is very lovely .二、单项填空(15分)26. I dont like this book . Its .A. funB. lateC. goodD. boring27. Let Paul you , please .A. helps B. to help C. help D. helping28. Mary , p

9、lease get some for me .A. apple B. milk C. tomato D. pear29. Linda wants ice-cream after dinner .A. to eat B. eat C. eats D. eating30. We have sports shoes white 40 yuan .A. for , in B. in , in C. in , for D. for , for31. Mrs Green , this is your ID card . Thanks .A. Here you are . B. How are you ?

10、C. Lets go . D. Are you sure ?32. The clothes are very good . Lets buy some .A. with sale B. on sale C. in sale D. of sale33. Are these skirts thirteen dollars ? .A. Yes , it is . B. No , it isnt . C. Yes , these are . D. Yes , they are .34. is the 8th month of the year .A. April B. July C. August D

11、. October35. is your great sale ? Next week .A. When B. What C. How D. Where36. Whats your sisters favourite ? Brown .A. sport B. book C. color D. subject37. Kate English and art on Friday afternoon .A. gets B. has C. get D. have38. I have classes today . class is P.E.A. eight , English B. eight , T

12、he eighth C. eighth , The eighth D. eighth , English39. Sam is a basketball player . He plays basketball very .A. good , good B. well , well C. good , well D. well , good40. Jenny likes Tuesday her favourite subject is on Tuesday .A. after B. but C. so D. becuse三、完型填空(25分)A) 请先阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给

13、的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(每小题1分)My name is Jenny . I 41 a sister . Her name is Kitty .It is November 42 , and its her birthday . She is thirteen , 43 she likes cakes very much . My father and mother 44 a big cake 45 her . Look ! The cake is 46 the table 47 her room . Its her nice cake . You can

14、 see her 48 on it . There are 49 things for her birthday . 50 are apples , oranges , bananas and some CDs . Oh , we 51 a birthday party for 52 this evening . Her good 53 Kelsey , Jane and Sally are coming . She likes 54 the birthday cake 55 her friends .41. A. need B. want C. have D. find42. A. the five B. five C. fiveth


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