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1、高情商人士的十大特质If you want to know if you have high emotional intelligence, here are a few tips to guide you along the way.如果你想知道自己情商高不高,那么,下文能给你几个提示。Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have an unlimited amount of success in both their personal and professional lives?你是否曾经疑惑,为什么有些人看上去在个人生活和职业生

2、涯中都有着众多的成功经历?It could be because they possess high emotional intelligence.这可能是因为他们有着很高的情商。According to Psychology Today, Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others.据现代心理学称,“情商是一种能够辨识和掌控个人自己和他人情感的能力。”This usually involves:这通常涉及到: emotiona

3、l awareness, which includes the ability to identify your own emotions as well as those of others;情感意识,即能够辨识自己和他人的情感; the ability to harness emotions and apply them to tasks such as problem solving;能够利用情绪,将之用于诸如解决问题这样的目标; the ability to manage your emotions, such as being able to calm down when youre

4、 upset.能够管理好自己的情绪,例如在失落的时候能让自己冷静下来。If you want to know if you have a high emotional intelligence (EI) or want to work on strengthening your EI in order to succeed in life and your career, here are 10 qualities that people with high EI all share.如果你想知道自己是否具备高情商,或者想要增强自己的情商以期获得生活和工作中的成功,那么,以下十个高情商人士都具

5、备的特质就是你需要考虑的。1. Theyre not perfectionists.他们都不是完美主义者Being a perfectionist can get in the way of completing tasks and achieving goals since it can lead to having trouble getting started, procrastinating, and looking for the right answer when there isnt one.完美主义在你完成任务和实现目标的时候可能会造成阻碍,因为它会导致你很难开始工作、拖延,以

6、及在没有正确答案时非要去找出一个来。This is why people with EI arent perfectionists. They realize that perfection doesnt exist and push forward.这就是为什么高情商人士都不是完美主义者。他们意识到,完美并不存在,于是会加紧推进自己的工作进度。If they make a mistake, theyll make adjustments and learn from it.如果他们犯了错,他们会进行调整,并从中学习。This is one I personally have to work

7、on daily as I tend to be a little more perfectionist.这一点是我个人每天都要练习的,因为我有点偏向完美主义。2. They know how to balance work and play.他们知道如何平衡工作和娱乐。Working 24/7 and not taking care of yourself adds unnecessary stress and health problems to your life.一天工作24小时的高强度会给你的生活增加不必要的压力,并带来健康问题。Because of this, people wit

8、h EI know when its time to work and when to play.因此,高情商人士都知道,什么时间该工作,什么时间该去玩乐。For example, if they need to disconnect from the world for a couple of hours, or even an entire weekend, they will because they need the time to unplug to reduce the stress levels.比如说,如果他们需要和这个世界脱节几小时,或者整个周末都安静地呆着,那他们就真的会这

9、么去做,因为他们需要这样的时间来放松自己。3. They embrace change.他们拥抱改变。Instead of dreading change, emotionally intelligent people realize that change is a part of life.高情商人士们并不惧怕变化,他们意识到变化是生活的一部分。Being afraid of change hinders success, so they adapt to the changes around them and always have a plan in place should any

10、sort of change occur.惧怕改变会阻碍成功,所以他们适应身边的变化,在任何可能出现变化的地方,他们都会有相应的应对计划。4. They dont get easily distracted.他们不容易分心。People with high EI have the ability to pay attention to the task at hand and arent easily distracted by their surroundings, such as text or random thought.高情商人士能够专注于手头的工作,而不会轻易被周围的环境分散注意力

11、,比如说短信或者杂念。5. Theyre empathetic.他们很会站在他人立场上考虑。Daniel Goleman, psychologist and author of Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence, told The Huffington Post that empathy is one of the five components of emotional intelligence.丹尼尔戈尔曼是一名心理学家和专注:卓越的潜在推动力一书的作者,他告诉赫芬顿邮报,同理心是情商的五大要素之一。In fact, being able to

12、relate to others, show compassion, and take the time to help someone are all crucial components of EI.事实上,能够站在别人的立场上考虑问题、同情心和花时间去帮助别人是情商中最最重要的元素。Additionally, being empathic makes people with EI curious about other people and leads them to ask lots of questions whenever they meet someone new.除此之外,同理

13、心会让情商高的人对他人产生好奇心,让他们在与他人初次见面时提出很多问题。6. They know their strengths and weaknesses.他们知道自己的优势和弱点。Emotionally intelligent people know what theyre good at and what theyre not so great at.高情商人士知道自己擅长什么、不擅长什么。Theyve not just accepted their strengths and weaknesses; they also know how to leverage their stren

14、gths and weaknesses by working with the right people in the right situation.他们不只是接受自己的优缺点;他们还会在恰当的情况下与合适的人合作,以平衡地利用自己的优缺点。7. Theyre self-motivated.他们有很强的自我驱动力。Were you that ambitious and hard-working kid who was motivated to achieve a goal-and not just because there was a reward at the end?你是不是那种充满野

15、心、工作勤奋的小孩?被激励着要达成一个目标,而不仅仅是因为这最终能给你带来奖赏?Being a real go-getter, even at a young age, is another quality possessed by people with EI.成为一个真正能干的人,甚至是在很年轻的时期,这是高情商人士的另一个特质。8. They dont dwell in the past.他们不纠结于过去。People with high EI dont have the time to dwell in the past because theyre too busy contemplating the possibilities that tomorrow will bring.高情商人士没有时间去纠结于过去,因为他们忙于关注明天会出现的各种可能性。They dont let past mistakes consume them with negativity. They dont hold grudges.他们不会让过去的失误给自己带来消极的影响,也不会积累仇恨。Both ad


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