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1、ability n. 能力 才能(常用复数)特征 ability是able的名词形式,可以和able一起记忆。- He is a man of ability. 他是个能干的人。- He has the ability to read. 他有阅读的能力。- He has great abilities as a writer. 他是个有本领的作家。考点ability后面可以接动词不定式、介词in或for,但不能接of doing形式。-()You should improve the ability of drawing.-()You should improve the ability to

2、 draw.-()You should improve the abilityin/for drawing.你应该提高你的绘画能力。备考必备 重要词组have the ability to do sth. 有能力做某事 to the best of ones ability 尽力- I will help you to the best of my ability. 我会尽我所能帮助你的。贴心叮咛上面特征中三个句子是最基础的,ability的基本用法都在这三个句子中。abroad n. 在国外,到国外 到处特征- One of my brothers lived abroad. 我有个哥哥住在

3、国外。- The manager went abroad for business. 经理出差去国外了。- The poor granny has never been abroad. 这个贫穷的老奶奶从未出过国。- The news spread abroad. 消息传得很广。贴心叮咛这个单词很简单,虽然历届高考也经常考到,但考点不是很多,只要记住上面几个基本用法即可。absencen. 不在,缺席 缺乏特征- Nobody noticed his absence from school. 没人注意到他没来上学。备考必备 重要词组in/during ones absence 在某人不在时-

4、Please take care of my house during my absence. 我不在时,请照看我的房子。absence of mind 心不在焉- His absence of mind led to a lot of mistakes. 他由于心不在焉造成了很多错误。练习与解答- The evvironmentalists and wild goatson thevast grasslands was a good indication of the better environment. 2004 上海A. escape B. absence C. attendance

5、D. appearance答案:D(环境保护者和野山羊在大草原上的出现时环境改善的一个很好的迹象。escape是“逃跑”;absence是“缺席”;attendance是“参加”;appearance是“出现”。)absentadj.缺席的,不在场的 缺乏的备考必备 重要词组be absent from 缺席- The manager was absent from the meeting. 经理缺席会议。贴心叮咛absent考的频率很高,对这个词的考查基本都集中在词组be absent fromaccent n. 口音,音调 重音特征- His strong southern accent

6、reveals he isnt a local man. 他很浓的南方口音表明他不是本地人。- He speaks English with an American accent. 他讲英语带有美国口音。贴心叮咛 accent不难理解,这里给出两个句子帮助你领会。accept vt. 接受特征- I can not accept my defeat. 我无法接受我失败了。- Tom accepted the invitation to a concert. 汤姆接受了去音乐会的邀请。考点 辨析accept和receiveaccept表示主观上愿意接受;receive只表示客观上收到,不表示接受

7、与否。- Ive received a gift from him, but Im not going to accept it. 我收到了他送的礼物,但是我不准备接受。备考必背 重要词组accept . as. 把当作- I cant accept you as my assistant. 我不能答应你当我的帮手。贴心叮咛accept是各类考试的常客,要特别注意accept和receive的区别。accident n. 事故;意外的事特征accident特指意想不到、突如其来的事情,往往引起损伤或伤害,比如交通事故等。- There have been many railway accide

8、nts this year. 今年发生了多起火车事故。- It was quite an accident. 那完全是一次意外事故。考点 辨析accident,incident和event上面已经提及,accident指不幸的意外事故,如摔伤、车祸等;incident多指留下较深印象的小事情,也可指外交、政治方面的重大事件;event特指历史上的重大事件,多指国家和社会的事件。备考必背1、“糟透的或可怕的、严重的事故”可以用a bad/dreadful/serious accident表示,不能用big修饰accident。()Jack was killed in a big accident

9、.()Jack was killed in a serious accident. 杰克在一次严重的事故中丧生。2、重要词组without accident 平安地;无恙地 accident insurance 事故保险by accident=by chance 意外地- I met Tom by accident in the cinema. 我在电影院偶然遇到了汤姆。3、派生词accidentaladj. 意外的 accidentally adv. 偶然地,意外地练习与解答- Most people on this island are recreational fishers, and

10、, fishing forms an actual part of their leisure time. 2004 上海A. accidentally B. purposefully C. obviously D. formally答案:C (岛上的大部分人把捕鱼作为娱乐,很明显,捕鱼成了他们休闲时间中实实在在的一部分。accidentally是“偶然地”;pruposefully是“故意地”;obviously是“明显地”;formally是“正式地”。)account n. 账目,账户 描述,记述;报告,报道 理由,缘故特征- You should open a bank account

11、. 你应该开个银行账户。- All the accounts of the company are in a mess. 这公司的账目一团糟。- Please give me an account of your trip. 请告诉我你旅行的情况。- The newspapers account misled the consumers. 这条报纸的报道误导了消费者。备考必背 重要词组on account of 因为,由于- Dont stay away on account of John. 为了约翰,请不要离开。贴心叮咛account的意思较多,越繁杂的单词,越容易混淆,换句话说,也越容易

12、考。所以同学们别怕麻烦,一定要把它弄明白。ache vi. 痛,疼痛 渴望 n. (连续固定的)疼痛特征- My head aches terribly. 我头痛得厉害。- She ached for his friendship. 她渴望和他交朋友。- He has an ache in the back. 他的背痛。备考必背ache是一种持续的隐隐之痛,常和表示身体部位的名词连用,例如下面两个词:headache n. 头疼 stomachache n. 胃痛achieve v. 完成,达到(目的、目标)得到特征- We have achieved great success. 我们已取得

13、了巨大的成就。- You cant achieve much without hard work. 你若不努力,就不会有多少成就。- All these cant be achieved overnight. 这些事情不可能在一夜之间都完成。贴心叮咛achieve是各非常地道的英文单词,这个单词中国的学生用的不多,他们更常用realize,get to这样简单的词汇。actual adj. 实际的,现实的特征in actual life 在实际生活中 the actual state of affairs 目前的形势- The actual cost of repairs was a lot

14、less than we had expected.实际的修理费用笔我们预期的要低得多。备考必背 派生词actually adv. 实际地,现实地贴心叮咛actual考得不是很多,也许因为它比较简单吧,只要能掌握上边这几个词组和句子就可以了。addition n. 增加 (算术)加法特征- The new student is an addition to our class. 这名新来的学生使我们班多了一个人。考点 重要词组in addition (常与to连用)此外- In addition to hard work, he attributed his success to good o

15、pportunities.除了工作努力外,他把他的成功归因于好的机遇。贴心叮咛addition除了有“加法”的意思,还可以表示“增加”。一定要注意有关addition的词组。admit v. 承认 准许(入场、入学、入会等) 容纳,容许考点1、重要句型admit doing sth. 承认做了某事- He admitted making a big mistake. 他承认犯了个严重的错误。admit that . 承认- Do you admit that you are wrong? 你承认自己错了吗?admit sb./sth. to be . 承认某人/某物是- The boss admitted my plan to be practical. 老板



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