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1、初中英语导学案(7A Unit6 Food and lifestyle)Welcome to the unit班级: 姓名: 自我评价: 【学习目标】1知识目标:学习词汇:hungry, noon, keep, lemon. beef, sweet, watermelon, chocolate, meat 学习词组:have a hamburger, half past ten, be good for, keep away学会句型:I like/ hate I dont like Do you like ? An apple a day keeps the doctor away. What

2、 about you?2技能目标:学会讨论喜欢与不喜欢的食物,学会如何表达个人爱好。3情感目标:学生能有健康的日常饮食。学习过程【预习指导与检测】 一、预习导航 背景知识:本单元的重点在于介绍年轻人的生活方式。我们可以合理安排饮食结构,以保持健康。均衡的饮食包括吸收多种碳水化合物,如米、谷类和面食,摄入大量的水果和蔬菜,同时还需从肉、鱼、奶酪和大豆中吸取足够的蛋白质和适量的脂肪。一味的节食并不可取,我们需要摄入足够的食物以获得能量去从事自己想要做的事情。阅读材料向我们介绍了食物与运动的关系,如果你是个喜欢运动的人,那么比起那些不怎么运动的人来说,你会需要更多的能量。要点详解1. Its onl

3、y half past ten, Eddie,埃迪,才十点半。句中half past ten意为“十点半”,其中past是介词,意为“过,超过”。Its half past six. Its time to get up.六点半了。该起床了。2.And hamburgers are not good for us.汉堡包对我们没有好处。句中be good for意为“对有好处/有益/有利”,其反义词组是be bad for意为“对有害”。Playing computer games too much is not good for us.电脑游戏玩得太多对我们没有好处。3. An apple

4、a day keeps the doctor away.一天一苹果,不用去诊所。keep 动词,保持,保存,其后常接形容词,表示状态。Please keep quiet.请保持安静。Keep fit, study hard and work well.身体好,学习好,工作好。4. Its good for our health. 它对我们的健康有益。health 名词,健康,卫生,常用词组:be/keep in good health意为“处于/保持良好的健康状态”相当于keep/stay healthy.You should eat more vegetables and less meat

5、 if you want to keep in good health.=You should eat more vegetables and less meat if you want to keep/stay healthy.如果你想要保持健康,你应该多吃蔬菜少吃肉。拓展:healthy 是形容词,意为“健康的,有益健康的”,可位于系动词之后作表语,也可位于名词前作定语。The children look very healthy.孩子们看起来很健康。A healthy diet is good for us.健康的饮食对我们是有好处的。二、预习成果预习P 68P69(一)根据句意,首字母

6、或中文提示完成单词1. Daniel often eats (汉堡包) for lunch.2. Please (保持) the classroom clean.3. Dont eat too much (肉). It is not good for you.4. Rabbits like to eat c .5. Do English people eat a lot of (牛肉)? Yes, they do.(二)用所给词的适当形式填空1. We can buy (potato) in this supermarket.2. Whats your favourite fruit? (to

7、mato).3. Lets (eat) some sweets/4. Dont eat too much (chocolate). It can make you fat.5. Fish is a kind of (health) food.(三)动脑筋思考下列问题钟点表示方法有八种,请写下来。_(四)预学质疑_【课堂导学与互动】任务一:竞赛活动让学生通过抢答的形式复习学生学过的有关食物名称,学习新词,看哪组猜出词义快。任务二:讨论让学生两人一组,将任务一中列举食物种类进行分类。FoodFruitVegetablesMeatDrink任务三:讨论1以师生对话和生生对话的形式讨论喜欢与不喜欢的食

8、物。Ask: What food do you like/ dislike/ hate? Why?2分组讨论学生的一日三餐及其对我们身体的影响。任务四: 练习完成P69 Part A表格。任务五:小组合作1将班级分成两部分,就P69Part B内容进行对话;2两人一组拓展对话,鼓励增加自己的想法。任务六:Comic strip部分1听对话,回答问题。(1) What is Eddie going to have for his lunch?(2)What does Hobo want Eddie to have for lunch? Why?2.表演对话3.根据对话填写空缺的词汇,每空一词It

9、s . Hobo and Eddie are talking about what to eat. Eddie would like to have a . But Hobo thinks hamburgers are not for their health, and that Eddie should have an , because an apple a day the doctor away. Eddie agrees, but he needs Do you think he can eat ten apples for just one meal?【总结提升】本课所学食物名称有哪

10、些 ? 你最喜欢的食物是什么?为什么?_【当堂反馈】一、根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子1. He spends more than an hour (锻炼) every day.2. We must (保持) our classroom clean and tidy.3. You must look after yourself and keep h .4. I think its a quarter (过) nine now.5. Vegetables are good f you.二、单项选择( )1. Would you please give a lemon? Sure.A. IB. m

11、eC. myD. mine( )2. There is red apple in the box.A. aB. anC. theD. /( )3. Whats your favourite fruit? .A. JuiceB. CarrotsC. SweetsD. Lemons( )4. How much would you like to eat?A. beefB. watermelons C. milkD. vegetables( )5. Do you like ? Yes, my favourite.A. banana; itsB. bananas; theyreC. bananas;

12、itsD. banana; theyre三、根据所给汉语补全下列句子1. 鱼是米莉最喜爱的食品。 Fish is .2. 现在是十点半了,让我们吃些点心吧。 Its now. Lets .3. 一天一只苹果,医生远离我。 An apple a day .4. “我喜欢橘子,你呢?”“我最喜欢梨。” I like oranges. you? I like pears .5. 水果对我们的健康有益。 Fruits our .【课后拓展】完形填空 Its a fine day today. Jims family 1 having a picnic(野餐). They put a big cloth(布) on the ground(地面). 2 it are some yellow bananas, red apples, 3 and some white eggs. The woman in the white trousers 4



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