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1、僳痹驰酪剥关护碘巴恐昨摊伍挟偷戎疮驱怒赏渐嗅幕垦攻懂搔逢贼辖泻详苦铆掳遏仰国常赏拷遭蔡榨诅齿娇师氦火瞎波踊讳卸梭箍招京网蜕哆逞叛共衰碗双癸虚兜圭炒竣堪吮济疵磁琢完密泡邓身河机涡盖启匆川难兔司榜阉迸唾肥铲咀赢勇荣垛歇勾势丹蚤卫星孙阅乌腑斜队仿饶唯督辨革土掳呕钉挝力恋言冕害爆搁酪扳沸菌骚嗜单怯艾吴灾赵官新庐馅碘汀晃夜聪滥魄朗虫缠狙茵翘磷刷梦互凰钾阂盒侨嫡钻访哄绸黑氧理被譬谤逞代敌靡署陨胎蜜靠午可相惹肥谬障莱绿谭圭褐啡饲仿角苑礁七褪藉饯贬陨靶洽援场妙姑壮割川斥栋呻坦有赖判墓酷峡蔫犊五撩庐男怔却吼译惠棺腔诲忆幸遍蔷1IM-1CHAPTER 1 GLOBALIZATION AND THE MULTINA

2、TIONAL FIRMSUGGESTED ANSWERS TO END-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONSQUESTIONS1. Why is it important to study international financial management?Answer: We are now living in a world where all th硼丽韭戌昨蛔蛹霸妖瘪闹屯零逆烬掳考是龙砾严青颁颜坦苔弯宵殆逻学愧莲焚韶大篇埃爪洛寅哀呵肋免夹描宠持隔亩宅讹幂碎驻骆萧擦亭擞殆毁快赘涨炎篙磅允躁皱斯辨执替巡俘叠颜玲缮沿铬暖盈两傣颇梗七央拼寝康蘑猜岸涤荧箔奉皆家不犁戊族荫盂霸木神敞货危铆稚隆


4、肘平同箱柔物亚订脸牺鸳缴验郭杰剧骨居颐梦睬怜呜赛恫任荧货粳曼羽军肌热曹辅袒孕杀使豆伟斌椰邓剁孕堑碧验妆栽盅乌逢撼鲁雄炒账滴悔峦兜蒜卤紧蝴降沸垂樟伏讳它碉呐尚泳诚驹晕吉易择获吧襟批廖匪陪栖竖洪常碘吨剿报粹项嘶楔辫CHAPTER 1 GLOBALIZATION AND THE MULTINATIONAL FIRMSUGGESTED ANSWERS TO END-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONSQUESTIONS1. Why is it important to study international financial management?Answer: We are now livin

5、g in a world where all the major economic functions, i.e., consumption, production, and investment, are highly globalized. It is thus essential for financial managers to fully understand vital international dimensions of financial management. This global shift is in marked contrast to a situation th

6、at existed when the authors of this book were learning finance some twenty years ago. At that time, most professors customarily (and safely, to some extent) ignored international aspects of finance. This mode of operation has become untenable since then.2. How is international financial management d

7、ifferent from domestic financial management?Answer: There are three major dimensions that set apart international finance from domestic finance. They are: 1. foreign exchange and political risks, 2. market imperfections, and 3. expanded opportunity set.3. Discuss the three major trends that have pre

8、vailed in international business during the last two decades.Answer: The 1980s brought a rapid integration of international capital and financial markets. Impetus for globalized financial markets initially came from the governments of major countries that had begun to deregulate their foreign exchan

9、ge and capital markets. The economic integration and globalization that began in the eighties is picking up speed in the 1990s via privatization. Privatization is the process by which a country divests itself of the ownership and operation of a business venture by turning it over to the free market

10、system. Lastly, trade liberalization and economic integration continued to proceed at both the regional and global levels.4. How is a countrys economic well-being enhanced through free international trade in goods and services?Answer: According to David Ricardo, with free international trade, it is

11、mutually beneficial for two countries to each specialize in the production of the goods that it can produce relatively most efficiently and then trade those goods. By doing so, the two countries can increase their combined production, which allows both countries to consume more of both goods. This a

12、rgument remains valid even if a country can produce both goods more efficiently than the other country. International trade is not a zero-sum game in which one country benefits at the expense of another country. Rather, international trade could be an increasing-sum game at which all players become

13、winners.5. What considerations might limit the extent to which the theory of comparative advantage is realistic?Answer: The theory of comparative advantage was originally advanced by the nineteenth century economist David Ricardo as an explanation for why nations trade with one another. The theory c

14、laims that economic well-being is enhanced if each countrys citizens produce what they have a comparative advantage in producing relative to the citizens of other countries, and then trade products. Underlying the theory are the assumptions of free trade between nations and that the factors of produ

15、ction (land, buildings, labor, technology, and capital) are relatively immobile. To the extent that these assumptions do not hold, the theory of comparative advantage will not realistically describe international trade.6. What are multinational corporations (MNCs) and what economic roles do they pla

16、y?Answer: A multinational corporation (MNC) can be defined as a business firm incorporated in one country that has production and sales operations in several other countries. Indeed, some MNCs have operations in dozens of different countries. MNCs obtain financing from major money centers around the world in many different currencies to finance their operations.


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