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1、o 岗o II o 堞o 东oo 邦o to o 堞o wha 二 ibrarians - ike 8 do ins-e - ibraryB wha-=brar - ans do -o he - p you in -he libraryhoJ:二 ibrar - ans he - p you find -he book you was(4)=a 一一 brary- you can go -o-he area wi-h cozy chai? if you wan-A a warm and safe room a fun and exc三ng p-ace c a b-g and br-gh- ro

2、om D a qusand re-axing p-ace32,(2019 美HM冈s米)A British girrTaryn Evcrdccn- has jusr finished wrMng a noVC- (4,泳) wi-h her favorite wrisrcaro-yn Meyer- even【hough she is 66 years younge 二 han herTaryn was on-y -5 years OH- when she firs【wrooa fano=eroa 8一 year I o-dcaro-yn Mey? 5 give -hanks for her h

3、is-orica - noveF-caro-yn was one of 5y favor -一e wr 一一 ers I grew up reading her books,When I-vas n-ne or-erb I would -is-en to her s-ories every 三 ghr:.Tha 二 nade me fa 二 inove w=h his-ory):says Taryn.Taryn- who is from Norw-chy Eng-anfwas -hen surprised when caro-yn wros backand suggested wr 三 ng

4、a nove 二 oge-herCarolyn is an American ws-er who wrios nove-s for children and young peop-e. She has published (Bg) over 6。chik=ren books- bu- she has never warded 5 work w=h anos-er wr-sruntil she go- Taryn-So-erThree years ago af-er Taryn wroie to heryCaro - yn invisd -he young gir 二。spy whh her i

5、ns-e US) so【hey co=d ws-e a nove 二 oge【her They decided (序诩)【o ws-e a 二 me I trave - ing story. They sen 二 deas -o each o【her by emaFcaro-yn a-so visi-ed Taryn -ast year- and Taryn flewc-he US over-he summer- af-er she finished her schoo - exams. They now have a firs- draft (落番)of -Mirror of Time.5T

6、hey decide_0 give i- -o some publishers and hope they w 三 be insrested inr-This is my firs- -q a- wrhing a noVC.We have been working on i- for -hrec years, IFs amazing, -says Taryn, And 1 have never me-anyone-ike her, :She seems much younge 二 han her age. I chink she is a rea 二 y powerfu 二oe mode 一

7、(瞅我舅 ss藐酸的芸郑,口擦导鄙K-B : O 鉴O O / O -E O o 岗o .U o 热o 氐o 样).Shes my teacher, and my work partner, but I see her as a friend more than anything else.Taryn, now 18 years old, returns from the USA this week. She wants to have a gap year (间隔年)before starting university next year.We worked hard, but we did other things together, too. While I was there, we went to a few theatre shows, and we went on a journey to Taos, staying in a hotel overnight there.Shes very open, and I


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