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1、高一英语25分钟阅读限时训练一AOne day a man found a cocoon (茧) of a butterfly in the forest. He sat there for several hours and watched the butterfly. Suddenly a small opening appeared, and the butterfly made its great effort to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress.

2、It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no further.So the man decided to help the butterfly. He cut off the remaining bit of the cocoon so that the butterfly could come our easily. But to his surprise, the butterfly got a heavy body and very small wings when it came out of

3、 the cocoon.The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that the body would grow smaller at any moment and the wings would become larger and be able to fly. But neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling (爬) around with a heavy body and small wings.

4、 It was never bale to fly.The man was in his kindness, but he did not understand the nature rules. Before the butterfly came out of the cocoon, fluid (流体) from its body must be forced into its wings, and then it would be ready for flying. It must have a hard struggle (拼搏) to get through the small op

5、ening to get its freedom from the cocoon.Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If God allowed us to go through our life without any difficulties, it would make us fail. We would not be as strong as we could have been; we could never fly. 1. What was the butterfly doing at the beg

6、inning of the story?A. It was trying to make a cocoon for itself.B. It was struggling to get out of its cocoon.C. It was flying among the trees in the forest.D. It was crawling around quietly on the ground.2. The man cut off the remaining bit of the cocoon _. A. to take the butterfly home B. to help

7、 the butterlfy come out easily C. to kill the butterfly D. to stop the butterfly growing bigger3. What do you think of the man? A. Patient but cruel. B. Careful and wise. C. Kind but unwise. D. Brave and funny.4. What does the last paragraph (段落) tell us?A. Struggles are sometimes necessary in our l

8、ife.B. Nothing is difficult if we put our heart into it.C. Every good deed will come back with good result.D. The greatest happiness in the world is to help others.5. What is the best title for the story? A. The Love for the Cocoon B. The Joy of Helping Each Other C. The Lesson of the Cocoon D. The

9、Expectation for the ButterflyBReading is the key to school success and, like any skill, it takes practice. A child learns to walk by practicing until he no longer has to think about how to put one foot in front of the other. An excellent sportsman practices until he can play quickly, correctly and w

10、ithout thinking. Educators call it “automaticity (自动性)”.A child learns to read by sounding out the letters and finding the meaning of the words. With practice, he stumbles less and less, reading by the phrase (短语). With automaticity, he doesnt have to think about the meaning of words, so he can give

11、 all his attention to the meaning of the text.It can begin as early as first grade. In a recent study of children in Illinois schools, Alan Rossman of Northwestern University found that automatic readers in the first grade not only read almost three times as fast as the others, but also got better r

12、esults in exams.According to Rossman, the key to automaticity is the amount (数量) of time a child spends reading , not his IQ. Any child who spends at least 3.5 to 4 hours a week reading books, magazines or newspapers will probably reach automaticity. It can happen if a child turns off TV just one ni

13、ght for reading at home.You can test yourself by reading something new which is suitable (适合) for your level. If you read aloud with expression, with a sense of the meaning of the sentences, you probably are an automatic reader. If you read brokenly, one word at a time, without expression or meaning

14、, you need more practice.6. “Reading is the key to school success” means that reading .A. helps school develop faster B. is a key to a successful schoolC. helps students go to a key school D. can improve students learning results7. Children with “automaticity” can read faster because they .A. know h

15、ow to read the words B. do not have to think while readingC. read by themselves without any help D. pay attention to the meaning of the text8. Rossman tells that any child who will possibly be an automatic reader.A. turns off TV one night 4 weeks B. reads books by the word quickly C. spends an hour reading every day D. gets the same grades as others in exams9. The underlined word “stumble” in the passage means “ ” in Chinese. A. 结结巴巴地读 B. 全神贯注地读 C. 心不在焉地读 D. 声情并茂地读10. The best title for the passage is “


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