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1、 英语七年级上册第一次月考 听力部分,共四个大题(20分)I、听录音,选出听到的单词,每个单词读一遍。(5分)() 1. A. CCTV B.BBC C.BTV() 2. A. quilt B. pencil C. ruler() 3. A. redB. yellow C. brown() 4. A.name B. numberC. meet() 5.A. telephoneB. phoneC. fullII、选出所听到单词或句子的选项符号,每个句子读两遍。(5分)() 6. A. Good morningB. Good afternoon C. Good evening() 7.A. Hel

2、lo,Cindy! B. Im fine,thanks C.Hello, Im Gina. () 8. A. Nice to meet you. B.Whats your name? C. Whats your phone number?() 9. A. Whats this?B. Whos this? C. How is this?()10.A. What color is it? B. Whats this in English? C. Whats your English name?III、听句子,选出与其对应的答语,每个句子读两遍。(5分)( )11. A. Im fine,thank

3、s B. My name is Jim C. Hi! ( )12. A.Its a pen B.Its an orange C.Its orange( )13. A.K-E-Y B.Its a key C.Its black( )14. A. She is Lucy B. Im Lucy.C.He is Tom.( )15.A. Her name is Linda. B. Its 512-3690. C. Im Gina.IV.听短文,选择正确的选项完成表格,短文读两遍。(5分)The girl(女孩)s first name:_16_The boy(男孩)s first name:_17_T

4、he girls telephone number:_18_The color of the girls phone:_19_Thats the girls_20_( )16. A. Helen B. Grace C. Mary( )17. A.Dale B.Eric C.Jim( )18. A.168-9821 B.186-9821 C.168-9218( )19. A. yellow B. White C.black( )20. A.jacket B. ID card C. Map 笔试部分,共四个大题(80分)V.选择填空。(20分)() 1. Good evening, Bob! -_

5、, Eric.A. Good eveningB. How are you C. I am fineD. Good morning() 2. Hi, Dale! How are you? -_, thanks. A. How are youB. I am fine C. Good morningD. Nice to meet you( ) 3. Whats this _?- It is a map.A. EnglishB. in eglishC. isD. in English( ) 4This is a pen,and_pen is black. A.the Ba Can D. /() 5.

6、Whats this? - It is an _.A. jacket B.ID card C. ruler D. UFO() 6. -Hello,_your name ? -Hi,Im Jenny. A.Whats BWhat CHow D. Hows() 7. - _, please. - K-E-Y. A. Whats thisB. Spell itC. What color is itD. What is it() 8. - _ is this pen? - It is white.A. WhatsB. What nameC. Whats colorD. What color() 9.

7、“英国广播公司”的英文缩写是:_.A.BBCB. CCTVC. NHKD. ZZTV()10. The jacket is _.A. a blackB. blackC. an blackD. the black()11. My name is Gina Green.Gina is my_ name ?A. first B. last C. middle D.family()12. -Are you Linda? -No,_. A. I amnt B. I amC. I am not D.Im()13. - What color is your hair(头发)? - It is _.A. gr

8、eenB. blueC. black D. red()14. Hi, my name is Jenny. Nice to meet you!- _A. I am fine.B. How are you? C. Nice to meet you, tooD. No, thanks()15.-Is he Mike? - Yes,_. A. I am B.hesC. he is D.he isnt()16-What color is _ pen ? -Its black. A.a B an C the D am( )17._ name is Gina. _name is Tom. A. He She

9、 B. Her, His C. She, His D.His Her( ) 18. Whats his_name? Its Smith. A. last B. first C. / D.middle ( ) 19. Whats her telephone number? _. A. Its 786-1356 B. Its J C. Im 88567301 D.Her is 8856701 ( ) 20. She is a girl. name is Jenny. A. His B. Her C. She D,HeVI.完型填空。(10分) I am a Chinese girl. _21_ n

10、ame is Wang Wenbo. I _22_ 12 years old (岁数). _23_ first name is Wenbo and my _24_ name is Wang. Im _25_ Class Three, Grade(年级)Six. I have _26_ ID card. Its _27_ is 368899. Miss Zhao is my English teacher. She _28_ very nice. We all like (都喜欢) her very much. Whats _29_ telephone number? Oh, _30_ 6664

11、349.( )21. AI BMy CHer DShe( )22. Aam Bis Care Dbe( )23. AI BMy CShe DHer( )24. Alast Bfirst Cname Dgiven( )25. Aon Bin Cnot Dno( )26. Aa Ban Cthe Dtwo( )27. Aname Bnumber Ccard Dfamily( )28. Ais Bam Care Dbe( )29. Ayour Bhis Cher Dshe ( )30. Ait Bits Cis Dshes短文填空.选择正确的单词,使短文完整正确。(10分)(每个单词限用一次,注意单词的大小写) she name is first jacke


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