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1、高考英语经典句型翻译练习一简单句1. 操场四周有很多学生在观看排球比赛。There are many students watching the volleyball match on every side of the playground. 2 他学英语比他班上任何一个女生都刻苦。 He studies English harder than any girls in his class.3 我们将花三天时间完成这项工作。 Well spend three days in finishing the work.4 你楼上的房间住起来很舒服,只是里面的家具看起来旧了点。 Your room

2、upstairs is comfortable to live in except that the furniture in it looks older.5 我弟弟没有别的选择,只能听我的。 My little brother had no choice but to listen to me.6 他宁愿以半价把菜卖掉,也不愿让菜烂掉。 Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price.7 随着你英语口语的提高, 你的书面语言也会提高。 As your spoken English improves

3、, so will your written English.8 你懂得的单词越多,你阅读起来就越容易。 The more words you know, the easier you can read.9 这个国家只有20%的人口是农业人口。 Only 20 percent of the population of this country is farming popution.10 三年之后,他成了一名医生。 Three years later, he became a doctor. Three years later, he turned doctor.二名词性从句1众所周知,地球是

4、圆的。As is known to all, the earth is round. It is well known to all that What is well known to all is that 2你需要更多的练习,这是显而易见的。It is clear that you need more practice.3我们所需要的是更多的时间。What we need is more time.4据报道,中国将发送另一艘宇宙飞船。It is reported that China will send up another spaceship.China is reported to

5、send up another spaceship.5你说每个人都应该得到平等的工资待遇,这是我不同意的地方。You are saying that everyone should be equally paid, and this is where I disagree.6阅读对于汤姆来说就象足球对于其他男孩一样。Reading is to Tom what football is to other boys.7不管谁犯规都必须受到惩罚。 Whoever breaks the rule will be punished. No matter who/Whoever breaks the ru

6、le, he will be punished.三状语从句1他的笔是红的而我的是黑的。His pen is red while mine is black.2他正准备动身,这时天开始下雨。He was about to start when it began to rain.3我刚到伦敦就给你写信。I wrote to you as soon as I arrived in London. I had hardly arrived in London when I wrote to you. I had no sooner arrived in London than I wrote to y

7、ou.4我们还有五个月才能在见面。It will be five months before we meet again.5我们盼望的日子终于来到了。The day we looked forward to came at last.6尽管那女孩很年轻,但她有先进的教学方法。Young as the girl is , she has an advanced method of teaching.Though the girl is young, she has an advanced method of teaching.7这是我第一次来到这里。This is the first time

8、I have been here.8我第一次见他时,他的幽默感给我留下了深刻的印象。The first time I saw him, I was impressed by his sense of humour.9听了校长的话,他受到的鼓舞。After hearing what the schoolmaster said, he was encouraged. On hearing what the schoolmaster said, 10盒子太重,我举不起。The box is so heavy that I cant lift it.The box is too heavy for m

9、e to lift.四非谓语动词1他说他可以帮我学英语。He said he could help me with my English.(to study English)2没有人能阻止我们履行我们的计划。No one can stop us from carrying out our plan.3为了空气不被污染,得采取一些措施。To prevent the air from being polluted, something must be done.4我将尽力提高我的英语。Ill do whatever I can to improve my English. Ill do all I

10、 can to improve my English. Ill do my best to improve my English.5你本来应该好好利用你们在一起的时间讨论这件事情。You should have made good use of the time you spent together to discuss the matter.6他在昨天的比赛中把腿弄断了。He had his leg broken in the match yesterday.7请记住饭前洗手。Please remember to wash your hands before dinner.8看着这些照片,我

11、情不自禁地想起了我在伦敦的日子。Seeing these pictures, I couldnt help thinking of those days when I was in London.9包括主席在内,有15人出席了会议。 Fifteen people were present, the chairman included. Fifteen persons were present, including the chairman.五It 句型1要我按时完成这个任务是很困难的。 Its difficult for me to finish the task on time.2据说汤姆已

12、经从国外回来了。 Its said that Tom has come back from abroad. Tom is said to have come back from abroad.3跟他争论没用。 Its no use arguing with him.4他在考试中失败了,这是一个事实。 Its a fact that he failed the exam.5我们早该把我们的作业交上去了。Its high time we handed/should hand in our exercise books.6他发现离开德国去美国是不可能的了。He found it impossible

13、 to leave Germany for America.7好象没有人能说服他和我们一起参加比赛。It seems that nobody can persude him to join us in the competition.8他愿不愿帮我们都没关系。It makes no difference whether he would help us.9我突然想起我把钱包落在银行了。 It suddenly occurred to me that I had left my wallet in the bank.10玩电子游戏是浪费时间。 Its a waste of time to pla

14、y computer games.11要不是你们的帮忙,我不可能赢了这场竞赛。 If it had not been for your help, I wouldnt have won the competition.12得由你来决定下一步该做什么。 Its up to you to decide what to do next.六There be 句型1既然问题已经解决了,我们没必要在讨论它。 There is no need for us to discuss the problem again since it has already been settled.2毫无疑问你错了。 There is no doubt that you are wrong.3没有可能弄到表演的票。 There is no chance of getting a ticket for the performance.4留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 Where there is life, there is hope.5房前有一棵高大的树。 There stands a tall tree in front of the house.6这台机器好象有毛病。 There seems to be something wrong with t



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