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1、五年级上册 第二单元第1课时教案Teaching content 教学内容Story timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 通过师生、学生交流以及指导学生阅读对话内容,学生能听懂、会说、会读日常用语和句型How many s are there ?及答语 There are ;is/are on the floor.;Is there a/Are there any (s) ?及答语Yes, there is/are./No, there isnt/arent;2. 能听懂、会说、会读单词和短语classroom, computer

2、room, library, music room, student, first, second, third, floor, show around;3. 能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试模仿;4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语谈论学校。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。教学难点:学生能理解序数词first、second、third的意思和用法Teaching procedure 教学过程Step 1

3、Warm up and free talk1. Sing a song: In the classroom.T: There is a TV in their classroom. What is in our classroom?S: There is a teachers desk. There are some chairs and desks.T: You are so familiar with your classroom. What about our school? Can you show me around? (show me around)2. Game: Boys PK

4、 Girls.Rules: 分别用1分钟时间男女生分组用There is/are 结构说说学校里的设施,看看哪一组说得多。【设计意图:让学生从自己的生活出发,通过自己的观察和体会来运用所学的句型结构。】Step 2 New teaching1. T: There are many rooms in our school. And you know them all. Yang Ling also knows her school well. She is showing a new student around the school. Today we will learn Unit 2 A

5、new student. (揭示课题 “A new student”教授student)2. T: Who is the new student? Look, here she comes. (PPT呈现 Hi, Im Nancy Black. Nice to meet you.)S: Nice to meet you, too.T: Yang Ling shows her around. Whats in their school? Which rooms do they talk about? Lets watch the video and tick. (播放Story time动画)【

6、设计意图:让学生从已有的接近生活的情境过渡到文本的学习,让一切都在潜移默化中进行。通过第一次观看卡通,整体了解文本信息】3. T: Which rooms do they talk about?S1: ClassroomS2: Computer room.S3: Library and music room. S4: Table tennis roomT: There are a lot of rooms in their school. (领读classroom, computer room, library, music room.)4. 学生自读课文两人合作完成表格:T: How man

7、y rooms are there? (出示主句型)S1: 24 classrooms.T: What are these rooms?S2: There are two computer rooms. S3: There is a music room.S4: There is a table tennis room.S5: There is a library.roomsHow manyWhere computer rooms2music rooms1table tennis rooms1libraries1【设计意图:让学生通过文本的阅读,根据老师提出的任务迅速的找到相应的信息从而完成任

8、务。】5. T: There are three floors in the building. Look, here is the first floor. First, the first floor. (同法教授second 和third) T: The rooms are on different floors. (指表格) Where are they? Please read in groups and find out. (学生分小组自己朗读文本,找出每种教室分别在几楼,师生一起完成黑板上表格)T: Where is the music room?Group 1: The mus

9、ic room is on the first floor.T: Great! (板书The music room is on the first floor) What about other rooms?Group 2: The computer rooms are on the third floor.Group3: The library is on the third floor too.Group4: Nancys classroom is on the second floor.T: Now please work in pairs and finish Write and sa

10、y on Page 18.【设计意图:通过小组合作寻找信息完成练习,学生在完成任务的的过程中理解文本。】Step 3 Consolidation1. T: You know their school well. Lets read the dialogue after the computer.T: You can choose one or more ways to read.2. Lets dub.3. Try to retell. (学生能够根据上下文完成填空式的复述)4. Lets talk.T: Nancy knows her new school. What about you?

11、Can you talk about our school? Lets try. You can begin like this:Hello, Im . Look at my school. Its There are/is Theyre/Its 【设计意图:学生在文本学习的基础上,通过寻找信息、朗读文本、复述文本已经打下了一定的基础,再通过介绍自己的学校,让学生能够在一个恰当的情境当中运用自己所学的内容。】Homework家庭作业1. Read the text after the tape five times.2. Act the story with friends.3. Talk a

12、bout our school with your friends and write it down on Page 24.Teaching aids教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:多媒体、图片板书设计:Unit 2 A new studentThere is/are in our school.How many rooms are there?The is on the first floor.second floor.third floor.roomsHow manyWhere computer rooms23Fmusic rooms11Ftable tennis rooms11Flibraries13F说课本节课的主要教学内容是Story time板块。在热身环节,教师通过歌曲和游戏切入谈论学校教室和设施的主题,唤醒学生已有的句型和词汇积累。在课文新授环节,教师先让学生看动画回答问题,达到对课文的初步感知,然后让学生自读课文完成表格和书上的练习,从而进一步掌握课文的细节信息,教师在此过程中适时新授单词和词组。接下来,教师又安排多种朗读活动、配音活动加强课文的信息输入。在输出环节的活动由易到难,先是根据上下文完成填空,难度较低,然后要求学生用所学语言描述自己的学校,以段落形式进行输出,难度较大,要求学生充分调动所学知识。


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