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1、必修五Unit1阅读课 (说课稿)John Snow Defeats “King Cholera”John Snow Defeats “King Cholera” 这篇阅读文章介绍了英国著名医生John Snow 是如何通过考察、分析、探究等等的科学方法,发现并控制“霍乱”这种在当时极具杀伤力并很神秘的传染病的。通过阅读课文,使学生感悟科学家的周密观查、勇于探索、认真分析的科学精神,了解科学发现的全过程具有其科学的严密性。根据这篇文章的设计,本人在课后进行了一些反思和改进。 Great Scientist: John Snow Defeats “King Cholera” (SEFC Book

2、 Unit 1 Module 5) 教学课型:阅读课(45分钟) 教学过程 Step1. Warming up 1. 进行根据发明研究和成就内容来猜科学家的名字的“quiz”。 T: Great changes have taken place in peoples life. Were now leading a comfort and convenient life with computers to help us with all kinds of work ,mobile phones to talk to others wherever we are, trains and pla

3、nes to take us everywhere fast. What brings us such a fantastic life with the advanced equipment? S: Science. T: Science is not far away from us. Instead, its closely related to us all. Our material comfort and lifestyle mainly depend on advances in science. Could you name some of the great scientis

4、ts worldwide? Lets do a quiz next. Based on the achievement, could you guess who is the scientist? S: 设计说明教师通过多媒体呈现相关科学家及其成就的图片和文字让学生来猜,这样的导入能让学生打开思路,回想起不同的科学家以及他们的研究领域和成就。既能让学生体会到本堂课的主题,又能激发学生的好奇心和求知欲,营造一种宽松和活跃的课题氛围,为下一步阅读策略及教学做了很好的铺垫。 Step2 Pre-reading 1. 给出科学研究中的几个必要步骤,并让学生将其排序。 (1) find a proble

5、m (2) make a question (3) think of a method (4) collect results (5) analyse the results (6) find supporting evidence (7) draw a conclusion 设计说明让学生初步了解做科学研究的重复性和严谨性,容易使学生产生强烈的好奇心,急于知道这些步骤在实际的科学研究中是如何使用的,从而为下一步的阅读活动做好铺垫,使学生的阅读带有更大地目的性。 2. 分析标题(1)what does the title tell us? (S: the main character and

6、his achievements)(2)What do you know about John Snow and “King Cholera”? 设计说明强调学生要注意根据标题来猜测文章主要大意的阅读技巧并补充一些有关霍乱和“John Snow”的背景知识,使学生等下等够更好的理解全篇文章。 Step3 Fast-reading1.Skim the text and give each paragraph a heading of the stagespara1: find a problem para2: make a question para3: think of a method pa

7、ra4: collect results para5: analyse the results para6: find supporting evidence para7: draw a conclusion 设计说明让学生基本了解本文文章的章节安排和文章的主线。 如何准确、快捷地找到段落主题句是一种重要的阅读技巧。这一环节要求学生在规定的时间内通过快速浏览文章得出其大意,给出出各段的主题句,目的是引导学生运用略读技巧来决定段落主题句,初步了解文章的主要内容。 Step4 Careful reading1. Based on the form about the main clue of th

8、e passage, ask the students some questions connecting some detailed information and further understanding of the passage.Paragraph Stages in an experimentExample in this investigation1.Find a problem What causes cholera?2.Make a question Which theory is correct?3.Think of a methodCollect data on tho

9、se who fell ill or died and where they lived?4.Collect resultsMark information on a map to find out where people died or did not die.5.Analyse the resultsFind out where they got their water. Analyse the water to see if it is the cause of the deaths.6.Find supporting evidenceFind other evidence to su

10、pport the analysis.7.Draw a conclusionIt was certain that polluted water carried the disease. The source of all drinking water should be examined to make sure it is safe.设计说明这一系列的环节要求学生仔细阅读文章,捕捉文章细节。引导学生先根据文章的主线,搞清John Snow在各个研究阶段的实际研究状况以及其在各个阶段的研究成果。帮助学生理清文章的脉络,培养学生领悟和分析语篇的能力。2. Which writing style

11、 does this passage belong to?A. a report B. an argumentation C. a poem D. an exposition3. What the writing feature of a report?S: Using formal language; not emotional, just keep to the facts; only has one main character; structured according to experimental method. 设计说明本活动属于属于文章文体的分析,旨在引导学生通过细读文章领会报

12、道这一类文章的写作技巧和特征,以此来指导这一类文章的阅读方法。 Step5 Post- reading1. Pair work: Is it worthwhile for such a famous physician to devote himself to defeating such a deadly and mysterious disease? Why? What can you learn from John Snow? 设计说明本活动属于深层思维训练,引导学生理解归纳文章的中心思想及隐含意义,旨在通过讨论归纳培养学生的思辨能力和用英语表达的能力。在阅读课中,教师要注意将阅读技能训

13、练与深层思维训练相结合。2. Group work: This passage leads us to a less famous scientific subject: public health medicine. What severe infectious disease do you think is similar to cholera? What are their common characteristics? What should we pay attention to in our daily life in order not to be infected with t

14、hose disease? 设计说明该环节是课堂任务的延伸,旨在培养学生的口头表达能力,为学生创造语言输出的平台。学生通过阅读获得了语言储备,为语言的输出做好了铺垫。同时,此活动还可以激励学生将课本上所学的知识跟他们的现实生活联系起来。 Step6: Assignment 1. Retell the passage and write your retelling in the exercise book. 2. Search the Internet to find more stories of great scientists. 3. Tell others the story of y

15、our favorite scientist.设计说明此部分的设计旨在帮助学生巩固所学知识,使学生通过一定的语言输出进一步拓展和延伸对课文的理解。同时,扩大与课堂相关题材的课外阅读量,加强学生的语言积累。 在上完这堂课后,本人进行了一系列的反思。在教学目的方面,这节课中每一步骤的设计都有着明确的目的,并有着整节课的总体目标(1)语言知识目标,学生学习并运用以下词汇:单词:scientific,danalyse, defeat, deadly, cure, physician, attend, severe, blame, pollute, absorb; 短语:put forward, draw a conclusion, exposeto, linkto, cureof; (2)语言技能目标,学生提高运用阅读策略预测课文内容和获取信息的能力;学生提高通过略读、细读等阅读活动的阅读理解能力; 学生学会分析文章结构,根据关键词复述文章大意并通过阅读课文和参与各种学习活动提高说读写的能力; (3)学习策略目标,学生能独立思考,并且能与伙伴合作学习。 (4)情感态度目标,学生通过文章的学习能够明白科学研究过程的重复和严谨以及科学家们如何以探索、钻研、无



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