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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.function errmsg,Z,X,t,c,fail = BNB18(fun,x0,xstat,xl,xu,A,B,Aeq,Beq,nonlcon,setts,options1,options2,maxSQPit,varargin);%MATLAB5.3Optimization toolbox 2.0?% Minimize F(x) %subjjectt too: xxlb = x =xuub% A*x = BB% AAeq*x=BBeq% C(x)=0

2、0% xx1+22*x22+2*x3=722% 110=x2=200% x1-x2=10% MMdiiscffun.m% fuuncttionn f=disscfuun(xx)% f=-x(1)*x(22)*xx(3);% cleear;x0=255,155,100;xsttat=1 1 11;% xl=200 100 -110;xuu=330 220 220;% A=1 -2 -2;1 22 2;B=0 72;AAeq=1 -1 0;Beqq=100;% errr,ZZ,X=BNNB188(ddisccfunn,xx0,xxstaat,xxl,xxu,AA,B,Aeqq,Beeq);% XM

3、AAX=XX,ZZMAXX=-ZZ% BNBB18 Finnds thee coonsttraiinedd miinimmum of a ffuncctioon oof sseveerall poossiiblyy inntegger varriabbless.% Usaage: eerrmmsg,Z,XX,t,c,ffaill = % BNNB188(fuun,xx0,xxstaatuss,xllb,xxub,A,BB,Aeeq,BBeq,nonnlcoon,ssetttinggs,ooptiionss1,ooptiionss2,mmaxSSQPiiterr,P11,P22,.) % BNB

4、B soolvees pprobblemms oof tthe forrm:% Minnimiize F(xx) ssubjjectt too: xxlb = x0 =xxub% AA*x = B Aeqq*x=Beqq% CC(x)=00 CCeq(x)=0% xx(i) iss coontiinuoous forr xsstattus(i)=0 % xx(i) inntegger forr xsstattus(i)= 1% xx(i) fiixedd foor xxstaatuss(i)=2% BNBB usses:% Opttimiizattionn Tooolbbox Verrsioo

5、n 22.0 (R111) 09-Octt-19998% Froom tthiss tooolbbox fmiincoon.mm iss caalleed. Forr moore inffo ttypee heelp fmiincoon.% funn iss thhe ffuncctioon tto bbe mminiimizzed andd shhoulld rretuurn a sscallar. F(x)=fevval(funn,x).% x0 is thee sttarttingg poointt foor xx. xx0 sshouuld be a ccoluumn vecctorr

6、.% xsttatuus iis aa coolummn vvecttor desscriibinng tthe staatuss off evveryy vaariaablee x(i).% xlbb annd xxub aree coolummn vvecttorss wiith lowwer andd uppperr booundds ffor x.% A aand Aeqq arre mmatrricees ffor thee liineaar cconsstraainss.% B aand Beqq arre ccoluumn vecctorrs ffor thee liineaar

7、 cconsstraainss.% nonnlcoon iis tthe funnctiion forr thhe nnonllineear connstrrainns.% C(x);Ceqq(x)=ffevaal(nnonllconn,x). BBothh C(x) andd Ceeq(xx) sshouuld be collumnn veectoors.% errrmsgg iss a strringg coontaainiing an errror messsagge iif BBNB fouund an errror in thee innputt.% Z iis tthe scaal

8、arr reesullt oof tthe minnimiizattionn, XX thhe vvaluues of thee acccommpannyinng vvariiablles. % t iis tthe timme eelappsedd whhilee thhe aalgooritthm BNBB haas rrun, c is thee nuumbeer oof BBNB cyccless annd% faiil iis tthe nummberr off unnsollvedd leeaf subb-prrobllemss. % setttinngs is a rrow ve

9、cctorr wiith setttinngs forr BNNB:% setttinngs(1) (sttanddardd 0) iff 1: usse pphasse 11 byy reelaxxatiion. Thhis sommetiimess maakess thhe aalgooritthm% fassterr, bbecaausee phhasee 1 meaans thee allgorrithhm ffirsst ccheccks if theere is a ffeassiblle ssoluutioon% forr a subb-prrobllem befforee tr

10、ryinng tto ffindd a besst ssoluutioon. If theere is no feaasibble sollutiion BNBB% willl nnot tryy too fiind a bbestt sooluttionn.% setttinngs(2) (sttanddardd 0) iff 1: iff thhe ssub-proobleem ddid nott coonveergee doo noot bbrannch. Iff a subb-% proobleem ddid nott coonveergee thhis meaans BNBB diid nnot finnd aa sooluttionn foor iit. Norrmallly BNBB wiill % braanchh thhe pprobblemm soo itt caan ttry agaain to finnd aa sooluttionn.% A ssub-proobleem tthatt iss a leaaf oof tthe braanchh-annd-bbounnd-tthreee ccan nott bee brrancchedd.



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