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1、Topic 3 The dragon has become a symbol of the Chinese nation.Section AThe main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。. Teaching aims and demands教学目标1. Learn some new words:tail, correct, promise2. Learn some useful sentences: (1) Thats correct. (2) It also plays an important part in Chinese festiva

2、ls.3. Learn the usage of conjunctions:We can go to either Beihai Park or Shichahai.4. Understand dragons and Huabiao which play an important part in Chinese culture. Teaching aids教具图片/教学挂图/小黑板/录音机/动画/录像. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:8分钟)检查作业,复习定语从句。出示图片,导入生词。1. (检查作业,学生作答后齐

3、读。) T:Now check the homework. You should join the given sentences last class with “that”, “which”, “whose”, “who” or “whom” to form attributive clauses. The first sentence, S1, please. S1:The girl who lost her way last night is Mrs. Smiths daughter. T:Nice work! Next, S2, please. S2:I have a TV set

4、that was made in Japan. T:Good. T:You did a good job. Please read the five sentences again together.2. (出示毛主席站在天安门城楼上的图片,问毛主席站在哪儿?他在干什么?毛主席在天安门城楼宣告中华人民共和国成立。让学生欣赏雄伟的天安门城楼。)T:Please look at the picture. The man is giving a speech. Who is he?Ss: Hes Chairman Mao.T:How to ask the same question using th

5、e attributive clause?Ss:Who is the man that is giving a speech?T:Good. He was announcing the foundation of the PRC. From then on, he became the first chairman of new China. Look at the Tiananmen. How grand it is!Ss:Yes, it is.(板书,并要求学生理解grand。)grandT:And look at its roof, what color is it? S1.S3:It

6、is yellow.T:Thats correct! Because yellow was a symbol of imperial power in ancient China.(板书,并要求学生掌握correct;了解imperial。)correctimperial3. (出示雕刻着龙纹的石栏杆图片。)T:Whats this?S4:Its a dragon.T:Good. Its carved on the stone.T:Whats the symbol of the Chinese nation? Who knows?S5:Its the dragon. Its said that

7、 theyre powerful animals which have long tails.(教师帮助学生回答。)(板书,并要求学生理解carve;掌握tail。)carvetailT:Now, my class. Have you ever been to Beijing to see Tiananmen? S6, please.S6:No, I havent.T:What a pity! Tiananmen is in front of the Forbidden City. Today, lets learn something about the Forbidden City.Ste

8、p 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)学习1a,让学生了解中国古代建筑故宫。1. (听1a的录音,同时把教学挂图故宫图挂在黑板上。)T:Now, look at this picture. And listen to the tape carefully. Then answer the questions on the small blackboard.(出示小黑板。)(1)Why do most of the buildings have yellow roofs?(2)What are those animals that are carved on the s

9、tones?(3)Is the dragon a symbol of the Chinese nation?(教师对问题进行解释,以降低听力难度,让学生带着问题去听。根据需要,可再放一遍录音。)T:Listen to the tape again and then check your answers with your partner.(核对答案。)T:Well, can you tell us the answers to the questions?Ss:Yes.T:OK, volunteers?2. (读1a,让学生找出疑难点,开展小组活动,探究释疑。必要时,教师给以指导帮助。)T:

10、Read 1a and find out something that you dont understand. Then discuss the difficulties in groups. If necessary, I will give you some help.(板书)play a/an . part = play a/an . roleIt also plays an important part in Chinese festivals. =It also plays an important role in Chinese festivals.Step 3 Consolid

11、ation 第三步 巩固(时间:12分钟)巩固1a,完成1b。让学生分角色朗读、表演、讨论有关龙的话题,激发学生的学习兴趣。1. (将全班学生分成三组,操练1a。)T:Now, lets act out the dialog. Ill divide our class into three groups. Group 1 acts as Susanna. Group 2 acts as Jane. Group 3 acts as Kangkang. OK?Ss:OK.T:Lets begin!T:Jane and Kangkang are showing Susanna around the

12、Forbidden City.Group 1: Group 2: 2. (让学生先准备一分钟,然后三人一组分角色朗读,再请两组同学上台表演。)T: Please practice the dialog in groups of three. And then Ill ask two groups to act it out in front of the class.Group A: Group B: T: Well done, everyone. 3. (龙是中华民族的象征,因此在中国历史中,有许许多多关于龙的戏剧、音乐、绘画和谚语等,教师播放叶公好龙的动画,激发学生的兴趣,拓展学生的思维空

13、间。)T: As we know, the dragon is a symbol of the Chinese nation and there are a lot of operas, music, paintings and sayings about it in Chinas history. Now, do you want to know more about it? Please watch a cartoon about the dragon carefully and then guess what the name of the story is.(动画结束后,师生问答。)T

14、:Guess! What is the name of the story?Ss:叶公好龙。T:Yes. Its Lord Yes Love of Dragons. In our country, there are many people, places and things related to dragons. Now, lets look at 1b.4. (完成1b。五人一组讨论有关龙的话题,然后每组选一人向全班汇报。)T: Finish 1b. Then work in groups of five and discuss something related to dragons.

15、 Then choose one student of each group to report it to the class.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)学习2a,完成2b。通过听录音、回答问题、分角色表演对话及复述故事等形式,培养学生的听、说技能,增强民族自豪感。1. (播放一段故宫的录像,让学生欣赏雄伟、宏大的故宫,为呈现2a内容作铺垫。)T:Now, lets watch a video about the Forbidden City. Pay attention to the buildings in it. After that, Ill ask you some questions.(录像结束后,师生问答。)T:Well. Are the buildings grand?Ss:Yes, they are.T:Have you ever been there before, S1?S1:No, I hope to visit there some day.T:Sure. You can go t


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