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1、 2022年考研英语阅读理解冲刺重点预测25篇 (第6篇)(版权全部,违者必究!鉴于有局部辅导机构不经过同意就把具有独立学问产权的作品公然转载并声称是他们自己作品的案例,再次特殊声明:本博客全部文字材料仅供考生下载作自身的学习用途,任何形式的转载必需征得的授权,保存对全部文字作品的法律权利!) On climbing-frames in the smarter neighbourhoods of Los Angeles, white kids occasionally shout to each other in Spanish. They learn their first words fr

2、om Mexican nannies who are often working illegally, just like the maids who scrub floors and the gardeners who cut their lawns. Which helps to explain why fixing America”s broken immigration system is proving so difficult. Californians, no less than the residents of other states, find illegal immigr

3、ation distasteful. Yet they depend on immigrants for even such intimate tasks as bringing up their children. This week the Senate was trying again to reconcile these contradictory impulses. It seemed close to the promise of legalisation for the nation”s roughly 12m illegals, some 2.5m of them in Cal

4、ifornia alone. But their cases will not be considered until the border is deemed to have been made more secure and the current stockpile of legal immigrants is clearedsomething that will take at least eight years. Worse, from the immigrants” point of view, they will probably have to leave the countr

5、y and then petition to return, in what is known as “touch-back”. If it becomes law, the Senate bill will transform America”s immigration system. Following the lead of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Britain, America would adopt a points system that will give priority to the sort of young, employa

6、ble immigrants who are most likely to contribute to the economy. Family ties, essential in deciding immigration claims since the 1960s, would become less important. Immigrant advocates have become more militant. Last year huge, mostly orderly crowds gathered on the streets of Los Angeles, Chicago an

7、d other cities to protest against a bill, passed by the House of Representatives, that would have criminalised illegal immigrants. Many carried American flags. Rallies earlier this month, by contrast, were dominated by professional protesters. In Los Angeles a small and occasionally angry crowd clas

8、hed with police. Protesters have called for another rally next month in Hollywood. Although the pressure for reform appears overwhelming, it is not clear that a deal can be done this year. Compromise may prove more elusive in the House of Representatives. Because of the way that congressional distri

9、cts are drawn, many politicians represent constituencies with large numbers of ethnic minorities or hardly any at all. Nor is it clear that the Senate plan would bring illegal immigrants out of the shadows. Those who have American children (up to 40% of those in California) will be reluctant to “tou

10、ch-back”. Much will also depend on how many visas are made available to unskilled workers. If there are too few, the supply of immigrant labour will surely continue to meet the demand for it, regardless of what the law says. 注(1):本文选自Economist, 05/17/2022 注(2):本文习题命题仿照对象为2022年真题Text 4。 1 From the fi

11、rst paragraph we learn that _. A Californians seldom hire foreign workers. B Californians do not like to have lots of immigrants. C It is difficult for immigrants to find a job in California. D The white kids learn Spanish from their schools. 2 Which of the following statements is NOT true according

12、 to the text? A The Senate plans to give many illegal immigrants the legal status. B The American immigration policy is going to be modified. C The problem of illegal immigrants will be solved soon. D Family has been an important factor in the immigration to U.S. 3 According to the text, _ will be m

13、ost likely to be allowed to immigrate to America. A those Mexican workers B those of college education C those who marry American citizens D those who are hardworking 4 Which of the following best defines the word “militant” (Line 1, Paragraph 4)? A violent B carrying guns C loving wars D frequent 5

14、 What does the last sentence of the last paragraph mean? A If there are not enough visas, a lot of people have to “touch-back”. B If there are enough visas, every currently illegal immigrant will be legalized. C Illegal immigrants who have American children are more easily to receive visa. D If ther

15、e are not enough visas, there will still be a lot of illegal immigrants. 篇章剖析 本文主要争论了美国的非法移民问题。第一段提出了一个冲突的问题,尽管美国人们并不是那么欢送非法移民,但是他们生活中的方方面满却离不开非法移民的工作。其次、三段谈到了美国参议院最近对于非法移民问题的争论和可能出台的政策措施,以及其中的困难。第四段谈到了非法移民在美国开头自己的维权活动。第五段连续叙述通过新法案的困难。第六段进一步分析即使新政策能够出台,仍旧会存在问题。 词汇解释 scrub skrQb v. 洗擦, 擦净 priority praiRriti



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